
Chapter 1685 Reunion, reunion, strong mountain king!

Chapter 1685 Reunion, reunion, strong mountain king!
Tong Yan was really shocked, he never imagined that the old ancestor and ten mentors he had always cared about were sitting on the chairs in the hall at this moment, not only drinking tea, but also talking and laughing. A little bit of a prisoner?
It seems that the rumors are wrong. The reason why the ancestors and masters are here is not because they were arrested, but because they were invited.

Upon hearing Tong Yan's voice, the ancestors of the Wu family and the ten Skywalkers immediately stood up one after another, and all looked at Tong Yan with tears in their eyes.

Needless to say, the ancestors of the Wu family and Tong Yan have a grandparent-grandchild relationship, and the ten Skywalkers even watched Tong Yan grow up and become a talent with their own eyes, and taught their unique skills to each other.To the ten Skywalkers, Tong Yan is like their own son.Thinking back to when Tong Yan first entered the Valley of the Dead, he was just a child because of his rebirth. After many years, Tong Yan has grown into an indomitable strong man, and all of this is inseparable from the careful cultivation of the ten skywalkers.

Tong Yan regards them as relatives, so why don't they regard Tong Yan as their own?
Now, they are finally reunited.The strong family affection was completely overflowing at this moment, and seeing the old ancestor rushing forward first, before Tong Yan could say anything, he hugged Tong Yan tightly in his arms.

"My dear grandson, I didn't expect to see you again in my lifetime. My ancestors miss you all the time. Seeing that you are intact as before, my ancestors are relieved. It's just a child, why did you change your appearance? I almost I don't recognize you."

Indeed, Tong Yan's appearance has indeed changed, but his voice and heart have not changed.

For real relatives, no matter what they look like, they can be recognized at a glance.This is like the biological parents looking at their own children. Even if the children have grown up and haven't seen them for many years, if they see them, they can still recognize them clearly.

As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water, which cannot be changed no matter what.

Tong Yan also hugged his ancestor tightly, and at some point, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Grandfather, grandson is not filial. I haven't come back to see you for so many years. Please don't blame grandson, grandson. The journey of grandson has been full of ups and downs. God has favored him to live to this day. Grandfather, grandson also I have been thinking of you all the time, and today just happened to be through the opening of the passage between Taishan Yincao and the human world, so I sneaked in. Seeing that the old ancestor is healthy and healthy, my grandson is at ease."

The grandparents and grandchildren were here to reminisce about the old days, and Tong Yan's ten mentors had also stepped forward.

"Little boy, I didn't expect it was really you. You have become a big man. If I saw you next to me, I'm afraid I wouldn't even dare to recognize you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately looked up.When he was in the Valley of the Dead, almost all the ten Skywalkers called him little boy, because when he first went there, his body was just a three or four-year-old child.

Because of his small size, he got this little nickname.

The one who spoke was none other than Zhu Dan, the only woman among the top ten Skywalkers, and the mentor who cared and loved Tong Yan the most.

Zhu Dan is still so beautiful, the years have not left the slightest trace on her face, but at this moment her eyes are a little red, that is the beauty tears shed because of seeing Tong Yan again.

Hearing the ten Skywalkers approaching, the ancestor consciously let go of the Tongyan, so that he could have a good time with the ten mentors.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he and Tong Yan separated, Tong Yan knelt down on his knees in front of the ten Skywalkers and kowtowed three times.

Tong Yan's move stunned the top ten Skywalkers. They just met, and Tong Yan did such a great gift.

"Little boy, what are you doing? Get up quickly!"

Zhu Dan was the first to step forward and was about to help Tong Yan up.

But Tong Yan refused: "Sister, I will be a teacher for a day and a father for the rest of my life. The ten masters taught me supernatural powers and taught me the principles of life, which benefited me a lot. I can't always be filial in front of the masters. I feel guilty." , these three ringing heads, it is my disciple's apology. I hope the ten mentors will forgive me!"

Seeing this, the ten Skywalkers all recovered from the surprise just now, replaced by deep smiles and satisfaction.

After so many years, Tong Yan can still remember their ten masters in his heart. Based on this alone, the ten of them have no desires or desires.

"My dear apprentice, how can the teachers blame you? You can't always be filial in front of us because you shoulder a greater mission. We all understand and support you. Seeing you like this, I'm afraid Xiu Because you have already reached the height we expected. You can still remember that we are useless masters, we are already satisfied. Get up quickly, don't let others laugh at you. You know, you are the last Skywalker !"

Hearing the words of Old Man Leng, the head of the Ten Skywalkers, Tong Yan got up with Zhu Dan's support.

"Master, your cultivation should have improved a lot, right? You taught your disciple the Tai Chi Suction Technique, which was of great help to him. It was precisely because of this Tai Chi Suction Technique that the disciple defeated a strong enemy in a row. It’s all thanks to you, Master. Thank you, disciple!”

The old man Leng smiled triumphantly and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? What can I thank Master for. You are very happy to be a teacher if you can carry forward the supernatural powers you have specially developed for your master. Otherwise, the supernatural powers will be lost."

Hearing this, Zhao Dayan'er on the side immediately joked: "Old man Leng, according to what you said, shouldn't you thank our precious apprentice? Otherwise, your supernatural powers will be useless in your life. Disciple , Do you still remember your Potianquan, which was passed on to your teacher? Did you use it to display its supernatural power and beat all invincible opponents in the world?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly replied: "Master Big Eye, the disciple of Potian Quan you taught is still using it now. This supernatural power becomes more and more powerful as the disciple's cultivation progresses. In the human world, using this Supernatural powers, it can barely be regarded as invincible in the world."

Zhao Dayan'er heard this, and laughed proudly: "Haha... Let me just say, I'm still the most powerful. Disciple, I didn't misunderstand you as a teacher."

Just after Zhao Dayan'er finished speaking, the other masters couldn't wait to ask.

Tong Yan answered one by one, which made the ten Skywalkers laugh and be very happy.

But after all, this is the main hall of the king of Dongkou Mountain, and on his territory, he had to say hello to others.

The old ancestor is the most familiar with the world, so he interrupted: "Several, since my precious grandson is here, do you still have time to catch up? Let's introduce him to His Highness the Mountain King first. We can't make His Highness the Mountain King wait forever." Bar?"

As soon as the ancestor finished speaking, hearty laughter came from the direction of the throne in the hall.

"Old hero Wu, you're joking. The Ten Skywalkers and their disciples have just reunited, so it doesn't matter if we chat for a while longer. What does it matter if I wait a little longer?"

Hearing this sound, Tong Yan looked up.I saw an imposing middle-aged man standing in front of the throne in the main hall. This middle-aged man was wearing a golden robe and a golden crown on his head, and his hands were very imposing behind his back.

No need to guess, this should be the mountain king of Dongkou Mountain.

What surprised Tong Yan was that even he couldn't see through the mountain king's cultivation level at a glance.In this way, this also means that the mountain king's cultivation is by no means low, and it is likely to be higher than him!
But such a strong man, why did he invite the ancestors and the ten Skywalkers?Is this a conspiracy or something else?

(End of this chapter)

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