
Chapter 1686 Pointing the finger at it, amazed everyone!

Chapter 1686 Pointing the finger at it, amazed everyone!
Dongkou Mountain's mountain king's cultivation base is so high, which is really beyond Tong Yan's expectations.

Based on Tong Yan's understanding of Mount Tai's Yincao, even if there are strong people here, except for the unfathomable Lord Taishan, it is impossible for anyone else's cultivation to reach the realm of heavenly immortals.Just think about it, if some of them have reached the realm of celestial beings, then they are qualified to ascend to the heavens, so why should they continue to suffer in this Yincao of Mount Tai?

But all the previous ones were just his speculations, and now seeing with his own eyes that the cultivation level of the Dongkou Mountain King is by no means lower than his own, he can only accept this reality.

Although the king of Dongkou Mountain didn't care about being left out in the cold, the ancestors of the Wu family felt that this was very inappropriate.

So I heard him say to Tong Yan: "Grandson, we are here thanks to His Highness the Mountain King's care. Since you are here, you have to be courteous. You should go and say hello to His Highness the Mountain King!"

The old ancestor said so, Tong Yan naturally couldn't refuse, so he nodded with a smile, and then walked to the Dongkou Mountain King with the ten Skywalkers.

The King of Dongkou Mountain did not put on an air of aloofness because of his special status. Ever since Tong Yan entered the hall, the King of Dongkou Mountain had already stood up in front of the throne, waiting to meet Tong Yan.

It was precisely because of this that Tong Yan developed a good impression of the King of Dongkou Mountain, at least he would not plan to tear him into pieces like when he first came.

Standing in front of the Dongkou Mountain King, before Tong Yan could speak, the Dongkou Mountain King took the lead in laughing and said, "I am so lucky to be able to meet the last Skywalker here. Brother Skywalker, hurry up!" Please sit down. With this king, you must not be restrained. Sit down as well, let's sit down and talk."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was not polite, and immediately let the ancestor and ten mentors sit down first, and then sat down by himself.However, no matter whether it was the ancestors or the top ten Skywalkers, they did not rush to sit, but waited for the Dongkou Mountain King to sit first.

This is due respect, and the ancestors of the Wu family and the ten Skywalkers all understand this truth.

But Tong Yan didn't want to do that. He wanted to see if the Dongkou Mountain King was really approachable, or if he was wearing a hypocritical mask.

In order to prove this point, he didn't care so much, and sat down first.

No one else sat down, so he sat down first.Obviously, he didn't take this Dongkou Mountain King seriously.

But the King of Dongkou Mountain didn't really seem to care, he smiled slightly and said, "Sit down quickly, don't be polite. You are so restrained, this king will feel uncomfortable instead."

The ancestors and the ten Skywalkers had no choice but to sit down first, and the King of Dongkou Mountain sat down last.

Tong Yan has been observing the expression of the mountain king of Dongkou Mountain, and he doesn't know whether this guy is hiding deep enough, or he is so hospitable, his face is calm and friendly, and he always has a friendly smile, which makes Tong Yan Very satisfied.

After everyone sat down, the mountain king of Dongkou Mountain spoke to Tong Yan again: "Brother Skywalker, you must have entered here through that crack when you came here this time? I don't know if someone is busy repairing that crack." ?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan replied, "That's right, we did enter this place through the crack, and we didn't meet people from Senluo Hall trying to repair the crack along the way. I don't know why His Royal Highness Shanwang asked this?"

The king of Dongkou Mountain smiled slightly and said: "The crack is related to the harmony between the underworld of Mount Tai and the human world. If it is not repaired as soon as possible, something big will happen sooner or later. As the king of Dongkou Mountain, although he is weak, he is also I am willing to contribute to the Three Realms. To be honest, this king has already contacted the other three mountains and plans to use a large amount of Taishi to repair the cracks in three days. But even if we do our best, it may not be able to go smoothly by then. However If we can get your help, then the possibility of our success will be greatly improved. But I don’t know, brother Skywalker, is he willing to help?”

Tong Yan was completely puzzled by the words of the Mountain King of Dongkou Mountain, so he asked directly: "Why did His Highness the Mountain King say this? Let me help you? What can I do for you? It's not because you want me to help you." Serve as a coolie?"

The King of Dongkou Mountain laughed and said, "Brother Skywalker is joking, how dare we let you be a coolie? We hope you can help us resist some resistance, so that we can repair the cracks smoothly."

Tong Yan heard the word "resistance" very clearly.It seems that this favor is really not something that can be agreed casually, and he must not let go until he understands it thoroughly.

"His Royal Highness, you, Sikou Mountain, are as famous as the Senluo Hall in Taishan Yincao. How can anyone in Taishan Yincao dare to oppose you? It's okay if you want me to help, but even if I make a move, I should always know who is stopping it Can you mend the cracks? You can't let my eyes be blackened and do it wantonly?"

Hearing this, the King of Dongkou Mountain sighed softly and said, "Originally, you should not have been involved in this matter, but since you asked, I will tell the truth. To be honest, it is not other people who prevented us from repairing the cracks." His power is the Senluo Hall."

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan's heart trembled.This really made him unexpected, how could it be Sen Luodian who prevented the repair of the crack?It stands to reason that Sen Luodian should be the most eager to repair the cracks, right?Could it be that Sen Luodian has any plans?
He thought about it for a while, and then asked: "His Royal Highness, is what you said absolutely true? The Senluo Temple is the temple here, and the god Taishan Palace Lord in it is ordered by the sky to guard one side. Now Taishan Yincao and people He should be the first person to advocate repairing the cracks. Why is he now an obstacle to you? Did you make a mistake?"

Hearing this, the King of Dongkou Mountain gave a wry smile and said, "Why doesn't this king hope that this king made a mistake? It's a pity that all of this is true. There are no outsiders here, and this king is not afraid of breaking his promise, so he just said more." A few words. Brother Skywalker, compared to you, I can see that this king's cultivation is not low, and I won't give way to you. But do you know why this king is unwilling to leave this place and ascend to the heavens?"

Tong Yan shook his head, expressing his ignorance.

The King of Dongkou Mountain continued: "The reason is very simple, that is, if this king leaves, there will be no peace in this Taishan Yincao. Why do you think our Sikou Mountain can be as famous as the Senluo Palace? In fact, it is because of our existence that we can be with you." The Senluo Palace has always been the incarnation of justice, and the Lord Taishan enjoys the support of the world. But with the replacement of Taishan Palace Lords from generation to generation, the Senluo Palace no longer upholds justice and protects one side as it used to. This king is right It’s hard to hear, Sen Luo Palace has long been unwilling to live here, they have their own goals. It is no coincidence that the passage between Mount Tai Yincao and the human world is now open. This king boldly speculates that there is the support of the Lord Taishan behind this. Really It is none other than the Lord Taishan who wants to cause chaos in the Three Realms!"

(End of this chapter)

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