
Chapter 1694 Sacrifice, take the initiative to fight!

Chapter 1694 Sacrifice, take the initiative to fight!
After everyone has discussed it properly, they naturally have to take action.

Following the order of the king of Dongkou Mountain, the elite of Sikou Mountain immediately strode forward.The original confrontation suddenly became tense. Of course, not only the people from Sikoushan were nervous, but why weren't the guards of Senluo Temple nervous?
The distance between the two armies is getting closer and closer, and it seems that a big war is about to break out.

But at this moment, a person from the Senluo army suddenly rushed out. Although he was several hundred meters away, he could still be seen clearly.

He was wearing a brown armor and did not wear a helmet, because he had a sharp horn on the top of his head. Even if he wore a helmet, he probably had to be specially ordered.

This guy is tall and tall, and with this set of armor, it can be said to be majestic and imposing.

He walked to the front of the Senluo Palace army, and then shouted loudly: "You evil obstacles, dare to overwhelm the border with an army, do you want to rebel?"

As soon as these words came out, the tone was immediately set clearly.The word rebellion has already included the people of Sikoushan in the ranks of rebel mobs. If a war starts, the Senluodian army can be justified and gain a psychological advantage.

The king of Dongkou Mountain is not an idiot, of course he knows what the other party means by saying this.So he immediately responded: "We are the people of Sikou Mountain. We are here today for no other reason than to repair the gap between Taishan Yincao and the human world. Your Excellency is Master Senluodian. Could it be that you want to stop it?" Shall we repair the cracks? Or, do you want to watch the chaos of the Three Realms with your own eyes and do nothing?"

Dongkoushan Mountain King's words were really beautiful, not only brought back the psychological advantage, but also reversed Sen Luodian's army.

The general of the Senluo Temple obviously refused to be at a disadvantage, so he yelled: "A group of mobs, actually want to repair the crack? This crack is God's will, how can you guys who are overwhelmed can fill it up? The general sees that you want to take this opportunity to escape from the shadows of Mount Tai, and retreat immediately, otherwise, you will be enemies of the Senluo Palace, and you will go against the sky."

The king of Dongkou Mountain refused to show weakness and said: "Going against the sky? What a way to go against the sky. I would like to ask, you let the cracks go unnoticed here, what is your plan? Say we are going against the sky , this king sees that you have evil intentions. Besides, you Senluo Palace can't represent God, and justice is at your fingertips. If you insist on blocking, then I can only commit crimes. Besides, Skywalker is in our formation, and only he can represent God. And if you stop here, that is the real act against the sky."

After hearing Tong Yan's words, she felt very helpless in her heart, and even after talking about it, she still pulled herself out.Isn't this clearly going to push him to the position of being the target of public criticism?

But that's okay, repairing the cracks is indeed what he wants.Anyway, it is inevitable to have a battle with Sen Luodian, so it is better to be more direct and straightforward.

Hearing Skywalker's name, the general of Senluo Palace obviously didn't know how to respond, and fell into silence all of a sudden.

Seeing that he had the upper hand, the king of Dongkou Mountain immediately ordered in a loud voice: "Warriors, let us continue to move forward. What we are doing today is to obey the heavens. If anyone hinders us, we will do justice for the heavens. God will take care of you." our."

Driven by the King of Dongkou Mountain, the momentum of Sikou Mountain's elite was obviously stronger.

The distance between the two armies also narrowed again, to less than ten meters.

This battle is destined to be inevitable, it depends on who starts first.

Finally, the command to "kill" sounded first in the formation of Senluo Palace, and the guards of Senluo Palace immediately brandished their weapons and rushed towards the elite of Sikou Mountain who were close at hand under the order.

Since the elite of Sikou Mountain dared to come, they were naturally ready to sacrifice.Soon, the armies of the two sides fought in a group amidst the shouts of killing. For a moment, swords and swords, screams, roars, and the collision of weapons were all mixed together, making people's ears numb and scalp numb. .

The battle finally kicked off, and Tong Yan and the others naturally made preparations in advance.

Let these small soldiers fight hard first, the main general will often appear last.

In terms of the number of people, the number of people in Sikou Mountain obviously still has some advantages.But the soldiers of Sen Luo Temple are obviously more skilled in fighting and tougher.So in this way, the two sides have an evenly matched situation.No one can gain the upper hand, no one can lose the upper hand, they can only consume each other, and it can only be seen who is still alive in the end and how many people are still alive.

For such a huge casualty, Tong Yan was not surprised at all.But seeing so many people falling down one after another, with corpses strewn all over the field, it still makes people feel a little bit sad.

As long as you think you are right, no matter how much you pay, it is not a pity.

Both sides have their own beliefs, their own attachments, for their own beliefs, for what they think is right, they have already forgotten life and death, and they have already forgotten fear.

It's just that if this continues, the final result will definitely be a loss for both sides, and even the entire army of both sides will be wiped out. But if this step is really reached, it may be even greater than the loss that the crack brought to Mount Tai's Yincao, or even an unprecedented disaster.

How can the loss be minimized?Either negotiate peace now, or the main general will appear on the stage to decide the outcome.

It is definitely impossible to negotiate a peace, so there is only a contest between the main generals.

While waiting, the adults of the 76 divisions of Sen Luodian made their debut first.And with the appearance of these big characters, the powerful characters of Sikoushan also appeared one after another.

As a result, the fierceness of the battle has once again increased, and the contest between masters has become more fierce and fierce.

Tong Yan, Yaohuang, Situ Yuxin, the mountain king of Sikou Mountain, the ten Skywalkers, and the ancestors of the Wu family all remained unchanged.Because the real strongman of Sen Luo Temple has not yet appeared, they have to wait.

Tong Yan was originally full of fighting spirit, but seeing so many people die, his mood became a little depressed.

He really wanted to know what the Lord Taishan was going to do, and he even wanted to know whose fault it was that happened in the underworld of Mount Tai?Is Sikoushan meddling in his own business, or is Senluodian determined to act recklessly?
Of course, none of this matters.Winner takes all, loser for Kou.Whoever wins represents justice. This is the truth that has been handed down for thousands of years.

In this way, another half an hour passed, and the two sides were still fighting evenly.

Going on like this, it is estimated that in another hour, the armies of both sides may have to be sacrificed. At that time, the final confrontation between the strong will be meaningless.

Maybe Sen Luodian doesn't care about the life and death of his soldiers, so they can continue to wait.

But Tong Yan couldn't wait any longer. Although he is not a soft-hearted person, he has a compassionate heart after all.

So he decided to take the initiative to fight.

The contest between the strongest is finally about to begin!
(End of this chapter)

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