
Chapter 1687 Reluctantly agree, Senluo is here!

Chapter 1687 Reluctantly agree, Senluo is here!
The words of the mountain king of Dongkou Mountain really shocked Tong Yan.

Although Tong Yan had thought about it, even if Kunpeng got the Sky-Opening Axe, he wouldn't be able to open the passage between Taishan Yincao and the human world casually.

You must know that the Lord of Taishan is not only in the shadow of Taishan, he is the god of Taishan, as long as the matters related to Taishan are under his jurisdiction.

So that is to say, if someone tries to destroy Mount Tai, as the God of Mount Tai, he will be able to detect it immediately.Not only that, but with his strength, not to mention that he could severely damage Kunpeng, but at least he would not let Kunpeng easily succeed.

But it is a pity that the channel between Taishan Yincao and the human world is still open.As for whether it is really related to Lord Taishan, at least for now, it is just speculation, and it cannot be concluded.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then smiled slightly: "It seems that His Highness the Mountain King believes that the Lord Taishan is the culprit? If that's the case, why don't you join hands to attack Senluo Palace directly? Waiting for Senluo Palace to stop you, isn't it? Isn't it more passive?"

Hearing this, the King of Dongkou Mountain sighed softly and said, "Brother Skywalker, you don't know something. Although we know that Lord Taishan is the one behind the scenes, we don't have evidence. And even if there is evidence, we don't Dare to tear your skin apart with Senluo Palace rashly. Although it seems that our Sikou Mountain and Senluo Palace are on an equal footing, in fact, we are not enough to shake the status of Senluo Palace. Not to mention the unfathomable strength of Lord Taishan, his 76 divisions How can they be weak? Coupled with their Taishan Yin soldiers from Senluo Palace, that is an extremely powerful force. Besides, our Sikou Mountain is actually not harmonious. We seem to be in the same spirit, but The relationship in private is not good. If we were not worried about being divided and broken by the Senluo Palace, we would have torn our faces. So there is almost no possibility of sending troops to the Senluo Palace."

What he said should be the truth, after all, this is Taishan Yincao, which is under the jurisdiction of Senluo Palace.With the previous Lords of the Taishan Mansion operating here, the strength of Senluo Palace will only become stronger and will never be weakened.

I think that when Jiuying entered the Asura Dao with Tong Yan, Jiuying was taken into the Senluo Hall.Why should Jiuying be accepted?Isn't it because of Jiuying's great strength?

Therefore, it can be speculated that Sen Luodian will try every means to earn all powerful divine beasts or ancient behemoths.By using this to supplement the strength of Sen Luo Temple, in this way, only weak demon spirits and evil spirits are left for Sikou Mountain.

The strong are all absorbed by Senluo Temple, and Sikoushan can only absorb the weak. If one grows and the other disappears, how can Sikoushan's strength be improved?It is actually a miracle that it can be maintained until today.

In addition, Sikou Mountain is obviously divided into high and low, poor and low. For example, Xikou Mountain is the gathering place of the poor, followed by Nankou Mountain, and after that, Beikou Mountain and Dongkou Mountain are not places where the evil spirits and demons of the poor can enter.

There should also be a gap in the strength of the Sikou Mountain Mountain King, but they are not convinced by each other. It is only because of survival that they have to unite together, but in fact they are very disgusted with each other, and they are completely at odds with each other.

Clarifying the relationship between Sikoushan, and gaining insight into the strength of Senluodian, trying to compete head-on with Senluodian is tantamount to tearing up the face. At that time, the enemy is strong and we are weak, and Sikoushan may not even be able to survive now. If it is done, it will be completely wiped out by Sen Luodian.

This may be the unspeakable secret of the king of Dongkou Mountain, and it is also his helplessness and depression.

Just when Tong Yan was hesitating, the old ancestor spoke.

"Grandson, what His Highness the King of the Mountain said is true. Maybe you still don't believe it, but think about it carefully. As the Lord of Taishan, why would he ignore the crack between Taishan Yincao and the human world? Even if he ignores the crack, he At least send people to guard around the cracks to prevent the evil spirits in the Yin Cao of Taishan from flowing into the human world, right? But you can see half of the people in Senluo Palace along the way? Don’t you think this is very weird? Of course , even if you still don’t believe it. But you have to do your part to repair the cracks, right? No matter what you say, you are a skywalker. Isn’t it your duty to protect the safety of the human world?”

The old ancestor mentioned the word "responsibility", which made it hard for Tong Yan to ride a tiger.

responsibility?The last Skywalker?This has become completely different in Tong Yan's mind.

He wholeheartedly upholds the ambition of Skywalker, and always regards the safety of the human world as his own responsibility.But how did God treat him?
Not only the god king of the heavens wanted to smash him into thousands of pieces, but even the sky thunder that crossed the catastrophe was more than twice as powerful as others.If it wasn't for his great fortune and destiny, he would have been out of his wits already.

Is the so-called responsibility just his wishful thinking?Is the so-called Skywalker just the shackles that bound him?He has been revisiting this question, and until now there is still no answer.

But he trusts his ancestors, just like a child trusts his parents, no reason is needed, because the blood will never change.

Under the expectant eyes of the Mountain King of Dongkou Mountain, Tong Yan finally made a decision.

"Old Ancestor, you are right. I really can't stand by and watch, I should stand up and help them."

As soon as this remark came out, the old ancestor smiled approvingly.The King of Dongkou Mountain heaved a sigh of relief and smiled gratifiedly.

In the next two days, the mountain king of Dongkou Mountain will have further communication and discussions with other mountain kings of Sankou Mountain.

After it is completely confirmed, the four mountains will work together to repair the cracks.

With these two days of free time, Tong Yan, the ancestors and the ten Skywalkers could catch up on the old days, and it was already the second day in a blink of an eye.

The king of Dongkou Mountain did not return, so Tong Yan was happy and leisurely.Several militant masters among the top ten Skywalkers insisted on fighting against Tong Yan, firstly to test whether Tong Yan really mastered the supernatural powers they taught, and secondly, to test what kind of strength Tong Yan has reached now degree.

It's okay if you don't try it. After trying it, the big Skywalkers became honest all of a sudden.

Tong Yan's strength has far surpassed them, even if they join forces, it is impossible to be Tong Yan's opponent.

However, the higher Tong Yan's cultivation base, the stronger his strength, but it made the ten Skywalkers and the ancestors feel inexplicably worried.

There is a saying that a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Tong Yan is so outstanding, how can it not attract the attention of Sen Luodian?
If Tong Yan really stated that he wanted to help the Four Mountains, it would be tantamount to making an enemy of Sen Luodian.At that time, I'm afraid that Tong Yan will be treated severely by Sen Luodian.Danger, of course, cannot be avoided.

The old ancestor suddenly regretted letting Tong Yan agree to the request of the King of Dongkou Mountain, but the matter had come to an end, and he could not make any changes.I can only bite the bullet and ignore it.

What I didn't expect was that Sen Luo Dian not only didn't regard Tong Yan as an enemy, but even sent someone to spread the message.

What is the purpose of Senluo Temple?Is there a lie in Dongkoushan Mountain King's words, or does Senluodian have other difficulties?
(End of this chapter)

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