
Chapter 1666 A cloud of fog, out of reach!

Chapter 1666 A cloud of fog, out of reach!

Hearing what Wuming said, Tong Yan suddenly fell silent.He suddenly understood what the black beauty had said to him before. It seemed that this was no secret, and there were still many people who knew about it.

Thinking about it now, he felt so ridiculous.He originally thought that he could protect this world, but now, he has become a chess piece that causes chaos in the Three Realms.

He didn't know what the meaning of his existence was, and he even began to think about whether he should die.

Recalling that the heavens have been chasing him endlessly, perhaps it is because of his special status.Heaven wanted to get rid of him because it didn't want Chi You to be reborn in his body.As long as Chi You cannot be reborn, the Three Realms can remain the same.

If you think about it this way, it becomes a matter of course for Tianjie to chase and kill him, and it seems that Tianjie's hatred for him is not without reason.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, for a while it seemed that he had no direction or motivation to move forward.

Looking at the sluggish Tong Yan, Wuming sighed softly: "Little friend, are you okay? Sometimes the truth is so cruel, if you can't bear it, then try to forget all of this as much as possible. Why bother with mediocrity?"

What Wuming said is actually quite right. The truth is often cruel, but once you know the truth, how can you forget it?

This truth really hit Tong Yan hard. A person like him who has experienced many battles seems to be about to be crushed.

He was silent, thinking nonstop in his mind.He used to be so smug, but now he is depressed to the extreme.

Finally, he still spoke. "Senior, thank you for telling me this. Go back and rest first, I want to think about it alone."

Hearing this, Wuming nodded and said, "Alright, you are the only one who can help you regain your confidence. As long as you figure it out, you don't have anything to worry about. The old man will leave first. Do you have any questions?" , you go back and send someone to inform the old man."

Tong Yan nodded lightly and didn't say anything more.

Wuming stood up and left the hall immediately, only Tong Yan was left in a daze.

He was silent like this for a full three hours, then slowly stood up, and then staggered towards his bedroom.He is a little tired, this kind of tiredness does not come from the body, but from the spirit.

He wanted to have a good sleep, maybe when he fell asleep, all his troubles would disappear.

Back in the bedroom, he closed the door and fell on the bed.

Closing his eyes, he tried to make himself fall asleep earlier, but the more he did this, the more he couldn't fall asleep.

He lay down like this for a long time, finally remembered something, and then took out his treasure ball, and released the nine-tailed fox Tan Yu inside.

He hasn't seen the Nine-Tailed Fox Tan Yu these few days, and now that he has nothing to do, he might as well cherish the time he spends with Tan Yu.

However, to his surprise, the nine-tailed fox transformed by Tan Yu seemed to have gotten fatter after only seeing him for a few days.

He was very puzzled, and quickly hugged Tan Yu in his arms.The difference from before was that this time Tan Yu was very quiet in his arms, neither scratching him with his claws nor biting him with his mouth.

Looking at the well-behaved Tan Yu, he suddenly felt sad for some reason, and then his eyes became so moist.

"Yu'er, I'm sorry, I made you suffer. I want to give you happiness, but now I don't know when I will disappear. I may really have to break my promise, I can't be with you I can't protect you from the wind and rain for a lifetime. Too many things have happened recently, and I can't bear it anymore. I don't even know that I should wait for that hateful Chi You to completely occupy my body. Or kill myself before he awakens. I'm not afraid of death, but I can't just die like this. I still have a lot of things to do, and I don't want to leave regrets for myself. Yu'er, you are the person who understands me best, can you Tell me, what should I do?"

How much he expected Tan Yu to give him a response, but unfortunately, Tan Yu just lay in his arms, neither saying nor doing anything.

Just hugging Nine-Tailed Fox Tan Yu like this, he suddenly relaxed a little, then closed his eyes, and fell asleep just like that.

"Tong Yan, what's wrong with you? Why don't you look at me? Don't you want to see me? Tong Yan?"

At some point, Tong Yan suddenly heard that extremely familiar voice, and then slowly opened his eyes.

However, to his surprise, what he saw was not the bedroom where he was resting, but a hazy world.

He just stood on top of the clouds and mist, the scene in front of him was covered by the clouds and mist, and he could only faintly see a graceful body.

"Yu... Yu'er? Yu'er! Is that you? Is it really you?"

Although the two were covered by the clouds, the familiar voice quickly responded.

"Fool, of course it's me! Tell me, do you miss me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt extremely sad, and then said with sadness and guilt: "I think, I miss you so much! Yu'er, are you okay? Why don't you stay by my side, you know I... I How lonely is it?"

Tan Yu's voice did not respond directly, but after a short silence for a few seconds, it sounded again.

"Why don't I want to be by your side? It's just that I can't get close to you, and I can't get out of this fog. Tong Yan, I'm trapped here. I've tried countless times, but I still can't find the exit .Can you take me out? Can you take me home?"

go home?Yes, home is where there is love.Tong Yan and Tan Yu love each other deeply, and the place where they are together is their home.

At this moment, Tong Yan suddenly had the will to fight, and he said firmly, "Yu'er, don't worry, I will definitely take you out, and I will definitely take you home."

As he said so, he pushed forward.Yes, he did move forward, but he failed to close the distance between himself and Tan Yu.There was always a cloud and mist between them, as he moved forward, Tan Yu's figure turned backwards.They are like two parallel lines, no matter how hard they try, they cannot get closer to each other.

"Why is this happening? Why can't I get close to you? Yu'er, do you know what's going on?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu said sadly: "We are separated by this fog. If you can't understand the mystery of this fog, you can't get close to me. This is not only the barrier between us, but also your bottleneck. "

bottleneck?Hearing these two words, Tong Yan suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked again: "Yu'er, you say this is my bottleneck? Could it be the bottleneck of my cultivation?"

Tan Yu sighed softly and said, "I don't know if this is the case, but if you can understand what this fog is, you will be able to break through the fog and rescue me. Tong Yan, you will definitely rescue me. Is it right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said decisively: "Yu'er, don't worry, I will definitely rescue you. No matter how much the price is, I will definitely rescue you."

(End of this chapter)

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