
Chapter 202 Nearly being amputated, the hero returns!

Chapter 202 Nearly being amputated, the hero returns!
"Yo, you're still a beauty! Little girl, you're really brave enough to come here alone. Now that you're here, stay here! Hmph..."

The middle-aged man threw the mask in his hand on the ground, and then rushed forward again in a flash.

Gao Qian saw that the gun in her hand had become a decoration, and immediately put it on her waist, clenched her fists with both hands, and directly fought with the middle-aged man with bare hands.

Don't look at Gao Qian as just a girl, but her skills are extremely good.Since saying goodbye to Tong Yan last time, she has applied for the police academy, and was accepted into the squad by the Criminal Police Brigade with excellent results.

The reason why she appeared in this underground casino this time was to investigate the missing persons case that had not been solved for half a year.And all the clues finally point to this underground casino.In order not to startle the enemy, she disguised herself as a gambler and guarded the casino for several days, until she found that the man dressed as the manager of the lobby often led the rich people in and out of the gate behind the corridor, so she decided to come in and have a look after all.

This place is heavily guarded and guarded by special personnel, so she guessed that the missing person might be locked up here, so she ventured into Longtan alone.

As the saying goes, high-skilled people are bold and have no skills, so how could Gao Qian come here foolishly.As a descendant of the mausoleum guard, Gao Qian's skills were demonstrated in the tomb of the imperial concubine.

If it's just an ordinary bad guy, she is confident that she can handle it.However, to her surprise, the people here are not ordinary people at all.Even bullets can't do anything about it, whether it's a demon or a corpse, or a spirit!

This middle-aged man was dressed in a suit and looked amiable, but when he made a move, he was so vicious that people dared not be careless.

The two of you come and go, not giving in to each other, only seeing others dazzled and brilliant.

After hitting for a while, Gao Qian suddenly stepped back, reached out and pulled out a soft sword from her waist.

This middle-aged man is not afraid of bullets, so naturally he is not afraid of being hurt by fists and feet, so it may be difficult to subdue him without some magical weapons.And the soft sword that Gao Qian showed was the magical weapon passed down from generation to generation by the guards of the Lingling, and it was called the Golden Silk Sword!When Tong Yan entered Gao Qian's home that day, he felt unbearable pain in his eyes, which was caused by the righteousness of this soft sword.

As soon as the golden silk sword was revealed, fear immediately appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged man, and he took two steps back unconsciously.

Gao Qian saw this in her eyes and didn't talk nonsense. She squeezed a sword formula with one hand, and immediately rushed forward with her sword.

Seeing Gao Qian rushing forward, the middle-aged man had no intention of fighting any more, turned around and ran towards Elder Ling, and shouted: "Old Ling, help me, the little one can't stop it!"

Hearing this, Elder Ling yelled and cursed: "Useless things, seven swordsmen, you go!"

As soon as he gave an order, the seven men in black standing behind him immediately drew their long knives on their backs and rushed forward in a swarm, immediately surrounding Gao Qian.

Gao Qian looked around for a week, then snorted coldly, raised her sword and stabbed at the man in black at the front first.

Although these men in black were blind, they seemed to be able to see. Gao Qian stabbed out with a sword, and several people around her and around her immediately swung their knives and attacked.

Gao Qian knew that she was under attack, but if she didn't break out of the encirclement, she would have no chance.

The man in black in front of him saw Gao Qian stabbing him with a sword, and immediately swung his knife to block it.Only a sound of "Dang" was heard, and the golden silk sword was directly blocked by the grid.At the same time, Gao Qian took advantage of her body to turn, and kicked the man in black violently in the head with a roundabout kick.

But what she didn't expect was that this kick was powerful and heavy, but the kick hit the man in black's head, as if kicking the air, and passed through directly.

Although Gao Qian was surprised in her heart, she didn't dare to slack off. After kicking the ground, she hurriedly rolled forward.With this roll, she not only rushed out of the encirclement, but also suddenly came to Linglao who was sitting on the sofa. With a wave of the horizontal sword, she instantly put it on Linglao's neck.

"Stand back, if you dare to act recklessly, I will kill him!"

Gao Qian was now able to confirm that the so-called Seven Swordsmen were not human beings, but seven evil spirits.Without a physical body, it is really difficult for her to win.

As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king, as long as this old spirit is captured, the remaining young people will not be afraid.

The seven swordsmen stopped when they saw their master was captured.But the elder Ling, who was pinned to the neck by the sword, looked relaxed and full of disdain.

"Girl, God has the virtue of good life. You threaten me with a sword, an old man, and you won't be afraid of others' jokes if you spread it? If you accidentally cut my throat, wouldn't that be killing innocent people? Come on, come on, Put down the sword, let's chat slowly. Everything is negotiable!" As he spoke, he was about to push away the golden silk sword in Gao Qian's hand.

Seeing this, Gao Qian snorted coldly and said, "Old fox, you'd better be more honest. If you dare to move around again, I'll kill you. Let me tell you, I'm a policeman. My life is a threat. Whether it's in self-defense, or you're charged with assaulting the police, I can kill you immediately. Our men will be here soon. Before that, I don't mind if anyone is dishonest Cut off his head immediately."

The last sentence was obviously directed at the seven swordsmen, and what she fears most now is these seven damn things.

Hearing this, Elder Ling chuckled and said, "Girl, it seems that we can't sit down and have a good talk. The old man originally wanted to make friends with you, but you refused me thousands of miles away. In this case , then don’t blame the old man for being cruel. Hehe..." Before the laughter stopped, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the golden silk sword.

When Gao Qian saw it, her face changed drastically, and she immediately cut his neck fiercely with a sword.

However, what is unbelievable is that one hand of this old thing is like a pair of iron pincers, no matter how hard she exerts, the blade of the sword is always difficult to penetrate.

Sensing the danger coming, Gao Qian clenched her jade hand and hit Elder Ling directly in the eyes.But this old thing struck out with one palm at a time, knocking Gao Qian several meters away, and then hit the wall heavily.

"Pfft..." Being seriously injured, Gao Qian couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood.

Elder Ling looked at the golden silk sword he had snatched from Gao Qian, and said with a contemptuous smile: "The sword is a good sword, but it's a pity that your cultivation base is too weak. If I raise another level, I'm afraid I will really die at your hands." The sword is down. Come, someone, chop off her limbs and put them in a vat. The old man wants to make another human pig, and the spirit is hard to find. I can't miss it easily. Haha..."

Hearing this, the Seven Swordsmen rushed towards Gao Qian with their swords in hand.

And at this critical moment, two figures, one red and one white, rushed into the room at an extremely fast speed, and then heard a familiar voice.

"Old man, you are the one who refines spirits, right? It's really easy for me to find, this time, let me see where you are going to escape!"

Taking a closer look, the person who opened the mouth was none other than Tong Yan who had been out of customs for less than half a month!

"Tong Yan? Is it you? You are still alive? I thought you were dead long ago... Woooo..."

When Tong Yan heard this, his heart trembled, and he immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.When he saw the haggard Gao Qian who was spitting blood, the joy of reunion disappeared in an instant, and the flames of anger ignited violently.

"Old spirit, how dare you hurt my woman, today I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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