
Chapter 1673 Embarrassed on all sides, the situation is critical!

Chapter 1673 Besieged on all sides, the situation is critical!
The first three thunderstorms did not cause much trauma to Tong Yan, and even the immortal power in his body was only consumed a little, but this does not mean that he can survive the catastrophe safely.Because the next few thunderstorms will only become stronger and stronger, so if there is a little underestimation, it is likely to cause unpredictable consequences.

Tong Yan, who has experience in the transitional catastrophe, naturally knows this well.So, taking advantage of the rapid condensing of the fourth heavenly thunder, he quickly absorbed the aura around him, trying to replenish the immortal power he had consumed as much as possible.

Less than ten seconds later, the clouds in the sky had condensed the fourth thunder, and with a loud "click", the fourth thunder finally descended.

This fourth heavenly thunder is obviously different from the first three heavenly thunders. First of all, in terms of color, this fourth heavenly thunder is brown. Although it is not big in size, it looks like a sharp sword stained with blood. The valley where Tong Yan is located shoots away; secondly, the fourth thunder seems to have ripples, and when it falls, it brings a long tail to the sky, very like a meteor passing by, or an arrow piercing. null.

In short, no matter how you look at it, this fourth thunder is not trivial. As for its power, maybe only Tong Yan can know it.

At the same time as the fourth thunder fell, Tong Yan had already held the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and the Blue Soul Sword in his hands.He had obviously sensed that the thunder that was about to fall would pose a great threat to him.The use of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is naturally to minimize the power of the sky thunder, while the use of the Blue Soul Sword is for self-protection.

The Blue Soul Sword can change its shape at will. It looks like a sword now, but later it will become a shield, which is used to resist the fourth heavenly thunder.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the fourth heavenly thunder roared.

Tong Yan didn't hesitate at all, Ji Zangpo's first form of destroying demons and subduing demons immediately took action.

An extremely powerful force was condensed on the Vajra Falling Demon Pestle, and it met the thunder that fell from the sky head-on.

Only a loud "boom" was heard. Although the vajra subduing pestle broke through the fourth layer of sky thunder, the sky thunder was like a living thing. Yan launched an attack.

Of course, Tong Yan didn't expect the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to completely block the fourth thunder, so when the thunder changed its direction, he immediately changed the shape of the blue soul sword and turned it into a shield in front of him.

The lightning struck and hit the shield in front of him firmly.

The powerful impact not only made his arms numb, but also knocked him to the ground, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

Fortunately, the fifth thunderstorm did not fall so quickly, otherwise he would have suffered disaster.

After struggling for a long time, he finally got up from the ground. The clothes on his body had been burned badly by the electric fire, and his body was also black and blue.

He took a deep breath, and then laughed at himself: "Sure enough, it looks like it wants my life. But how could I be defeated so easily by you? No matter how many people want to put me to death, today's I must carry through the catastrophe.”

Having said that, he raised his head abruptly, regardless of the injuries on his body, and looked firmly at the sky with his eyes.

It's just that the trauma caused by the fourth heavenly thunder was greater than the total trauma caused by the previous three heavenly thunders, and it also consumed as much as [-]% of the immortal power in his body.Although he carried it over smoothly, if the situation continues as it is, the possibility of him getting through the Nine Layers of Heavenly Thunder is already very slim.

Fortunately, he is full of fighting spirit, as long as he does not give up, hope still exists.

There was another thunderbolt, and the fifth thunderbolt fell from the sky.

At the same time, the army of the Ten Thousand Immortals League had already besieged from all directions.Fortunately, Qingming and the others had already taken precautions, so just as the Ten Thousand Immortals League's army showed up, they were resisted by all the sects of the Heavenly Dao League, and the battle was imminent.

Although the number of disciples sent by the Ten Thousand Immortals League this time was only a few thousand, their fighting strength was not weak. The two sides fought in a group, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while.

The main force, Yaohuang and Qingming, did not go into battle in person, they knew how heavy the burden was on them.They serve as the last barrier, and they must stick to their positions as a last resort.

Now they just hope that no other enemies will appear, otherwise, even if they try their best, they may not be able to protect Tong Yan.

But contrary to expectations, new enemies have emerged.

I saw a few rays of light suddenly shooting down from the side of the cloud, changing direction and flying towards the valley where Tong Yan was.

Fortunately, the Demon King and the others reacted quickly enough, before the rays of light approached the valley, they went to stop them in time.

Perhaps Qingming and the others were not that fast, but Yaohuang's speed did not disappoint.

He really rushed to the front of those beams of light one step ahead, and flashed his Overlord Spear, directly blocking the path of those beams of light.

"Who is coming? Sign up to come!"

A high-pitched voice sounded, and he was like a majestic God of War, which was not to be underestimated.

After such a short time, several rays of light have appeared. They are five weird people with the same appearance but different hair and armor colors.

Why do you say they are weirdos?They have long noses, big mouths, straight hair, and pointed ears. This appearance is definitely worthy of the word "weird".

Blocked by the demon emperor, the five weirdos glanced at each other, and one of the blond weirdos immediately said, "We are the five-element generals of the heavens, what should we do for blocking our way?"

Hearing their self-reporting, a cold smile appeared on the Yaohuang's face.

"Who am I? It turns out that I am a general from the heavens. What are you doing here? Don't you know someone is going through a catastrophe here? Could it be that you still want to stop it?"

The Demon Emperor was straightforward, without any hindrance at all.

Hearing this, the blond weirdo snorted coldly and said: "We are here just for this matter, no matter who you are, you will retreat now. If you dare to make trouble, you will not be forgiven lightly."

The Demon Emperor shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since I'm here, I won't let you pass easily. But you, knowing that there are people who will cross the catastrophe, come here to make trouble. Is this what your gods should do? I advise you to hurry up." Quickly return to the heavens, otherwise, this is where your bones will be buried."

After all, the Demon Emperor still uttered cruel words, but his cruel words did not have any impact on the five generals.

On the contrary, the five guys laughed out loud after hearing this.

They laughed so much that they immediately angered the mighty Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor pointed the Overlord Spear in his hand forward, and then said fiercely: "Get out of here immediately, or you will die."

The five god generals also saw the demon emperor's intentions, so they simply stopped talking, and the five looked at each other, and with a movement of their bodies, they surrounded the demon emperor like this.

And just when the Demon Emperor was fighting five against one, what he never expected was that the villain Situ Yuxin suddenly appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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