
Chapter 1695 Puzzle solved, shocking plan!

Chapter 1695 Puzzle solved, shocking plan!
"His Royal Highness, according to the current situation, who do you think will win in the end?"

Tong Yan's question made the King of Dongkou Mountain frown involuntarily.He thought for a while before replying to Tong Yan: "Brother Skywalker, to be honest, if we continue like this, we will lose both sides in the end. How can we talk about who will win in the end?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "That's right, I think this may be what Sen Luo Dian wants to see the most. The strength of Sikou Mountain has dropped sharply, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover its vitality within a hundred years, and it may even be completely in the shadow of Mount Tai because of this war." Collapse and disintegration. At that time, Sen Luodian can replenish its strength through other methods, but Sikoushan can only wait to die. My words may not sound good, but it is true. In my opinion, we cannot continue like this Now, something must be done."

Hearing this, the King of Dongkou Mountain hurriedly asked, "What's your idea, brother Skywalker? Why don't you tell me!"

Tong Yan was also unambiguous, and immediately said: "Since this battle has already broken out, why should we blindly see and fight? In my opinion, we have to fight no matter what, so it's better to take the initiative to attack now. Defeat Sen Luodian earlier , we can take the initiative.”

As soon as this remark came out, not only the mountain king of Dongkou Mountain trembled, but even the mountain kings of the other three mountains couldn't help but feel worried.

The new mountain king of Nankou Mountain is not a coward. He thought for a while, and then echoed: "This king agrees with Brother Skywalker's idea. We can't just sit and wait for death. If this drags on, our Sikou Mountain will be real. It's over."

Someone agreed, and the other mountain kings finally made up their minds.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's go straight to Huanglong and compete with Lord Taishan."

With everyone's approval, Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief.He knew that it was not easy for the king of Sikou Mountain to make such a decision. After all, the Lord of Mount Tai's status in the underworld of Mount Tai was too high.Fighting against Lord Taishan requires not only super strength, but also a certain amount of courage.

But the result was okay, they didn't give up in the end.

As the person who proposed this suggestion, Tong Yan was the first to rise into the air, and then said loudly: "I will be the vanguard, and you will follow closely. No matter how strong the Lord Taishan is, how can he win against so many of us?" ? As long as we are determined, we will win this battle."

With him taking the lead, others are naturally much more relaxed.After all, they were still a little nervous when facing Lord Taishan directly.

Just waiting for everyone to fly up one after another, Tong Yan immediately rushed straight to the camp of Sen Luo Hall.

But before he flew close to the big camp of Sen Luo Temple, three figures had already flown out of the big camp.

By getting closer, Tong Yan was able to see the three of them clearly.

It's just that he never thought that among the so-called three strong men, he actually knew two of them.

The two he knew were none other than Nangong Yun and Kunpeng from Qilin Pavilion.

If the guess is correct, then the middle-aged man in the yellow robe standing in the middle should be Lord Taishan.

It has to be said that this Lord Taishan is indeed not a mortal. First of all, the coercion he brings to people exceeds that of many strong men.The other one has sharp eyes, as if a silver needle is shot out of his eyes, piercing the other person's heart, which makes people terrified.

His appearance is quite pleasing to the eye, with a righteous and awe-inspiring Chinese character face, short beard, long hair combed meticulously, and a golden crown on his head. At this moment, behind his hands, it seems that the king is coming, looking down on his subjects. .

Tong Yan stopped 50 meters in front of them, and then looked at Kunpeng and Nangongyun coldly.

Before he could speak, Kunpeng took the lead and said: "Brother Tong, don't come here without any harm! I heard that you have arrived at the Yincao of Mount Tai. I wanted to visit, but I didn't expect that we would run into each other here. It seems that you and I are still here." What a fate!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Kunpeng, it's not that we are destined, but that we have a narrow road. I was still thinking, there is only one strong man in the underworld of Mount Tai, why are there two powerful people out of thin air?" The characters and feelings are the two of you. What? Have your hands and feet of the Ten Thousand Immortals League stretched so long? Do you still want to include Taishan Yincao in your Ten Thousand Immortals League?"

Kunpeng laughed and said, "You're wrong. We have an appointment with Taishan Yincao, and we have known each other for a long time. The purpose of coming here today is to help clear up the rebel mob in Taishan Yincao. That's all. How could you be the culprit who deceived everyone? Do you think our hands are too long, or are you meddling too much?"

Tong Yan said without showing any weakness: "I am a Skywalker, and it is my unshirkable responsibility to protect the human world. You have acted against the sky and opened the passage between Taishan Yincao and the human world. If I can ignore it, then how can I, a Skywalker? Isn’t it for nothing? You happened to be here today, so I would save an extra trip. What should you do for going against the sky? Should I save you all by myself, or should you die here? Choose yourself!”

As soon as Tong Yan's words came out, they could be said to be well-founded, and Kunpeng and the others were speechless at once.

At this moment, the Lord Taishan who was in the middle finally spoke.

He smiled slightly, and then said to Tong Yan: "Sure enough, you are not an ordinary person, no wonder you can become the chosen one. You are just a Skywalker, you seem to take your responsibilities too seriously. There is nothing wrong with you acting in accordance with the sky, but God How did you treat you? The heavens won't tolerate you, so why do you have to work for them? It's meaningless for you to do this. Listen to me, turn to the light earlier. We are not your enemy, on the contrary, we will Become friends. Fight against the heavens together and establish a new order together."

As soon as Lord Taishan's words came out, it not only revealed his ambitions, but also showed that his motives were impure.Opening the passage between Taishan Yincao and the human world seems to be something he has planned long ago.But he is obviously the king of Mount Tai, so why should he fight against the heavens?
Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and then smiled slightly: "Your Excellency must be the Lord of Mount Tai. You are a great god in the sky, admired by the world. Could it be that even a great god like you has enmity with the heavens? This is a bit of a fairy tale Do you think I will believe you? If you hurt me behind my back, wouldn’t I fall into your way?”

Hearing this, Lord Taishan smiled and said, "Why? Don't you believe that I will really become an enemy of the heavens? I don't know if you still remember the heavenly children you met back then, why did they appear in the human world? Why? Is it just a coincidence that so many celestial beings have landed in the human world? To tell you the truth, I have been planning everything since a long time ago. Now that the time is ripe, I can finally stop bearing the burden of humiliation and seek justice from the celestial realm. Skywalker, you are a victim of the heavens just like us, don't you really want to stand with us to fight against the injustices of the heavens and overthrow this dark rule together?"

Children of heaven and man?Tong Yan's thoughts raced, and he suddenly understood everything.

So it turned out that all of this was planned by Lord Taishan!

(End of this chapter)

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