
Chapter 1700 Victory or defeat, what is the result?

Chapter 1700 Victory or defeat in one fell swoop, what is the result?

It turned out that the previous series of attacks by Lord Taishan were all to lure Tong Yan into the ambush circle he had set up in advance.As for his Black Tree Domain, it should be necessary to bring the enemy into the tree in order to exert the greatest power of the Black Tree Domain.

In fact, this is not Tong Yan's negligence, but no matter whether Lord Taishan set up this trap or not, if he wants to defeat Lord Taishan, he must be close to Lord Taishan to do so.In this way, as long as he gets close to Lord Taishan, it is equivalent to stepping into the scope of the Black Tree Domain.

You can't hide anyway, so let's think about how to be reborn from a desperate situation!

Everything around was plunged into darkness, Lord Taishan's ultimatum had been issued, all Tong Yan could do was to save his life, and only by saving his life would he have a chance of turning things around.

Without any hesitation, he used his defensive powers one by one, turning his body into a meat ball.This is his strongest defensive stance now, but if even this cannot block the attack of Lord Taishan, then he will have no chance of surviving.

However, what surprised him was that although Lord Taishan said harsh words, he did not rush to attack.Time passed bit by bit, and he waited for 2 minutes, but the storm-like attack still did not hit.

He couldn't understand, could it be that the Lord Taishan deliberately released harsh words just to trap him here?If that's the case, then perhaps the Lord Taishan isn't that scary.

As he was thinking about it, Lord Taishan's attack finally came.

He only heard the "slapping" liquid slapping on the defensive air shield he released, and feeling the existence of these liquids, he couldn't help becoming nervous.

Lord Taishan's move is definitely not a joke. There must be something wrong with these liquids. If he is not careful, he may die soon.

Sure enough, as the liquid dripped more and more, his whole body was covered by the liquid.Originally, there were various defensive magical powers to protect the body, and it could temporarily resist the erosion of these liquids.But as time passed, he unexpectedly felt a sense of weakness.

And the layers of air shields condensed by the defensive supernatural powers are like bitten apples, being swallowed up by the liquid little by little, and disappearing little by little.

The existence of these gas masks can block him from those liquids, but when these gas masks completely disappear, his body will be bound by these liquids.

Obviously, these liquids have a strong devouring ability, not only devouring his immortal energy, but also devouring his star power.You must know that he has already used all the defensive supernatural powers he knows, including the stars and stars.

Even the mask condensed by the power of the stars can swallow it, so what else can't be swallowed by this liquid?
As long as the immortal energy in his body is completely exhausted, and the power of stars in his body is completely exhausted, he will no longer be able to maintain these gas shields and light shields, and at that time, his whole body will be completely swallowed by this liquid Lose.

The danger is approaching bit by bit. This seems to be a slow process, but it is the most unbearable suffering.

Tong Yan knew very well that he had to come up with a way to break out of the encirclement before the power of the immortals and stars was exhausted, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

After a short thought, he had an idea.There may be only one way to break the crisis now, and that is his Star Breaker.

Starbreaker is like a bomb. If this bomb is thrown into the water, it will definitely explode the water temporarily.And if the power of this bomb is big enough and strong enough, it might even blow up the Black Tree Domain of Lord Taishan, and then he will have a chance to break through.

But doing so is actually a kind of adventure. Although the power of Xingchensha is not bad, this place is within the domain of Lord Taishan after all.The domain is different from other entities or liquids, and he doesn't know whether he can explode the invisible.

But other than that, he really had no other choice but to give it a go.

Without further delay, he changed back into a human form, sat cross-legged immediately, mobilized all the power of the stars, and immediately began to compress crazily.With the improvement of his cultivation base, the power of the stars he can compress will have a huge improvement by leaps and bounds, both in terms of quantity and volume.It all depends on whether you can escape.

Outside the black tree domain, Lord Taishan still stood proudly on the terrifying black tree.

He looked coldly at the mountain king and ancestors of Sikou Mountain. He was confident that he had won this battle.Tong Yan, who was in the domain of his Black Tree, would only be digested bit by bit by the Black Tree, and would never have a chance to survive.

And after getting rid of Tong Yan, it means that he no longer has the biggest threat, and the next thing to deal with is naturally these rebels who are overwhelmed.

"The evil barriers of Sikou Mountain, the Skywalker you rely on, is about to disappear in this lord's domain. Without the support of Skywalker, why do you still have to contend with this lord? This lord has always been unwilling to fight You Sikoushan made a move. After all, you are the incarnations of yourself in the Yincao of Mount Tai. But not only do you not know how to meditate on the goodness of this lord, but you still want to make enemies with this lord. This shows how abhorrent you are. You have already offended me. If I don’t punish you severely today, how will I convince the public in the future? Mountain kings of Sikou Mountain, you should die here. As long as you go to your own death, those who follow you, I can still go online On the one hand, if not, none of you will live today."

Faced with the threat of the Taishan government lord, the mountain kings of Sikou Mountain all now have solemn expressions on their faces.

They really relied on Tong Yan, because they firmly believed that Tong Yan, as a Skywalker, was the only one who could deal with the evil god, Lord Taishan.But now, they saw with their own eyes that Tong Yan was swallowed by Lord Taishan's black tree, and they also heard with their own ears the news that Tong Yan was about to be wiped out.They lost their backing, their backbone, and even their hope. At this moment, all of them were hopeless, and all their previous efforts were in vain.

It seemed that there was only one road left before them, and that was death.

But even if it is death, is it really necessary to cut yourself off here?Can't you die in battle?
Watching the people in Sikoushan fall one by one in a pool of blood, their hearts were bleeding.This is not what they expected, and it is also what they cannot afford.

They started to get frustrated, and even more regretted, regretting that they should not "meddling their own business", and regretting that they should not be enemies with Lord Taishan.

Anyway, it is inevitable to die anyway, it is better to die than to be more valuable.

Thinking of this, the Mountain King of Dongkou Mountain immediately asked loudly: "Master Taishan, the four of us will die here, can you promise to let our people go?"

Lord Taishan Mansion heard this, he laughed and said: "They are your subjects, so why not my subjects? You can do it, I absolutely keep my word."

Hearing this, the mountain king of Dongkou Mountain finally made up his mind and said: "Okay, if this is the case, then we will end here. Three mountain kings, let's go on the road together."

The other three mountain kings turned their heads to look at Dongkou Mountain King, and they all smiled freely.

Winners and losers, they are defeated today, so naturally they have no face to live on stealthily, even though they are full of unwillingness, there is nothing they can do.

All four of them closed their eyes, and planned to kill themselves here.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the big black tree at the foot of the Lord Taishan suddenly swelled up quickly.Just like a woman who is pregnant in October, she looks shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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