
Chapter 1693 Fighting spirit is high, let's have a good fight!

Chapter 1693 Fighting spirit is high, let's have a good fight!
The next day came quickly, and the king of Dongkou Mountain did not boast, and Sikou Mountain did indeed show its best talents, and rushed towards the location of the crack in a mighty manner.

The king of Dongkou Mountain has already said before that they will use Taishi to repair the cracks.And Taishi is too important in this Taishan Yincao, many demon spirits and evil spirits here will travel thousands of miles for a piece of Taishi, and will even fight for it.In the final analysis, they wanted to get Taishi in exchange for Gubendan.

The source of Guben Dan is in these four mountains.

So it can be said that Sikou Mountain has almost absorbed the Taishi of the entire Taishan Yincao.I thought they would have other uses, but I didn't expect that they would be used to repair the cracks today.

From this point of view, Sikou Mountain can be regarded as taken from the people and used for the people, and it is not as disgusting as imagined.In terms of right and wrong, they still held the bottom line.

Going to the crack with the big troops, the king of Dongkou Mountain deliberately chatted with Tong Yan on the way.

"Brother Skywalker, if the cracks are successfully repaired today, what are your plans next? Do you want to leave directly?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Since the purpose of coming here has been achieved, I naturally have no reason to stay. Besides, I still have a lot of things to do in the human world, so I really can't stay here for too long."

The mountain king of Dongkou Mountain let out a light "Oh", and then asked: "What about the old hero Wu and the ten Skywalkers? Don't you plan to take them out of here together?"

Tong Yan said with a wry smile: "I do have this plan, but as for whether to stay or not, it is up to them to decide. They may be used to life here, I really can't force it."

The King of Dongkou Mountain laughed and said: "What brother Skywalker said is very true, everything is up to them to decide. By the way, the dragon bone cold blade that this king gave you yesterday, have you refined it smoothly?"

Tong Yan heard this, and said with a mysterious smile: "It can only be said that it is barely usable, and it will take some time before it can be fully refined. Oh, there is one thing, I want to ask His Highness the Mountain King, and please tell him the truth. "

Hearing this, the King of Dongkou Mountain immediately replied: "Brother Skywalker, it's okay to say, this king must know everything without saying anything."

Tong Yan didn't talk nonsense, and asked straightforwardly: "I want to know why you are obsessed with collecting Taishi? As far as I know, these Taishi are nothing more than extraterrestrial stones from the human world, just some meteorites. These Taishi, yes What can you do?"

Hearing this, the king of Dongkou Mountain laughed and said, "Brother Skywalker, you are a smart person. It stands to reason that you should be able to guess it. To tell you the truth, the reason why we worked so hard to collect Taishi is actually for the sake of safety. Improve your cultivation. As you may have noticed, we are not ordinary people, but spiritual beings. We are spiritual beings bred by the Yin Cao of Mount Tai. If we want to improve our cultivation, it is impossible to achieve real spirituality by simply absorbing the Yin Cao Qi here. Height. But we discovered Taishi by accident. After absorbing the energy of Taishi, we were surprised to find that our cultivation has improved rapidly. It is for this reason that we are so eager to get Taishi. Only then did the method of exchanging Guben Dan for Taishi come into being."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled.In fact, he had probably guessed some of them a long time ago, but he was finally able to confirm it after hearing the explanation from the God King of Dongkou Mountain himself.

As for what Gubendan is, it is actually not important to him.There is nothing wrong with refining the Guben Pill in Sikou Mountain, which is used to renew the life of the evil spirits and demon spirits here, and then exchange for Taishi.After all, no matter where you are, there is no free lunch.

Chatting and chatting like this, everyone has gradually approached the crack.

However, what people didn't expect was that when they were less than a thousand meters away from the crack, black shadows emerged from the ground in front of the crack like ghosts, and a large black shadow directly blocked everyone's vision. way to go.

The King of Dongkou Mountain looked at it carefully, and then couldn't help but frowned.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Are those men in black the soldiers of Sen Luo Palace?"

The King of Dongkou Mountain nodded and said, "That's right, it's the people from Senluo Palace. It seems that they really intend to confront us head-on."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Then what shall we do next? Shall we start a war with them?"

The mountain king of Dongkou Mountain hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "Don't worry, I will go to the other three mountain kings to discuss it. Even if we want to fight, we have to twist into a rope. Only with the same enemy can we be invincible." Invincible. Brother Skywalker, this king will pass first."

Having said that, he flew away directly to discuss with the other three mountain kings.

Tong Yan stared at the Senluo Temple guards not far away, and sneered in his heart.This is such a big battle for the Lord Taishan, instead of waiting here, why not just serve the Sikoushan pot, wouldn't it be more troublesome?

But the result is actually the same, as long as Sikoushan reaches a consensus, it is inevitable to have a complete war with this Senluo Palace.

Of course, if Sikoushan suddenly gave up and gave up his previous plan, then Sen Luodian's approach would be even more brilliant.

The Yaohuang and Situ Yuxin who came together were staring closely at the people in Senluo Hall in front of them at this moment. They should have sensed something or noticed something.

Seeing the dignified expressions of the two of them, it is estimated that they have discovered someone stronger than them.

Tong Yan's cultivation was not as good as theirs, so he couldn't feel the threat from such a distance.But Tong Yan could still guess something through their subtle expressions.

"You two, did you find something? Tell me, is Lord Taishan in the formation of Senluo Palace?"

After the two heard this, Situ Yuxin took the lead to answer: "There is indeed a strong person in that formation, but as for whether it is the Lord of Mount Tai, I can't say for sure."

As soon as Situ Yuxin finished speaking, the Demon Emperor added: "To be precise, there were indeed strong men in that formation, and there were not just one, there should be three."

Tong Yan didn't expect the Yaohuang's words, so he hurriedly asked: "Brother Yaohuang, are you sure you are not mistaken? Are there really three strong men in that formation?"

The Demon Emperor said affirmatively: "It will never be wrong. The strength of those three guys is by no means inferior to ours. Besides, they are not far away, so I will not be wrong. Brother Tong Yan, if we do something later, I am afraid it will be a big fight." Fierce battle. At that time, the two of us will not be able to take care of you, you have to be more careful, and never underestimate the enemy."

Tong Yan sneered and said: "Soldiers will block water and earth, no matter how many strong they have, if they must fight, we must let them taste our strength."

Just as he was speaking, the Mountain King of Dongkou Mountain returned to Tong Yan with a solemn expression.

"Brother Skywalker, we have already discussed it. Even if we want to completely tear our faces with Sen Luodian today, we will not waver. Since they are blocking the way, then we will rush over. Prepare to give it a go!"

It's a good one to give it a go, Tong Yan can't wait.He really wanted to see how strong the legendary Lord Taishan was.

His fighting spirit has been ignited, so let's have a good fight!

(End of this chapter)

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