
Chapter 1701 Lie and cheat, reach a consensus?

Chapter 1701 Lie and cheat, reach a consensus?
The mountain king of Sikou Mountain, who had planned to kill himself here, was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

They temporarily gave up the idea of ​​suicide, but together with the others, they all looked at the strange black "big tree" intently.

The black "big tree" was expanding rapidly, and with a "poof", the "big tree" shriveled up like a leaking rubber ball.

At the same time, a red light suddenly appeared, and it shot out from the "big tree".

The appearance of this red light greatly stimulated the Lord Taishan who had the chance to win.

Hearing Taishan Mansion Lord suddenly shouted: "You actually broke through this Lord's black tree domain, this Lord must let you die!"

The red light turned into a human form, it was none other than Tong Yan who barely escaped the catastrophe.

Although Tong Yan escaped from Lord Taishan's Black Tree Domain by chance, he is now at the end of his battle.He had to admit that Lord Taishan's Black Tree Domain was still extremely powerful.If he hadn't put all his eggs in one basket, I am afraid that he would have been completely turned into blood now.

Panting heavily, he was already exhausted, not only was there not much immortal power left in his body, but his star power was almost exhausted.

He has no strength to fight anymore, if he continues to fight with Lord Taishan, he will definitely lose.

But he has to do something, he can't wait here to die, can he?
Lord Taishan will definitely not let him go, so he has no way to escape if he wants to escape. As for the Yaohuang and Situ Yuxin to deal with Lord Taishan, it is basically not possible. The two strong men, Kunpeng and Nangongyun, were always ready to move.

So at this time, he can't rely on others. If he wants to save his life, he has to rely on himself.But what can I do to save my life?How can the Lord Taishan stop chasing and killing him?
He thought about it for a while, and then a bold idea appeared in his mind. He decided to take the risk and take a gamble.

How to bet?Force must be out of the question, so only outsmarting is left.Fortunately, his sanity is still clear, now let's see if the Lord Taishan was deceived.

Taking a deep breath, he immediately smiled at the furious Lord Taishan: "Master Taishan, I think your strength is nothing more than this. This black tree should be your real body in the domain, but even your domain real body You can't even trap me, do you think it is possible for you to defeat me? Of course, this possibility also exists, and that is to die together with me. But if this is the case, then both of us will lose .The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit, and the ultimate benefit is the heaven. Do you think it is meaningful for us to perish together?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lord Taishan immediately replied fiercely: "What do you mean? Do you want me to let you go? I told you that today I will kill you."

Tong Yan shook his head and laughed loudly: "No! It's not that you let me go, you think I'm afraid you won't succeed? I just think that you are a rare master, so it's a pity to die like this. In my opinion, What is the root of our dispute? It’s just that crack. I think you already know my strength. Even your domain real body can’t trap me. I’m a strong person. If you recognize my strength , then you should think about it, is it really worth it to fight me desperately for a crack? Could it be that uniting with a strong man like me is not as good as these incompetent rats in the underworld of Mount Tai?"

Lord Taishan suppressed his anger, and then asked, "What do you mean?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "What do I mean, don't you know? You let them repair the cracks, and I will be your most reliable and powerful helper. This kind of transaction is a win-win situation, and it is better than yours. Am I going to die together?"

Tong Yan always emphasized the words "together to die together". On the one hand, he didn't want to show weakness, because if he showed weakness, Prince Taishan would definitely expose his illusion that he still has the strength to fight again; on the other hand, he also wanted to mend this Crack, because it is related to the safety of the entire human world.

This is a kind of transaction, a kind of transaction called delaying the war, but it has to be carried out.Now let's see if the Lord Taishan agrees, if he agrees, everyone will be happy, if he doesn't agree, then he may have to obediently die.

Lord Taishan obviously hesitated. Although he hated Tong Yan at the moment, Tong Yan's strength had indeed conquered him.This world is like this, everyone admires the strong, as long as you are strong enough, then everyone will look up to you.

In fact, from the very beginning, Lord Taishan had been eager to win over Tong Yan as a helper, but at that time he still had certain doubts about Tong Yan's true strength.But it's different now, Tong Yan's powerful strength has been fully demonstrated.In this way, his recognition of Tong Yan also skyrocketed.

But he still can't decide, because this rift was planned by him many years ago. If the plan is temporarily changed now, will it affect the follow-up plan?
His worry was not unreasonable, but he really didn't want to really fight Tong Yan to the end, after all, whether he could really kill Tong Yan, and he could get out completely, he himself didn't know for sure.

For the first time, he had doubts about his own strength, and he also had a little worry about the next plan.

Tong Yan knew that it would be difficult for him to make a decision for a while, so he turned to Kunpeng and said viciously: "Kunpeng, do you know how angry I am when I see you are still alive? Don't worry, if Lord Taishan is not willing to cooperate with me, I will send you on the road first, and then die with him. In this way, I can die with peace of mind. With you on my back, I feel more comfortable in my heart."

Hearing this, Kunpeng gritted his teeth and said, "Tong Yan, do you think I'm afraid of you? Let me tell you, don't think you can break through Lord Taishan's real body, but you can't scare me. If you want me to die, it's not that hard Easy. If you dare to attack me, I will give up my life."

Tong Yan said with a sneer: "Give your life? Just rely on you? To tell you the truth, except for Lord Taishan, no one can get into my eyes. If you don't want to let the heaven fulfill your wish, do you think Can you still live till now? Just wait for me, Lord Taishan's decision is not only related to my life and his life, but also your life and death. You'd better take a good look at this world, otherwise, maybe Never to be seen again."

Is Kunpeng afraid of Tong Yan?certainly!It's not that Tong Yan's strength is really extraordinary, but that he almost died at the hands of Tong Yan several times in the past, which has already left a shadow in Kunpeng's heart.

Now that Tong Yan came to intimidate Kunpeng, he actually hoped that Kunpeng could persuade Lord Taishan from the sidelines to let Lord Taishan agree to the deal.

Fortunately, Kunpeng is quite sensible, and he really started to persuade him.

"Fujun, although this kid is annoying, he is indeed strong enough. With him joining forces, we will be even more powerful against the heavens. There is really no need to fight him to the end. If something happens, then our future plans will be over. Fu Lord, make a decision!"

After hearing this, Lord Taishan finally made a decision after hesitation.

But this decision was not straightforward, and there was an additional condition.

The condition is that Tong Yan must swear an oath that he will never touch the position of Emperor of Heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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