
Chapter 1661 So it was him, whose proposal?

Chapter 1661 So it was him, whose proposal?
Facing the invasion of domain power, Tong Yan had no choice but to unleash his Venus power.His power of Venus is the Five Elements Domain. Although to some extent, it is still some distance away from the real Five Elements Domain, it is barely within the category of Domain Power.

Confronting the power of the domain with the power of the domain is his best choice at present.

Fortunately, his domain power did not lose out in this contest. After a moment of stalemate with the sudden domain power, the opponent retreated first.

Now that the other party has withdrawn the power of the domain, he naturally has no need to continue to use it, and then he also withdraws his own power of Venus.

This has just arrived at the third floor of the "Immortal King Palace", and unexpectedly the contest has already begun.

Tong Yan looked coldly at the direction where the power of the domain came, and a screen just blocked his sight.

It can be vaguely seen that there is a person sitting behind the screen, no need to guess, the power of the domain that suddenly hit just now came from this person.

Before Tong Yan could open his mouth, the Tiger Demon King who had led the way here said first, "Master, we have come here specially to congratulate you, and wish you great success!"

The Tiger Demon King has already said so, it is very clear who is behind the screen.This should be the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, and he is also an extremely difficult master.

As soon as the Tiger Demon King's words fell, the leader behind the screen replied, "I'm already very satisfied if you have this kind of heart. You don't need to congratulate me, I still have to retreat for a few days."

Hearing this, the Tiger Demon King turned his head to look at Tong Yan and said, "Three lords, do you think we should go out first?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly, and then said to the leader behind the screen: "Master, you didn't even ask who came, why did you issue an order to expel the guests? This is not the way to treat guests!"

Hearing this, the leader of the alliance chuckled and said, "Master three, I knew it was you who came back. Do we still need to be so polite between us brothers?"

The words of the leader of the alliance surprised Tong Yan, but on the surface he said with a smile: "Master of the alliance, since you know that I have returned, we must meet each other! Don't you ask me how I live? Come down? How did you get here?"

The leader of the alliance said confidently: "Everything is in my hexagram, what else do you need to ask? Leader of the third alliance, you will not forget my ability, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought to himself, "The hexagram image? It seems that this guy is proficient in divination, but how many people in the world have used the divination technique to the extreme? Could it be... is it him?"

He already had speculations in his mind, but in order to verify what he thought, he had to see the true face of the great alliance leader.

Without much hesitation, he immediately raised his legs and walked forward, and said while walking: "Master, I still have something to say to you. How can you be so repulsive? Besides, I just came back, you have nothing to say to me?"

After these few steps, he was less than ten steps away from the screen.

Perhaps sensing that he was approaching, the leader of the alliance finally let go and said, "Alright, since the leader of the third alliance has something to say to me, I will give you some time and talk about my future plans by the way."

As soon as the words fell, the screen was slowly moved aside as if being blown by the wind.

Tong Yan looked carefully, and finally he saw the appearance of the leader of the alliance.Just after seeing it, he was somewhat surprised and surprised.This is indeed the same person as the one he guessed, but there are still some differences between guessing and seeing, at least there is a big difference in reaction.

Looking at the elegant middle-aged man sitting behind the screen, Tong Yan's expression was a little stiff, but he soon returned to normal.

"Pavilion Master Nangong, it seems that you have already comprehended the mystery of the Heavenly Book, so your strength must not be what it used to be?"

Nangong Pavilion Master?That's right, the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League is none other than Nangong Yun, the leader of the Qilin Pavilion.

Where did his scriptures come from?That day, there was a volume of Heavenly Book, half of which was finally obtained by Tong Yan, and the other half fell into the hands of Nangong Yun.

Unexpectedly, after just a few years, Nangong Yun understood the mysteries of the Heavenly Book. In this regard, he is indeed smarter than Tong Yan.It's just that even if Nangong Yun has the heavenly book in his hand, he can't collude with Kunpeng to jointly create the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance?What is the purpose of this guy?Could it be that his previous repentance in the Longyang Mausoleum was all fake?
Facing Tong Yan's inquiry, Nangong Yun smiled slightly and said, "Three lords, haven't I already told you all? Don't call me Pavilion Master Nangong anymore. I am only the lord of the Ten Thousand Immortals League now, and I am no longer the leader of the small island in the East China Sea. As for the heavenly book, yes, I did understand something. It’s a pity that I only have half a volume. If I have the whole volume of the heavenly book in my hand, it will be very different. It is enough for me to run rampant in the entire human world. Even if I meet Situ Yuxin, I am confident that I will not lose to him."

Obviously, Nangong Yun said this on purpose.On par with Situ Yuxin, this guy's strength has really improved a lot.

Tong Yan originally planned to eradicate the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but judging from the current situation, he must be smarter and must not be reckless.

"Congratulations to the leader of the alliance. You have achieved such a comprehension in a short period of time. It is really No. 1 in the past and present. Even Situ Yuxin may not be as good as you."

Hearing this, Nangong Yun laughed and said, "No! Although I have understood something, I have spent a lot of effort and racked my brains. It's you, the leader of the three alliances. I haven't seen you for a few days. Your breath Why is it completely different? If I didn't notice the mistake just now, what you used before was the power of the Five Elements domain? If you can obtain the power of the domain, I'm afraid your strength will not be weaker than mine, right?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "The leader of the alliance is really humble. Compared with you, I really have a big gap. Otherwise, how can you be the leader of the alliance, and I am only the leader of the third alliance? Well, let's not mention this. I I just want to know, what do you plan to do next?"

Nangong Yun laughed and said, "How do we plan? Didn't we discuss it a long time ago? Now that the Heavenly Dao League is strong, there is no need to confront them head-on. The first thing we need to do is join forces with the Heavenly Realm. Why? You forgot?"

Join forces with the heavens?This really surprised Tong Yan.You must know that Kunpeng and the heavens are in the same situation, even Tong Yan's own avatar is incompatible with the heavens.How could they make such a decision?Is there any secret in it?

Tong Yan thought for a while, then smiled slightly: "Of course I won't forget, but I feel that one moment and another moment. Your cultivation has improved so much now, do we still need to join hands with the heavens?"

Upon hearing this, Nangong Yun immediately smiled strangely and said, "Three lords, it seems that you have indeed changed a lot during this trip. Have you forgotten that it was you who proposed to join forces with that great god in the heavens?"

(End of this chapter)

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