
Chapter 1688 An old friend visited on purpose?

Chapter 1688 An old friend visited on purpose?
"Report! Is Lord Skywalker there? Someone is looking for you outside the palace!"

Tong Yan, who was chatting with the ancestors of the Wu family and the ten Skywalkers, couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

He didn't have any friends in Taishan Yincao. Even if he had, they were only the Seven Sages of Liushan. The problem was that the Seven Sages of Liushan didn't need to report at all.

But besides the Seven Sages of Liushan, he may have only one friend left in this Yincao of Mount Tai.

This friend is none other than Jiuying who was accepted by Sen Luo Temple.

"Could it be Jiuying? If it's him, why did he come this time? Reminiscing about the past? Probably not. Maybe he's here on behalf of Sen Luodian!"

Tong Yan thought about it, and then said, "Bring him in, maybe he's my friend."

Hearing this, the guard nodded and said, "Yes, I'll do it now, little one!" After speaking, he turned around and left the room directly.

After a while, a man in a black cloak was brought in by the guards.

As soon as the man in the black cloak entered the room, he caught the attention of Yaohuang and Situ Yuxin who were idle.

Being able to attract the attention of these two powerhouses, it can be seen that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person.

The man was tall, at least 190 centimeters or more, because the brim of the cloak was so low that nothing could be seen except his stubble-covered chin.

Tong Yan stared at this person, then smiled and said: "Who is your Excellency? Why did you come here to find me? Are you not afraid of being arrested by the guards of Dongkou Mountain?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in the cloak let out a hearty laugh.

"Haha... catch me? I'm afraid they won't be able to do it, unless the King of Dongkou Mountain personally stops it. Otherwise, I will see you today anyway, my brother!"

Speaking of this, the cloaked man directly pulled the hat off his cloak, and then revealed a dark-skinned, Chinese-character face full of vicissitudes.

Tong Yan was sure that he had never seen this face before, but since this person called him brother, they should have known each other a long time ago.

He took a closer look and was finally able to confirm the identity of the person in front of him.He saw patterns like nine snake heads on the tall man's forehead, and Jiuying was the body of a nine-headed snake.

" are Brother Jiuying? Is it really you?"

There was a positive smile on the tall man's face, and he laughed loudly: "Brother, long time no see! I heard that you came to Taishan Yincao, and I came here to see you. Although you have changed, I can recognize you at a glance. Without you, my intuition is not wrong."

After receiving the other party's personal acknowledgment, Tong Yan also showed an excited smile.

Although he and Jiuying didn't get along for a long time, Jiuying still gave him a lot of help when he first entered Taishan Yincao, and it was considered to have saved his life.Leaving aside their previous grievances in the human world, how could he forget the life-saving grace in the underworld of Mount Tai?

It was really a joy to meet again.

After the laughter, many questions had to be raised.

"Brother Jiuying, I didn't expect your cultivation to rise to such a high level in just a few years. It's really amazing!"

That's right, Jiuying's cultivation base has indeed been greatly improved. If it is distinguished according to the cultivation realm of human monks, Jiuying's cultivation base should also be in the realm of heavenly immortals.

This is more and more different from the Taishan Yincao in Tong Yan's impression, although the evil spirits imprisoned in Taishan Yincao are all powerful people.I'm afraid there are not many who may have reached the realm of earth immortals, let alone the realm of heavenly immortals.

But when he came back this time, he suddenly discovered that the Yin Cao of Mount Tai seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.It is really unbelievable that so many strong men have emerged all of a sudden.

After Jiuying heard this, he laughed and said, "The reason why my cultivation can be improved so quickly is all thanks to the cultivation of Mr. Fu Jun. If it is not for his guidance, let alone me, the cultivation of our 76th division is not good enough." It could have improved so quickly."

The Master Fujun mentioned by Jiuying should be referring to the Taishan Fujun. In this way, Jiuying is not the only person in Senluo Hall who has reached the realm of immortals. The cultivation base of Division 76 is probably above the realm of immortals, and all of these are Because of Lord Taishan.

If this is the case, wouldn't the strength of the Lord Taishan be higher?Could it be that he has reached the realm of a god king?

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and couldn't help thinking about it.

Seeing Tong's silence, Jiuying smiled again and said, "Brother, what are you thinking? Is it because I came here this time that our Lord Fujun sent you here? In fact, it's not entirely true. First of all, I'm serious. I miss you and want to see you. After Mr. Fujun learned about it, he approved it, and asked me to send you a message. If you are interested, you can come to our Senluo Hall for a sit down. He also wants to get to know you, Skywalker. "

Hearing this, Tong Yan responded: "Brother Jiuying, so you came to find me on your own initiative? But how did you know that I entered the underworld of Mount Tai? Who told you?"

Hearing this, Jiu Ying laughed and said, "Brother, you don't know something. In our Sen Luo Temple, we can control the entire Yin Cao of Mount Tai, not to mention you are such a strong man with such a high cultivation base, even ordinary evil spirits and demon spirits can enter , we can all know it at the first time. From the moment you stepped into the Yincao of Mount Tai, we already knew. Otherwise, why would I make a special trip to see you?"

It's right to think about it, the Senluo Temple is originally the temple that manages the Yincao of Mount Tai.If you can't control the Yin Cao of Mount Tai, how can you talk about management?
But in this way, does it also mean that Sen Luodian can also know what happened in Sikou Mountain?
Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "Brother Jiuying, since Senluodian is so powerful, can Senluodian hear us talking here?"

Jiuying laughed and said: "That's impossible, we can only know who entered Taishan Yincao and who left Taishan Yincao, and can control the movements of each person or evil spirit, as for other specific things, we can't control it. I came straight here because I knew you were in Dongkoushan. By the way, you haven't told me why you came back this time? Is there any urgent matter to deal with?"

Since Jiu Ying asked, Tong Yan didn't want to hide anything, so he replied directly: "The reason why I came back this time is to reunite with you old friends, relatives, and mentors, and the second is because of the secrets of Mount Tai. There is a gap between the worlds, if the gap cannot be repaired quickly, it will definitely bring disaster to the human world."

When Jiuying heard this, he immediately burst out laughing. "Isn't it just a crack? Why are you so worried? Don't worry, our Senluo Palace has been controlling it. You may not know that, except for some demon spirits who were pardoned by the Lord Fujun and left the Yincao of Mount Tai, other evil spirits The spirit can't take half a step. Everything is under our control, and you don't need to worry about it. Also, do you know why there are cracks in the underworld of Mount Tai? To tell you the truth, this was specially arranged by the Lord Fujun."

What?Was it specially arranged by Lord Taishan?It seems that the appearance of this crack is indeed related to Lord Taishan.

But why would he do this?

(End of this chapter)

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