
Chapter 1656 Dark waves are raging, and there are also heavenly scriptures?

Chapter 1656 Dark waves are raging, and there are also heavenly scriptures?
In the small building, there were more than a dozen humanoid monsters kneeling on the ground, their noses and faces were bruised from the beating, and they did not dare to look up at Tong Yan and the three of them.

At this time, Xuan Mo said: "You bastards, do you know who he is? To tell you the truth, he is the leader of your League of Ten Thousand Immortals. Do you really think we are here to trouble you with nothing to do? That's a big mistake. Although the League of Ten Thousand Immortals is not a decent family, it also has its own rules. You are cheating and abducting here, which is discrediting the League of Ten Thousand Immortals. As for how to deal with you, it depends on what your leader wants Bar."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "I didn't want to reveal my identity. I didn't win the battle in Kunshan and Lunshan that day. But do you think I'm really dead? Killing me is not that easy. I was recuperating for a few days, and I wanted to come back and make plans, but unexpectedly, I ran into you black apples. Don't think that no one knows what you did, I let you here to get People's offerings and beliefs are not here to bluff and cheat and collect money everywhere. I don't deal with you now, call me the person in charge here. I will discipline him well!"

Hearing what Xuan Mo and Tong Yan said, these monsters were a little dazed.Of course they knew that there were three leaders in the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but how could a lowly demon like them have a chance to meet the leader.

However, they still choose to believe it. After all, if the person in front of them is not the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but another decent sect, then their lives may be in danger at this moment.

Finally, one of the bald old men with a slightly higher level of knowledge said: "League...Leader, we...we were also confused for a while, and we never discredited our League of Ten Thousand Immortals. This time it is our fault, and please be generous with the leader. Just spare us this time. As for finding our Pavilion Master, I think... I think we should forget it. If our Pavilion Master finds out that we have offended you, then do we still have a way out?"

It is really true that the county and officials are not as good as the current management.They were not so afraid of Tong Yan, the fake leader, but they were very afraid of their mere pavilion leader, which really made people feel helpless.

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "So you mean that you want me to hide this matter for you? Ridiculous, really ridiculous! I am the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Except for the other two leaders, other Who dares to stop my orders? You still want me to take care of you, are you taking the wrong medicine? Immediately summon your pavilion master here, otherwise, I will clean up the door now!"

In the next few words, he deliberately raised the volume, which made these little monsters tremble with fright.

"Leader...Leader calm down, we...we will inform the Pavilion Master right away, please wait here."

Saying that, the bald old man who spoke just now got up immediately, and trotted out of the small building with his back bent.

Tong Yan was too lazy to look at these little demons, so he just sat on the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

After about 10 minutes like this, the bald old man who went to summon the owner of Wanxian Pavilion had already walked into the small building with a middle-aged man.

The bald old man looked at Tong Yan, and immediately said: "Leader, I... I called our Pavilion Master here!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan slowly opened his eyes.

The owner of the pavilion obviously has a thousand years of Taoism, and he is cautious and tactful in dealing with things.

He looked at Tong Yan, and did not call the leader hastily, but said with a smile: "Your Excellency, are you really our third leader? Although the young one is the leader of a pavilion here, he is still the leader of our Ten Thousand Immortals League." People of low status have really never seen you, please don't mind."

Tong Yan didn't know whether what this guy said was true or not, Bao Buqi said that on purpose, just to test him.

He thought for a while, then snorted coldly and said, "I don't know if you've seen me or not. But I know you by face, so I'll tell you my name."

Hearing this, the pavilion master couldn't help but tremble, and hurriedly replied: "My name is Heize, and I am the pavilion master of Pavilion 71. Three alliance masters, do you still have any impression of me?"

Sure enough, what this guy said just now was indeed a temptation, but fortunately Tong Yan was careful, otherwise he would really have tried it out.

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "I've probably met all of you pavilion masters, but you may not have seen my real face. I passed by your territory of Pavilion 71 today, and happened to meet these few My Ten Thousand Immortals League has smeared something on my face. As the pavilion master, you can see how to deal with it."

Hearing this, Pavilion Master Heize looked coldly at those kneeling subordinates, and then shouted loudly: "You group of blind people dare to break ground on Taisui. What should you do if you angered the three lords? Three Leader, from a small point of view, it is better to give them thirty sticks each. I believe that with this lesson, they will definitely have a longer memory in the future."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Thirty sticks? Is it too light? But it's okay, you are the pavilion master here, so I still have to take care of your face. Then thirty sticks!"

Pavilion Master Heize only felt that his face was bright, and he immediately smiled and said, "Thank you, Three Alliance Leaders! Hey, you guys, take the blame yourself. You have been punished in front of the Three Alliance Leaders, and you must not cheat. Remember? ?”

How dare these little monsters not obey after listening to this.Thirty sticks are nothing to them, and if they receive it early, it will be easier for the three leaders to forgive them.

Soon, they were fighting each other like this.Don't look at it's just thirty sticks, it's a stick that penetrates the flesh, it still looks a little shocking.

They were punished, while Pavilion Master Heize set his sights on the Demon Emperor and Xuan Mo.

"Three lords, what do you call these two? Why are you so unfamiliar?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan replied, "These two are friends I have made recently, and their cultivation level is by no means inferior to mine. With their help, we will have a better chance of winning when we compete with the Tiandao League in the future."

Upon hearing this, Pavilion Master Heize nodded and smiled at Yaohuang and Xuan Mo, as a greeting.

Tong Yan still needs to have a better understanding of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals, so he casually asked, "What are you doing in the League recently? Everyone must know about my defeat in Kunshan and Lunshan, right? "

Hearing this, Pavilion Master Heize quickly replied: "Third Alliance Leader, there hasn't been any major movement in the Alliance recently. The First Alliance Leader and the Second Alliance Leader have also sent people to look for your whereabouts, but they all say that you have died in battle. He was buried in Kunlun Mountains. To be honest, I was quite surprised that you came here suddenly today."

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Look around for my whereabouts? If they really search hard, how can they not find me? That's all, let's not mention this matter for now. You said that there is no big news in the alliance recently. Movement? Then what are they doing? Are there no movement from the leader of the alliance and the leader of the second alliance?"

Hearing this, Pavilion Master Heize stepped forward immediately, and then said in a low voice: "Three alliance masters, I heard that the great alliance master is about to break through the mysteries of the heavenly scriptures. And it is very likely that there will be a breakthrough in just two days. Our following People have spread the news, so it is estimated that there will be no falsehood. As for the second alliance leader, it seems that he is looking for something, and only his cronies know exactly what it is."

When Tong Yan heard this, his heart trembled.

"There is actually a heavenly book in the League of Ten Thousand Immortals? Who is the leader of the alliance?"

(End of this chapter)

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