
Chapter 1706 There are many doubts, why is this so?

Chapter 1706 There are many doubts, why is this so?
Faced with such a sharp warning, Tong Yan didn't take it too seriously.Since he is here, he will never leave easily.Furthermore, it is not that simple to let him die here.

Ignoring it, he continued to swim downstream. He wanted to see who was so holy, who dared to be so rampant here.

As his body continued to descend, changes finally appeared in the originally calm water.I don't know the reason, but not far from his feet, bubbles started to "bubble", and the bubbles were like jellyfish one by one, swarming towards him quickly.

These bubbles were obviously from unkind people, Tong Yan was not stupid, he naturally wouldn't wait for the bubbles to touch him, and then deal with it by himself.

So before these bubbles approached him, he suddenly spread the power of the stars, directly breaking through all these "aggressive" bubbles.

But what I didn't expect was that with the great power of his stars, those broken bubbles were divided into two, four in two, and eight in four, becoming more and more dense.

If someone with trypophobia saw it, they would probably collapse on the spot.But Tong Yan is fine, he is very calm at the moment.

As the saying goes, the soldiers will block the water and the earth will cover them. Although these bubbles are weird, although there are enough bubbles, it is still a bit of a dream to threaten his safety.

Since the power of the stars can't completely remove them, I have to think of other ways.

The method he thought of was very simple and rude. With his powerful immortal power, he could directly pass through these bubbles, making them useless, and naturally it would not cause him any trouble.

Without delay, he mobilized his overflowing celestial power and quickly rushed out from all parts of his body.The water around him was immediately separated from him by about one meter under the impact of his immortal power.

The water flow can't get close to him, and these bubbles that exist in the water flow naturally can't get close to him at all.

Indeed, this method does work.Under the influence of his immortal power, those bubbles could no longer approach him, and he was able to continue to move towards the city below surrounded by these bubbles.

"Outsiders, I've already said that you are not welcome here. If you try to force your way in, you will be an enemy of our Water Clan. At that time, even if you are a god, you will not escape death."

Tong Yan was really tired of hearing such warnings.But this time he did not remain silent, but responded with his thoughts: "Hide your head and show your tail, are you shameless? You don't even ask me why I came, and you want to drive me away. It's ridiculous. Since you can see me , just show yourself in front of me. If you are sure that there is no one I am looking for here, I will leave. If not, then let the horse come here. Do you really think I will be afraid of a coward like you? ?”

On the one hand, Tong Yan's words showed his super aura, and on the other hand, it was equivalent to taking this guy who communicated with his thoughts into the army.

He needs to understand the situation here, and more importantly, whether the Demon Emperor has been here.So he will definitely not leave until he understands the situation.

Perhaps realizing that Tong Yan is not an easy person to deal with, that guy finally slowly appeared in front of Tong Yan.

I saw that although this guy looks like a human, it is obviously like water. It is hidden in the water. If it doesn't take the initiative to show itself, it really can't be found.

The color of its body is slightly blue, which is easier to distinguish compared with the clear water around it.It also has limbs, a head, a nose and a mouth, the only difference is that it has a pair of blue wings behind it.

Tong Yan stared at the guy in front of him, and then smiled slightly: "Your Excellency must be this water elf? Why do you reject an outsider like me so much?"

The water elf heard this, and immediately replied: "The creatures here live and work here in peace and contentment, and don't want to have anything to do with the outside world. We don't want to provoke disputes, and we don't want to make friends with outsiders, so we don't want outsiders to come here. Tell me, Who are you looking for? Except for the creatures here, there is no outsider here. Does this answer satisfy you? Can you leave?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "What are you in such a hurry for? How can you convince me when you speak so bluntly? My friend came here one step earlier than me. You said that no outsiders came, and you think I will believe it." ? Tell me, where is he?"

The water elf heard this, and immediately said angrily: "I have already said, we have no outsiders here, so don't mess around. If you insist on not leaving, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said: "I have made it very clear, I will not listen to your one-sided words. If you are open-minded, dare you let me go down to see what happened? As long as there are really no friends of mine down there, I will turn around and leave." Let's go. But if I find out that you have deceived me, then it is impossible to tell who is ruthless."

"You... you really want to go down and find out?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "What? Is there something shady down here?"

The water elf snorted coldly and said, "Okay, since you insist on checking it out, I'll let you do it. But after reading it, don't regret it."

Tong Yan said confidently: "I never regret what I do. Of course, it's useless to regret. Are you right? Okay, don't waste time. I don't have time to spend here with you. I just want to make sure my friend If I'm not here with you, I'll leave immediately and never stay."

The water elf said coldly: "Okay, if you insist on watching, then come with me!"

Having said that, the water elf moved and went directly downstream.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly followed.

But after a while, the two were less than ten meters away from the underwater city.

When they got close, Tong Yan realized something was wrong.

If this is really the habitat of water elves, then why is a city built here?And this city is obviously similar to the city on land.The city walls and houses corroded by the water flow are obviously not like those built in the water.

It feels if it was moved in from the land.

For such a discovery, he realized that this underwater world is by no means that simple, maybe there is some unknown secret hidden behind it.

"Don't you want to see it? Then go down and see for yourself."

Hearing the voice transmission of the water spirit, Tong Yan immediately floated down.

It wasn't until his feet hit the ground that he affirmed his previous thoughts.

That's right, this city is definitely a city on land. As for why it appeared in this underwater world, it is unknown.

While he was looking around, the door of the house closest to him suddenly opened.Immediately afterwards, a strange humanoid creature entered his sight!

(End of this chapter)

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