
Chapter 1702 You're done, parting is imminent!

Chapter 1702 You're done, parting is imminent!
For Tong Yan, status and power are not important at all.He likes to live an ordinary life and just wants to be with the one he loves.If he hadn't shouldered the mission of Skywalker, if he hadn't been hunted down by the heavens all the way because he was Chi You's body, he and Tan Yu would have lived a life of men farming and women weaving in the old house of the Wu family.

As for the title of Emperor of Heaven, he had never thought about it at all, nor was he interested in it at all.

Therefore, the additional condition of Lord Taishan is nothing, and there is really nothing to hesitate about.

But even so, Tong Yan still pretended to think for a while, and finally answered: "Okay, I promise you. No matter what happens in the future, I will never get involved in the position of Emperor of Heaven."

Seeing Tong Yan's agreement, Lord Taishan smiled and said, "If that's the case, then we are no longer enemies, and there is no need to continue fighting." Having said this, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the sound spread everywhere. The guards of Senluo Temple who were fighting with the elite of Sikou Mountain retreated immediately.A great battle was not completely over until now.

However, when he looked at the ground, there were already corpses strewn all over the field. Most of the elite of Sikou Mountain were dead, and no less than [-]% of the soldiers of Senluo Temple were dead.

There is no real winner in such a large-scale war. At most, whoever loses less and has fewer casualties.

Fortunately, the result is acceptable. After all, the gap between Taishan Yincao and the human world can be repaired. In this way, the human world can be freed from worries.

As for the rest, we can only take one step at a time.

Lord Taishan also kept his word. He did not stop the people from Sikoushan from repairing the cracks.

After a large amount of Taishi melted, the huge cracks were repaired bit by bit.

Only when the last pot of molten iron melted from Taishi is poured, the gap between Taishan Yincao and the human world will be completely repaired.

After the cracks were repaired, some people were ecstatic, while others frowned.The happy ones are naturally the people from Sikou Mountain, while the depressed ones are Kunpeng and Taishan Fujun.

One must know that in order to open up this crack, Kunpeng and Taishan Fujun spent a lot of effort.It's a pity that the crack was repaired before they could fully enjoy the benefits brought by the crack.

Even though they felt very bad, they could only swallow this bad breath. After all, they also got a powerful helper to join them. Having Tong Yan and his Tiandao League to join would be a great supplement to their original strength.

Now as long as a little more preparation, you can officially declare war on the heavens.

But before that, there is one more important thing to deal with, what is it?This matter is related to Tong Yan.

Sitting in the temporary palace in front of the crack, Lord Taishan smiled and asked Tong Yan, "Tong Yan, fellow Taoist, when will you go to the heaven?"

When Tong Yan heard this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said in a puzzled way: "Why did you say that? What am I going to do in the heaven? Could it be that you are already planning to attack the heaven?"

Hearing this, Lord Taishan shook his head and laughed: "No! Didn't I tell you before that if you want to improve your cultivation, you must go to the heaven to receive the baptism of divine light. What? Have you forgotten ?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Of course I haven't forgotten, but I'm already a thorn in the side of the heaven, a thorn in my flesh. Going to the heaven rashly, I'm afraid it's tantamount to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. Before I have a thorough plan, I think this matter is still a big deal. It's good to push back."

Taishan Mansion Lord smiled again: "I will go to heaven to meet old friends in a few days. If you trust me, you can go with me. If I cover up for you, they should not be able to find your trace. Arrived Heaven, you only need to accept the baptism of divine light, and then you can return to the human world alone. As long as you move quickly enough, you should not have any trouble. How about it? Would you like to go with me?"

To be honest, the heavens have always been mysterious.Any living being who cultivates immortality and asks, hopes that one day he can ascend to the heaven.But the heavens are scary, because no one knows what the heavens are like, and what are the rules of the heavens.If you accidentally violate the rules of heaven, the consequences will definitely be serious.

Tong Yan knew that if he wanted to improve his cultivation, he might have to go to the heaven.But at the same time, he also has some rejection of the heavens in his heart.Probably because he was hunted down by so many gods, he has subtly regarded the heavens as his worst enemy.So before he was strong enough, he didn't want to take any action against the heavens.

But Lord Taishan's proposal made him a little tempted.After all, he just joined hands with Lord Taishan, and Lord Taishan would definitely not harm him.On the contrary, Lord Taishan should try his best to help him.

In this case, instead of taking a big risk to go to the heaven alone, it would be better to go with the Lord Taishan.With the care of the great god Taishan Mansion, things may go much smoother.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan said decisively: "Okay, since Fujun is willing to help, I naturally can't miss this opportunity. Fujun, I don't know when we will leave? I still have some things to explain back to the human world. If it is too hasty, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to handle."

Hearing this, Lord Taishan thought for a while and said, "Then we will leave for the heavenly realm in seven days, and then I will go to the human realm to find you. What do you think?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's very good, then let's make a deal. I will return to the human world tomorrow and wait for you in the human world."

The two chatted for a while, and then Lord Taishan left here with Kunpeng and others, probably returning to Senluo Hall.

Before leaving, Lord Taishan gave Tong Yan a talisman, which was his treasure, and there were only seven of them in total.As long as this talisman is used, the channel between Taishan Yincao and the human world can be opened, and then return to the human world smoothly.

If Tong Yan doesn't have this talisman, it's not impossible to return to the human world, but at least it will take some more troubles, such as going to the underworld first, and then returning from the underworld to the human world, which will be a lot of trouble.And even if Taishan Yincao and the underworld are connected, it is necessary to go through a space channel to enter the underworld from Taishan Yincao. If one is accidentally caught in the turbulent flow of space, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Lord Taishan was thoughtful, and the next thing to do was to see when Tong Yan used this talisman and left Taishan Yincao.

Tong Yan's original plan was to leave and return to the human world tomorrow, but before that, he still needed to consult the ancestors of the Wu family and ten mentors for their opinions.

Of course he didn't want to leave by himself, because it was too difficult to enter Taishan Yincao.If possible, he still wanted to take the ancestor of the Wu family and ten mentors away from here.

It's a pity that his good intentions did not get a satisfactory answer from everyone.

The opinions of the ancestors of the Wu family and the top ten Skywalkers are very simple. Since they have already entered this place, it is destiny.Since God arranged it this way, wouldn't it be against the sky if they left?
What's more, they are used to life here, and they don't have a physical body to use when they return to the human world, so they might as well live here comfortably.

Tong Yan persuaded them for a long time, but in the end they failed to change their minds.

In this way, the next day came in a blink of an eye.The parting is imminent, Tong Yan is full of reluctance.But what should go has to go, what should stay has to stay, nothing can be changed.

But just when he was about to leave to return to the human world, the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain and Shi Ling rushed to find him.

What news will they bring to Tong Yan?

(End of this chapter)

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