
Chapter 1660 Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, a new powerful enemy!

Chapter 1660 Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, a new powerful enemy!
Being kicked away by Tong Yan, the Demon Bear King suddenly became angry. If he was a little bit reserved before, but now he is full of murderous intent.

But this didn't affect Tong Yan. On the contrary, Tong Yan's cold eyes seemed more terrifying than the angry Bear Demon King.

The Demon Bear King suddenly got up from the ground, then jumped, and rushed towards Tong Yan.

Tong Yan just glanced at it, and performed the transformation again.

When the bear demon king saw the target disappearing suddenly, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous. As soon as his legs fell to the ground, he became cautiously on guard.

It's a pity that compared with Tong Yan, the gap between him and Tong Yan is too big. Tong Yan didn't even use the power of Venus to hold the body, and he already had the absolute upper hand.

Hearing a "slap", although the Bear Demon King was on guard, he still couldn't avoid being slapped.

Tong Yan used teleportation to change positions, and suddenly appeared on his side, and he couldn't help him to react, and the slap was already slapped.

If the previous kick was just an accident, then this slap is a display of strength.

Although the bear demon king was rough and thick, he was kicked and slapped again, which not only disgraced him, but also made him go crazy.

But the more crazy he was, the less he could catch Tong Yan's figure, and he could only be furious by himself.

"Stinky boy, if you have the guts to show up to confront me head-on and play tricks behind your back, what kind of a hero is that?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan really appeared in front of him, then chuckled and said, "Why? You can't even capture my figure, do you think you still have a chance to win against me? I advise you, kneel down now Beg for mercy, maybe I will show kindness and spare your life. If not, your time of death will come."

The Demon Bear King said angrily: "Fart, you want me to kneel down and beg for mercy, go ahead and dream. I want to see how long you can hide."

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile, "Hiding? Why should I dodge? To deal with you, the front is enough to kill you."

As soon as the words fell, he directly leaned forward and kicked out again without using a weapon.

Seeing that the bear demon finally had a chance to turn defeat into victory, he naturally would not let it go easily, so he showed his bear claws and slammed it out, intending to defeat Tong Yan with one blow.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Tong Yan's strength.

Since Tong Yan dared to confront him head-on, he naturally had something to rely on.Tong Yan's kick was not an ordinary kick, the entire foot was covered by the power of the stars, which was the magical effect of the supernatural power "Star Break".

His feet are harder than black iron now, and they are full of strength. If the bear demon king wants to meet him with bear claws, he can already imagine what will happen.

There was only a "click" sound, followed by a scream from the bear demon king's mouth.

The Bear Demon King's bear claws slapped Tong Yan's kicked feet hard, but with this blow, the powerful counter-shock force easily shook his bear claws away, and broke his arm bone along the way.

Tong Yan used the most direct method to win this duel, completely suppressing it one-sidedly, which made the Demon Bear King fearful.At this moment, the Bear Demon King screamed again and again, and he no longer had the prestige before. Now there may be only one thought in his mind, and that is to escape.

Is it just that Tong Yan will give him this chance?Obviously not!
Seeing that the Bear Demon King swayed, he was about to escape from the stairs.

The corners of Tong Yan's mouth curled up slightly, and then he showed the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and threw the pestle straight out.

Hearing a scream of "嗤", the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle directly smashed the head of the Bear Demon King. After the latter screamed, his body shook a few times, and fell heavily to the ground with a "plop", dying.

Of course, as a demon, he naturally wouldn't die easily.Although the physical body was destroyed, the primordial spirit of the bear demon still tried to escape.But it's a pity that Tong Yan has already said that he will kill him, so he won't stop easily.

Almost at the moment when the bear demon king's primordial spirit rushed out of his body, Tong Yan's five-finger sword had already struck out.

With the sound of "Pu Chi", the primordial spirit of the bear demon king was shattered immediately, and the bear demon king who was still arrogant and domineering just now had completely lost his soul.

The Tiger Demon King and Kurosawa who witnessed this scene with their own eyes were all dumbfounded.

They knew the strength of the Bear Demon King very well, but such a powerful Bear Demon King was brutally killed by one side.What kind of strength does it take to be able to do this?

The Tiger Demon King is now secretly rejoicing, if he had listened to the Bear Demon King just now and joined the team to deal with the young man in front of him, then he would have ended up like the Bear Demon King at this moment.

Tong Yan recalled the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle with one hand, then turned to look at Kuisawa and said, "Kisawa, are you okay? Are your injuries okay?"

Hearing Tong Yan's concern, Hei Ze hurriedly replied: "Three... three lords, I'm fine, it's just some skin trauma, nothing serious."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled and nodded.Then he turned around and looked at the Tiger Demon King, and then smiled slightly: "You are a smart person, now, do you still doubt my identity?"

Hearing Tong Yan's question, the Tiger Demon King hurriedly knelt on one knee and said, "This subordinate doesn't know the true identity of the three lords. I was so rude just now, and I ask the three lords to forgive me."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "You believe that I am the leader of the three alliances now? Don't you doubt it anymore?"

The Tiger Demon King immediately replied: "No, the three lords are super powerful, we will naturally know that, and we will never dare to doubt it again. Please spare the subordinates."

There is no need for Tong Yan to start killing now, after all, he still wants to know more about the League of Ten Thousand Immortals, and he wants to meet the leader of the alliance even more.So for the Tiger Demon King, he decided to make an exception and not kill him for the time being.

"It's okay, take me to see the leader of the alliance. If I'm not wrong, he should have entered the heavenly book, right?"

Hearing this, the Tiger Demon King immediately replied: "That's right, the leader of the alliance has made a breakthrough in the past few days. The thunder fell just now, it should be that the leader of the alliance has accomplished his magic. Three leaders, I will take you there."

Tong Yan nodded and said nothing more.

I can finally meet the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, and the next step may be the real test.

Tong Yan is naturally fearless, but he is still somewhat nervous, after all, no one who can break through the Heavenly Book is strong enough.Like the Demon Emperor, like Situ Yuxin.

The Tiger Demon King had already got up from the ground, and was the first to walk towards the third floor.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately raised his legs to follow.Kurosawa saw that they were all going upstairs, and although the pain was unbearable, he followed.

Walking on the stairs, Tong Yan's every step was a bit heavy.He was a little bit looking forward to it, but also a little bit worried, who is the master of the majestic Ten Thousand Immortals League?

After a few steps, they finally climbed up to the third floor smoothly.

And the moment they entered the third floor, Tong Yan felt the powerful domain force attacking him.

A new powerful enemy has finally appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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