
Chapter 1678 Overlord the field, take another servant!

Chapter 1678 Overlord the field, take another servant!
Situ Yuxin, who was not far away, saw Tong Yan's crazy killing just now, but now Tong Yan has locked his eyes on him again. Being stared at by such an evil star like Tong Yan really makes people feel uneasy. Even though his strength is not bad, for some reason, a trace of fear arose in his heart.

Originally, his Wuji domain had no effect on Tong Yan, and now that Tong Yan has successfully crossed the tribulation, he has no chance of winning.

36 It was the best plan to go, and without much hesitation, he turned around and wanted to escape from the place of right and wrong.

Unfortunately, as soon as his body moved, a tall and straight figure stood in front of him.

"Situ Yuxin, where do you want to go?"

Hearing this, Situ Yuxin shuddered all over, and then forced a smile and said: "Since you have passed the tribulation smoothly, I... I won't bother you here. Let me go first, take my leave!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Want to leave? It's not that simple! Didn't you come here just to make trouble? Now that I've successfully passed the tribulation, shouldn't we also make a break?"

Situ Yuxin said in embarrassment: "Stop it? What are we going to do? Skywalker, I'm not your enemy, at most... at most someone you hate. You can't kill me just because you hate me Right? Then what is the difference between you and a demon? Are you right?"

When Tong Yan heard this, he burst out laughing, and then said with great interest: "According to what you said, I should just let you go like this? But how do I know that if I let you go this time, will you be okay in the future?" Will you secretly harm me again? Unless...unless you can reassure me, otherwise, then I can only keep you here forever. "

Situ Yuxin was a little depressed, it should be said that he was very depressed.His cultivation base is so high, how many people in the entire human world can stand shoulder to shoulder with him?But one thing falls one thing, Tong Yan is his nemesis.

His Infinity Domain was the nightmare of many monks, but the skill he was most proud of became meaningless in Tong Yan's place.No matter who it is, it's probably enough to collapse.

At this moment Tong Yan's words have been spoken, if Tong Yan can't be satisfied, I'm afraid he will have to die here today.

After thinking for a while, he finally smiled and said, "Skywalker, I know what you mean. You want to get back the Nether Twins, right? They are on me, and I can give them to you right now. But you It must be guaranteed that I can leave safely, how?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed loudly and said, "The Nether Treasures? That was originally my property, and you used my property to negotiate terms with me? Don't you think it's ridiculous? Well, stop talking nonsense, I think you are serious. I've had enough. Then don't blame me!"

Speaking of this, Tong Yan was about to make a move.

When Situ Yuxin saw it, his face changed drastically: "Wait a minute! You...what do you say? As long as you let me go, I will agree to any conditions!"

Hearing what he said, Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said amazingly: "If you want to die, there is only one possibility."

When Situ Yuxin heard that there was a turning point, he hurriedly asked, "What? What is it?"

Tong Yan raised his head high, and then said domineeringly: "Recognize me as the master!"

When Situ Yuxin heard this, he immediately said angrily: "What did you say? Let me recognize you as the master? Are you trying to humiliate me?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "What? You don't agree? If you don't agree, then you will die!"

Situ Yuxin was completely irritated, he had already forgotten the fear in his heart, and almost instantly displayed the Wuji domain, and showed the death ring.

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled contemptuously and said, "Do you still want to resist? I want to see how many rounds you can last."

Speaking of which, he didn't show his magic weapon, and he walked towards Situ Yuxin step by step.

Situ Yuxin roared, and immediately threw the death ring in his hand, slashing straight at Tong Yan's neck.

Tong Yan acted as if he had never heard of it, and he did not avoid it, but continued to move forward.

Seeing that the death ring was less than ten centimeters away from his neck, he made a sudden move.

Only a sound of "dang" was heard, and the death ring, known as the number one magic weapon in Asura Dao, was... actually blocked by Tong Yan with a finger, and it was directly knocked back tens of meters away.

Seeing this, Situ Yuxin's face turned livid, but he still didn't give up and continued to attack Tong Yan.

The corner of Tong Yan's mouth curled up slightly, and he kicked out without warning.This kick was actually not fast, and Situ Yuxin could see it clearly.

But for some reason, Situ Yuxin just felt as if his body was out of control, and it was difficult to move a little bit, so he could only watch Tong Yan's kick firmly on his chest.

"Pfft", Situ Yuxin couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, then fell back quickly and fell heavily on the ground.

Looking at Situ Yuxin who was lying on the ground, Tong Yan did not continue to shoot, but took two steps forward, lowered his head and smiled, "How is it? Do you still want to try?"

Situ Yuxin spat out the blood in his mouth, and then said with a shocked face: "You...what magical power did you use just now? Could it be... Could it be the power of the domain?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "That's right, it's the power of the domain. This is the domain I obtained after I passed the ninth thunderstorm. I call it Bajue."

"Bajue? What field is this? Did you realize it from the heavenly book?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "I have been concentrating on comprehending the Heavenly Book, but I have found very little gain. Maybe the Heavenly Book is destined to be irrelevant to me, so why should I persist to the end? This overlord domain is not enlightened from the Heavenly Book, but my own. Enlightenment. Although it may not be able to deal with the king of gods, it should be enough to deal with you."

Hearing this, Situ Yuxin felt a little lost, but seemed to understand something.He smiled wryly and said: "I have worked so hard for so long, I thought I would be invincible in the world when I realized the Wuji domain, but I didn't expect that I would still be defeated by you in the end. Time is fate! I am convinced that I lost , From today on, you are my master."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with satisfaction: "You are smart, so I will reluctantly accept you!"

Just waiting for Situ Yuxin to kneel on one knee, he tapped Situ Yuxin's eyebrows with one finger.As the red light flashed alternately from the two of them, the master-servant contract was concluded.

It may not be difficult for Tong Yan to kill Situ Yuxin, but it is not so easy to accept a powerful servant with a higher cultivation level than himself.

Now he looks cruel and bloodthirsty on the outside, but in fact he is still in control of everything in his heart.His goal is to fight against the heavens and recover old debts, but before that, he needs more helpers.

Accepting Situ Yuxin today is a big step ahead of his plan, and the next step is the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

When he has integrated all the power of the human world, it is time for him to attack the heavenly world!
(End of this chapter)

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