
Chapter 1696 Refusing to give in, domineering and declaring war!

Chapter 1696 Refusing to give in, domineering and declaring war!
Of course Tong Yan remembered those heavenly beings and children, and the scenes of the past are still vivid in his mind.

In that empty village, he talked a lot with those two celestial beings.The two children said that the reason why they are in the human world is the arrangement of a big man in the heaven world.And not only the two of them, there are many, many heavenly beings like them in the human world.They must stay in the world honestly, when they receive the call of the heavens, when can they return to the heavens.

If all of this was planned in advance by Lord Taishan, then the big man who arranged all this should be him.

Thinking about it now, Lord Taishan has already laid out the chess game. Those heavenly beings should be the backbone of his fight against the heavens. Coupled with the support of Taishan Yincao Nesen Luodian's army and the Ten Thousand Immortals League, this is really a wave. Extremely powerful, even enough to pose a threat to the heavenly realm.

But for some reason, Tong Yan still felt that there was something else in it that he didn't know.Although the Taishan Mansion Lord in front of him is a man with a very deep city, but it is somewhat difficult for him to set up such a big situation in advance.Maybe he should have a helper, and a helper who is placed in the heaven.

It is not an easy task to break through the Heavenly Court, but if you can achieve both internal and external attacks, the effect will be different, and maybe you will be able to succeed.

At this moment, Lord Taishan Mansion clearly wants to win him over, but to be honest, he is also a little shaken now.After all, he also wants to fight against the heavens, and he also wants to seek justice from the heavens.If he can use the power of Lord Taishan, it will definitely save him a lot of trouble.

But he is not a reckless person, nor is he a brainless fool.He needs to think clearly about everything, and he can't just leave everything behind in order to avenge the heavens.He still has to be responsible for others, and he has to think about the common people in the Three Realms.

Seeing that Tong Yan was silent, Lord Taishan knew that there was something to be done, so he continued to encourage: "Skywalker, I know that the heavens have sent gods to ask for your life several times. Although you can save yourself from danger every time, as long as the god king of the heavens If you are still alive, you will not be at peace for a day. Yes, your strength is not afraid of them, but what about your friends, your relatives, and your lover? Can they also resist the pursuit from the heavens? I hope the heavens will release you. It’s impossible to surpass you. Unless you become extremely powerful, unless you are enough to kill the guy behind that. But what I want to tell you is that your current cultivation has reached the bottleneck. Although it is not the real bottleneck, But if you want to improve further, you must go to the heaven. Only after being baptized in the heaven can you truly be extraordinary and be able to improve again. So no matter what, you have to go to the heaven. And if you go alone, you think Can you still leave alive? Think about it carefully, whether you choose to join forces with us, or you face the entire heaven alone. You are a smart person, I think you will understand."

A new question appeared in the words of Lord Taishan. Is it difficult to improve Tongyan's cultivation level in the human world?But Yaohuang, Situ Yuxin, and even Nangong Yun and Kunpeng, haven't they all reached the peak of the heavenly realm?
He has just stepped into the realm of celestial beings, why can't he make progress?

Thinking of this, he asked, "You said that I have to go to heaven to be baptized in order to improve my cultivation? Then tell me, why can these people's cultivation go further? Why can't I?"

Before Taishan Mansion could answer, Situ Yuxin had already opened his mouth to reply.

"Brother Tong Yan, he is right. You have to go to heaven to receive the baptism of divine light before you can improve. As for why we don't need these, it's because we are different from you. We are not human, but you are human .This is the bondage imposed by God on human beings, and it is also a kind of heaven and earth rule."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said in puzzlement, "You are not human? They are not, so are you and Nangong Yun?"

Nangong Yun laughed and said, "Of course we are not. Have you forgotten that the Qilin blood flows in my body? As for him, he is a demigod and half man, let alone a human being."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but startled.Nangong Yun is right. The Nangong family inherited the Qilin blood, so they cannot be regarded as human beings, and Situ Yuxin came from Wuji Palace, and the people in Wuji Palace do have demigods and half-humans. This is Situ Yuxin, so is Situ Yuxin So is Ho.

In this way, he is indeed different from these guys. He is a human being. Even if he is Chi You's host, even if he is the reincarnation of the stars, he is still a human being after all. Otherwise, he would not be able to become a Skywalker. One condition is people.

He is confident that he has already been reborn and reshaped his body with the chaotic god tree, but he did not expect that he still cannot escape the shackles of the rules of heaven and earth.

If this is the case, wouldn't he really have to ascend to the heavens to improve his cultivation?
He fell into thinking again, and he hesitated how to choose.

The Sikou Mountain King behind him is now frowning, and Tong Yan's decision will directly affect the future fate of Sikou Mountain.If Tong Yan chooses to stand with Lord Tai and the others at this time, then Sikou Mountain will really be over.

Under the expectation and attention of the crowd, Tong Yan finally made a decision.

"Master Taishan, you are right, we do have the same enemy, and we don't want to be enemies with each other anymore. We fight here, and in the end it will only benefit the fisherman in the heavens. But what does it have to do with repairing the cracks here? Why do you want to prevent us from repairing the cracks? Even if I am willing to fight against the heavens with you, I will never allow you to destroy the order of the three realms, let alone put the world in danger. If you really sincerely make friends with me , cooperate with me, then please immediately order the army of Senluo Hall to retreat, so that I and the people from Sikou Mountain can repair the cracks. Otherwise, even if I may lose the best helper against the heavens, I will never join you. This is my decision!"

As soon as this remark came out, the mountain kings of Sikou Mountain were obviously relieved, but Lord Taishan, Kunpeng, and Nangong Yun all showed anger.

"Tong Yan, do you really think we can't do anything to you? We just gave you another chance, but you don't know what to do. It took me a lot of effort to open this crack. If you have repaired it, wouldn’t our previous efforts be in vain? Let me tell you, it is absolutely impossible to repair the crack. If you want to die, we can help you.”

Tong Yan sneered and said: "Kunpeng, you are the defeated general, how dare you act presumptuously in front of me? I didn't kill you before, but I hope you can do it yourself. Now it seems that you really deserve to die! Either get out of here, Or, you will die here for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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