
Chapter 1674 How to survive a seriously injured body?

Chapter 1674 How to survive a seriously injured body?
The appearance of Situ Yuxin was extremely sudden, not to mention that the Demon Emperor, who was fighting one against five, didn't notice it, nor did Qing Ming and others who came all the way.

However, he just appeared here, but was noticed by Tong Yan who was in the process of crossing the catastrophe.At this time, Tong Yan had just survived the fifth thunderstorm, and his body was already covered in cuts and bruises.

Situ Yuxin's sudden appearance did not surprise Tong Yan, on the contrary, all possible situations were actually under Tong Yan's consideration.If it is a little bit unexpected, it is that Situ Yuxin showed up a little early. He thought that Situ Yuxin would arrive before the ninth thunder, because at that time, he might not have the ability to fight. Situ Yuxin If you want to add insult to injury, it is naturally easier to succeed.

Looking at Situ Yuxin who couldn't wait to show up, Tong Yan showed disdain on his pale face.

"You villain, you're finally here. What's the matter? Do you want to kill me on the spot while I'm badly wounded in the day I'm over the catastrophe?"

Hearing this, Situ Yuxin laughed and said: "Skywalker, you are really smart, yes, I am here today to avenge you that day. You destroyed my holy gate, how can I say that?" Can you swallow it?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled contemptuously and said, "Since that's the case, you can do it now. I'm injured all over now, it's a good time for you to do it. Let the horse come over!"

Tong Yan's expression was so relaxed, but Situ Yuxin suddenly became a little nervous.

It stands to reason that at this time, Tong Yan should have a look of astonishment, but Tong Yan's reaction seemed to be confident, which made Situ Yuxin unavoidably suspicious.

He hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Tong Yan, you are so courageous, let alone whether I make a move now, even if I don't, do you think the next few thunderstorms will spare you?" ? Don’t think you survived the first few thunderstorms, but the next three thunderstorms, no matter which one will kill you. Do you want me to be buried with you? Go dream! I’ll just watch, Let me see how you survive the next few thunderstorms."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "What? Don't you dare to take action now? If you dare not, then get out of the way. But don't accidentally touch the thunder. You should understand what the consequences will be."

Situ Yuxin said coldly: "Don't worry, I won't disturb you to cross the catastrophe. I want to watch you be swallowed by the thunder with my own eyes, and I want to watch you turn into scorched earth. Haha..."

Tong Yan was just about to say a few more words, but unexpectedly the sixth thunder came crashing down.

He didn't have time to pay attention to Situ Yuxin who was gloating at the side, but put all his attention on Tianlei.He knew in his heart that Situ Yuxin would definitely not dare to step forward now.Regardless of his ability to defeat Situ Yuxin now, not everyone can get close to this thunder.

How could Situ Yuxin make a rash move before he was [-]% sure?
Everything is as he judged.Seeing the sixth thunderstorm falling, Situ Yuxin immediately backed away, retreating a full kilometer before stopping.

Although Situ Yuxin's cultivation is against the sky, but the heavenly thunder contains the power of punishment from heaven, how can anyone provoke it?
Seeing Tianlei getting closer and closer, Tong Yan no longer retreated as before. This time, he decided to defend completely.

Since it is necessary to defend, it is natural to use various defensive magical powers.Fortunately, he has a lot of defensive supernatural powers, plus he has a magic weapon to protect his body, so it is not impossible to fight this thunder with all his strength.

I saw that just as he was protecting himself tightly, the sky thunder had already arrived on top of his head.In order to avoid being critical, he simply used the transformation technique, directly turning himself into a ball.In this way, he can avoid severe damage to his vitals to the greatest extent.

There was only a loud "boom", and the sixth thunder struck Tong Yan firmly like a giant hammer.

Although Tong Yan was fully prepared for defense, under the giant hammer, he still smashed him deeply into the soil.The lightning raged around his body for a while, and then slowly became invisible until it disappeared without a trace.

The lightning disappeared, and when he looked carefully, a deep pit had appeared where Tong Yan was just now.The deep pit is full of scorched earth, only one black meat ball is still firm.

This dark fleshy ball is Tong Yan. Although he relies on the transformation technique, various body protection magical powers and a few magic weapons to help him, he is still seriously injured now.

He had to admit that in front of heaven, anyone and other living beings were so humble.He thought he could carry it safely, but now he is seriously injured.

Not only were the muscles all over his body severely burned, but even his bones were fractured and fractured to varying degrees.

Going on like this, not to mention the nine heavenly thunders, the next seventh heavenly thunder would be enough to kill him.

Before the seventh thunderstorm fell, Situ Yuxin, who had been watching all this not far away, immediately came forward.

He lowered his head to look into the big pit where Tong Yan was, and then laughed and said, "Skywalker, it doesn't feel good to be devastated by the thunder, isn't it? Instead of being burned to ashes by the thunder, why don't you end it yourself? As long as you die, the sky will die." Thunder won't come down again, at least you can leave a whole body, can't you? Think about my proposal carefully, I'm doing it for your own good."

Tong Yan reluctantly turned back into a human form, then gritted his teeth and replied: "Evil thief, if you want me to die, you will never see it in your life. Come and kill me now if you have the ability, otherwise, after I pass the tribulation smoothly , will surely tear you to pieces."

When Situ Yuxin heard this, he was about to make a move, but after a second thought, he put down his raised foot again.

"Skywalker, I know what you mean. You want to lie to me. As long as you entangle me, I will bear with you the next thunderstorm. How can you deceive me with your tricks? You Don't worry, I won't be fooled. Hey, a thunderbolt is about to fall, so you should be lucky! Haha..."

Having said that, his figure flickered, and he retreated not far away again.

After driving away Situ Yuxin, Tong Yan hurriedly sat cross-legged. His current physical condition was not far from the end of his strength.If he wanted to survive the next triple thunderstorm, he had to repair his broken body as much as possible and make enough preparations.

According to the previous plan, he thought that he could fight the eighth thunder, but the current situation is obviously much worse.As a result, he had to use his trump card in advance.

Let alone get through the seventh thunderstorm safely, as for the remaining two thunderstorms, maybe they can only resign themselves to their fate.

What kind of backhand did he leave behind?In what form will the last triple thunder, the most dangerous, fall?

(End of this chapter)

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