
Chapter 1677 Domineering, ruthless!

Chapter 1677 Domineering, ruthless!
"If I become unrecognizable, will you still remember my original appearance? If I become bloodthirsty, will you still remember my kindness? Maybe you can't remember it, maybe you still remember it. But what I want to say is that I am still me, but I am no longer silent and depressed. I want to take back everything that belongs to me, I want this day to change color because of me, and I want this place to cross me into a demon!"


The roar became smaller and smaller, and the person in midair also slowly fell.

Everyone watched quietly, and no one dared to make any noise.

Finally, the person wrapped in colorful rays of light floated to the ground, as if the hoarseness just now had passed, leaving only peace.

Qing Ming looked at the person not far away, and asked Xuan Mo in a low voice: "Then... is that the boy?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo hesitated and said: "Maybe, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe it will be clear later!"

Qing Ming nodded, and rubbed his hands vigorously, it can be seen that he is really nervous at the moment.

After about three to two minutes like this, the colorful rays of light on the man's body gradually dimmed, and the person wrapped in the colorful rays of light also revealed his appearance.

It's just... just who is this?
I saw that this person had a handsome face, fair skin like jade, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a straight nose, bright red hair, and extremely muscular body.

It looked like he was about 20 years old, but no matter how you looked at it, he didn't look like a familiar person.

Everyone came forward and looked at him suspiciously.

Before everyone could open their mouths to ask questions, the man unexpectedly spoke up himself.

"What's wrong with everyone? Why are you looking at me like this? You don't know me anymore?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.Indeed, they really don't know the man in front of them, but why is this man's voice so familiar?

Qing Ming looked surprised, and then asked tentatively: "You... are you a boy? Is it really you?"

The red-haired man nodded and said, "Of course it's me, Brother Qing, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the other party's confession, Qing Ming was relieved, but he was still puzzled.

"Little boy, how did you become like this? What's going on?"

This look?Hearing what Qing Ming said, the red-haired man immediately reached out to touch his face.After touching it for a while, he also felt very incredible.

That's right, he is indeed Tong Yan, but he has become a bit unrecognizable.

"Brother Qing, why did I change my appearance? I don't know what's going on? Could it be... Could it be because of Tianlei?"

After hearing this, Qing Ming turned her head to look at the others, hoping that others would give her opinions.

At this moment, Yaohuang suddenly asked: "Brother Tong Yan, do you remember what you said in mid-air just now?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "I don't remember what I said? And how could I be in mid-air? No, I'm clearly in the valley, how could I be here?"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, the Demon Emperor seemed to be sure of one thing.That is, the person who declared war on the sky in mid-air just now and refused to bow his head was not Tong Yan.But if that person is not Tong Yan, then who is it?

What's more, Tong Yan's present appearance has something to do with that person?

It's just that the current occasion is not suitable to say these things, so he just smiled slightly and didn't say anything more.

Seeing this, Qingming laughed and said, "No matter how much it is, since Xiaotong survived the tribulation safely, it is a great event, and nothing else is important. Besides, Xiaotong, don't you know how to change? You can change back to the original Doesn’t it look okay?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and smiled, and was about to use the technique of transformation immediately.

Unexpectedly, the Five Elements General over there rushed forward at this time.

The leading god general even shouted loudly: "Bold and evil, don't think that you can escape punishment by changing your appearance. Today I was ordered to come here to take your life. Do you kill yourself or wait for us to kill you?" Do it?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan didn't bother to use the technique of transformation, so he looked at it coldly.

After confirming that the Five Elements God would be the enemy, an evil smile appeared on his face.

"Are you going to kill me? Then you are my enemy! I don't need to be kind to my enemy at all. Now, you can go to die."

As soon as the words were finished, Tong Yan's figure flashed, and he appeared directly behind the Five Elements General.

The Five Elements Generals didn't expect Tong Yan to make a direct move, but they still reacted immediately after being battle-tested.

The five gods moved at the same time, and immediately surrounded Tong Yanban who had just appeared in a fan shape.

It's just a pity that although Tong Yan is one against five in terms of numbers, he can completely suppress these five generals in terms of strength.

Seeing that he didn't use his magical weapon, he just turned his claws with one hand and quickly grabbed a divine general beside him.Judging by his movements, he is not too fast, so the god general should be able to easily dodge.

However, it was unbelievable that the general could only watch Tong Yan's sharp claws grabbing his chest, his body seemed to be frozen, and he was unable to move at all.

With a scream of "ah", Tong Yan's sharp claws directly penetrated the chest of the general.

The god will open his mouth wide, full of shock and fear, but yes, he has been locked by the god of death, and the only thing waiting for him is death.

Before this god general could completely close his eyes, the other four god generals immediately shot at the same time.

And at this moment, Tong Yan's figure turned suddenly.

The blood flickered, and the other four generals... all had their heads cut off inexplicably.

Maybe these four generals didn't know how they died until they died, Tong Yan's movements were surprisingly fast this time, and they hit the vital point directly.

Just now, the Five Elements God General, who had fought dozens of rounds with the Demon Emperor, was tortured and killed in less than ten seconds, and all of this was thanks to Tong Yan.

"Plop plop plop" several times, and the five god generals all fell to the ground and died.

Tong Yan waved his hand, then smiled triumphantly and said, "Being my enemy, this is what you deserve. Hehe..."

Although his voice was not loud, it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Everyone felt a chill welling up in their hearts, and they all looked at him nervously and fearfully.

The Tong Yan in front of him is no longer the former Tong Yan, he has become bloodthirsty and merciless, he can be gentle one second, and can be bloodthirsty in the next second.

Such childish words are strange and frightening.After possessing extraordinary strength, wouldn't it be the same for anyone who was against him?
While everyone was dumbfounded, Tong Yan showed a warm smile again.

"What's wrong with you all? Are you scared? Don't worry, I will only attack my enemies. As for my friends, I will still be honest. Oh, by the way, I remember that there is another enemy who also Here. Situ Yuxin, should we settle the old score?"

Having said that, he turned around abruptly, and saw Situ Yuxin hiding behind the big tree at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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