
Chapter 1667 Regain your fighting spirit and concentrate on training!

Chapter 1667 Regain your fighting spirit and concentrate on training!
Tong Yan really wanted to chat with Tan Yu for a while, even for a few more seconds, but his vision had gradually blurred, and his mind was becoming more and more heavy.In the end, he still couldn't hold on, and just fell into a coma again.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly woke up from his lethargy, and the first thing he saw was Qing Ming's anxious face.

"Little Tong, you finally woke up. I thought something happened to you again! What's going on, why did you sleep for so long? It's been three days!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan himself was surprised.Actually slept for three days?He didn't feel anything at all.

He struggled to sit up, and then asked, "Brother Qing, did I really sleep for so long?"

Qing Ming curled her lips and said: "What do you think, otherwise why would I be so worried? You haven't said anything yet, are you okay? You wouldn't have slept for so long for no reason, would you?"

After Tong Yan heard this, he began to recall the things in his sleep.After thinking for a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, and said excitedly to Qingming: "Brother Qing, do you know who I dreamed about? I dreamed about Yu'er! It's just...but I can't be with her." We meet, there is a layer of mist between us, I can't get close to her no matter what. Brother Qing, I want to save her, I want to save her."

Maybe it was because he just woke up, Tong Yan's mood was obviously a little depressed.

Looking at Tong Yan, Qing Ming felt very uncomfortable, after all, he was his younger brother, so why didn't he want to help?It's just that there is nothing he can do to help, some things can only be relied on by Tong Yan himself.

He reached out and patted Tong Yan's shoulder, and then comforted: "Xiao Tong, it's a good thing that you can see her. At least you know that Miss Yu'er is waiting for you to rescue her. Don't be discouraged, and don't worry. You are so Smart, you will definitely find a way to save her. What you have to do now is to cheer yourself up and keep yourself awake. If you are so depressed and depressed, how can you save Yu'er? Don't worry, lovers will eventually come Dependents. I believe that you and Yu'er will be reunited sooner or later. Are you right?"

At this time, Tong Yan really needed the care and comfort of others. Qing Ming's words were like sending charcoal in the snow, not only warming Tong Yan's heart that was about to become cold, but also allowing him to re-clarify the direction of his way forward.

He gradually calmed down, and then recalled what he saw in the dream.Suddenly, a bold guess appeared in his mind.

"Brother Qing, are you saying that the mist that separates Yu'er and me is the air of chaos? Yu'er said that I can't get close to her if I can't understand the mystery of this mist. This is not only between us The estrangement is even more my bottleneck. If this is the case, will I be able to see Yu'er if I reach the level of Brother Yaohuang or Situ Yuxin? I can bring her back?"

Of course Qing Ming doesn't know this, but he knows that at this time, he needs unconditional support and encouragement for Tong Yan.

"Little boy, I think what you said makes sense. The fog may be your bottleneck. As long as you improve your cultivation, break through the realm of the immortals in one fell swoop, or reach the level of Brother Yaohuang and the others, maybe you can really be with Yu Huang." The girls are reunited. Little boy, work harder, you can definitely do it."

Tong Yan nodded heavily and said, "Yes, I can definitely do it. No matter how long I can live, I must rescue Yu'er before I completely disappear."

As soon as this remark came out, Qing Ming couldn't help frowning, and immediately asked: "Little boy, what are you talking about? How long did you live? What disappeared completely? Are you talking nonsense?"

Tong Yan didn't want to tell Qing Ming that he was Chi You's body, so he hurriedly argued: "Brother Qing, I was talking nonsense just now. Isn't the heavens always troubling me? That's why I just talked nonsense. Don't worry , I won’t talk nonsense in the future.”

Hearing his explanation, Qingming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Just talking nonsense, I thought you had something to hide from me. By the way, you've been in a coma for so long, are you hungry? Should I give it to you?" Are you ready for something to eat?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "I'm not hungry, so you don't have to worry about me. I think I'll practice for a while. It can wake me up better than eating."

Hearing this, Qing Ming said critically: "If you don't eat, doesn't she eat too? You see, she has been staring at me."

Hearing what Qingming said, Tong Yan hurriedly looked aside, only to find that the nine-tailed fox transformed by Tan Yu was lying there, staring at Qingming with dull eyes.

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly, he even forgot that he was holding the Nine-Tailed Fox before falling asleep.He really doesn't need to eat, but Nine-Tailed Fox is different, three meals a day are too little, not to mention being hungry with him for three whole days?

"Brother Qing, I was indeed negligent, so please prepare something to eat. I guess Yu'er is hungry."

Qing Ming nodded with a smile and said: "I knew it, that's all right, I'll ask someone to bring it in a while. There are still some things in the alliance that I need to deal with, so I won't accompany you. You should have a good rest and don't fall asleep again. gone."

Tong Yan laughed and said, "Don't worry, I promise I won't sleep for so long this time."

Qing Ming didn't say anything more, turned around and walked out of the room.

Looking at Qing Ming's back, Tong Yan showed a warm smile.With loved ones and relatives, this kind of life is what he yearns for.Chi You's body, what will disappear completely, these can no longer bring him any pressure.

He must live well and never let Chi You resurrect in his body.

For this, he has to work hard, he has to practice desperately.

The following month, he began a retreat.

For such a long time, he has been troubled by various things. Although his cultivation base has also improved, there is still a big gap between Yaohuang, Situ Yuxin and even Nangong Yun.

Even though he can fight against such a master now, the gap still exists, and only by recognizing the gap can a person have room for advancement and work hard for it.

I don't know if it's because of taking the clone's soul into his body that his spiritual power has improved a lot compared to before.And if he calms down, his insight into the surroundings will be clearer and clearer.

How to quickly improve cultivation base?He knew that it was only self-deception to push the seedlings to encourage growth, but cultivation and comprehension of the heavenly scriptures could go hand in hand.

During cultivation, rely on contemplation to speculate on the mysteries of the heavenly scriptures, so as not to delay the two.

A person with Nangong Yun's cultivation level can jump into the ranks of first-class masters by relying on the heavenly scriptures, so why can't he?

Facts have proved that as long as people are motivated and willing to give everything for it, they will eventually gain something.

Although it was only a short month, within this month, Tong Yan's cultivation had already reached the peak of the Immortal Realm. As long as he could break through the bottleneck, he could step into the Celestial Realm in one step.

Not only that, but he also unexpectedly comprehended a supernatural power.He named this supernatural power Huan!

What is the supernatural power?

(End of this chapter)

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