
Chapter 203 Harvesting love, 1 knife 2 half!

Chapter 203 Harvesting love, one knife cuts two halves!

As soon as the fairy's words fell, the murderous intent was immediately revealed, and he was about to chop the old spirit up.

But at this moment, Gao Qian suddenly couldn't help coughing violently.Hearing Gao Qian's cough, Tong Yan had no choice but to spare Elder Ling for the time being, and hurried to her side.

"Gao Qian, are you okay? Is the injury serious? Where is the injury?" He asked with concern, and carefully helped her up so that she could lean against the wall more comfortably.

Tong Yan frowned, his face was full of worry, he was really afraid that something would happen to Gao Qian.

Gao Qian tried her best to spit out the blood in her mouth, then leaned lightly on Tong Yan's shoulder, and forced a smile: "I... I'm fine, I can't die. You... Don't worry, it's finally here You, I... how can I be willing to die?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt a burst of sadness in his heart.Three years ago, he made a promise to Gao Qian that he must come back alive.Yes, he did come back alive.However, he was always entangled in trivial matters, and he was still unable to go back to Nanfeng City to see Gao Qian.But I didn't expect that they would meet here today. Is this really arranged by God?
Tong Yan gently held Gao Qian in his arms, and said emotionally: "I'm sorry, I came back too late. I'm sorry for making you wait for me for so long. This time I will come back, and I will never leave again. I want I will always be by your side, hold your hand, and grow old with you! Would you like to?"

The emotions that had been accumulated in my heart for three years finally broke out at this moment of reunion.Tong Yan is convinced that he loves Gao Qian, he really wants to grow old with her forever and never be separated.

Gao Qian looked at Tong Yan's expectant eyes, then smiled shyly, and then nodded slightly.

Love is like a seed. It may not have much vitality at first, but after experiencing wind and rain, it will germinate, take root, drill out of the soil, and grow against the sun until it grows into a towering sky. Big tree, blossoming and bearing fruit.

After such a long time, the seeds planted in the hearts of the two finally grew up, and now it is finally the season to harvest love.The two just stared at each other, only seeing each other!
Tong Yan was wearing a white suit today, his long hair in the cultivation place had been cut short, and his beard was shaved clean.It seemed that he was still the same as before.But the menacing aura emanating from his whole body makes people dare not despise it, and even makes people fear it.

Elder Ling looked him up and down, hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Who is your Excellency? What do you want to do when you come here?"

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar in a red suit sneered and said, "Old man, you are really blind. This is the young master of our Demon Sect. If you know your senses, quickly kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, you bastards , don't even think about living!"

Hearing this, Elder Ling couldn't help but tremble all over, and then he said in puzzlement: "Young Sect Master of the Demon Sect? This old man has never had any enmity with the Demon Sect, why do you want to make things difficult for me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan raised his eyes to look at him, and then said coldly: "Old man, you really can't cry without seeing the coffin. Do you remember that you once trained a demon? Six years ago, that demon was in the Nanfeng City killed a family surnamed Wu. In the end, a child was lucky enough to survive, but his eyes were gouged out by the evil spirit. To tell you the truth, I was the child who survived the catastrophe. The evil spirit was cultivated by you, and you cannot escape The blame. The reason why I came here today is to avenge the death of the family back then."

When Elder Ling heard this, his expression changed drastically, but he still argued for himself: "Your Majesty, the old man has refined countless evil spirits in his life, but many of those evil spirits have been sold to others. Even if those evil spirits committed something Sin has nothing to do with me. It would be far-fetched for you to find me because of this matter? Besides, I am not the only one who can refine evil spirits in the world? My master and my brothers You are all proficient in this method, how do you know that the evil spirit that harmed your family came from me?"

Tong Yan was startled when he heard this, and immediately asked, "You still have a master and a brother? Then do you know someone like Ling Jianchou?"

Hearing this, Elder Ling hurriedly replied: "I know, I know. Ling Jianchou is my senior uncle and the first disciple of our patriarch Shihun old man. My master is the second disciple, but their senior brothers basically have no relationship. What, Does Young Sect Master know my uncle? By the way, you said that the evil spirit that harmed your family may have been refined by my uncle."

This old guy is clever, and when he heard Tong Yan mentioned Ling Jianchou, he immediately wanted to distance himself from him.

But what he said made Tong Yan fall into deep thought. Back then Tong Yan ran into Ling Jianchou in Xiaoxing'an Mountains. The old man said that in the whole world, the only ones who could refine evil spirits were their senior brothers and sisters.Looking at it now, time has passed, and Ling Jianchou's junior brother should have taken in a lot of disciples, and his disciples should have all learned the art of refining spirits. In this way, who wants to know who the evil spirit that harmed his family came from? Hand, it's really hard to be sure all of a sudden.

But after thinking about it, this is nothing, as long as all the people who know how to refine spirits are eliminated, then they will naturally take revenge.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately said to Gao Qian who was in his arms: "You rest here for a while, I will go to do justice for the sky, it will be fine in a while!"

After speaking, he supported Gao Qian to sit by the wall, stood up immediately, and said with a sneer to Elder Xiang Ling: "Old man, I really don't know if that evil spirit came from you, but if I refine all my proficiency Get rid of all the evils of the spirit technique, and then you will be able to avenge yourself. Today, I will take you first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he touched his waist and immediately pulled out the black dragon dagger.Before Elder Ling could recover, he had already strode forward and charged straight away with the knife in hand.

In fact, regardless of whether this elder Ling is his enemy or not, Tong Yan will not let him go today.Not to mention anything else, just because he hurt Tong Yan's beloved woman, this alone is enough to kill him ten thousand times.

Seeing Tong Yan approaching aggressively, Ling Lao turned around and fled in fright.Although he didn't know how capable Tong Yan was, how could the title of Young Sect Master of the Demon Sect be obtained by ordinary people?Furthermore, the Demon Sect has always been famous for its fierceness and vicious attacks. Since Tong Yan in front of him can become the young master of the Demon Sect, he must be even more ruthless and bloodthirsty.

Now that he was being targeted by the Demon Sect, the only thing he could do was to run away.

It has to be said that the speed of this old spirit is really not slow, and he has already rushed to the door in just two steps.But it's a pity that Tong Yan's speed is faster, and he has already caught up with him in less than a second.

"Old bastard, accept death obediently!" As soon as the words fell, Tong Yan slashed down with a knife.There was only a scream of "ah", which almost killed Gao Qian's elder, and was cut in half by Tong Yan.

But at this moment, only a "boom" was heard, and there was a deafening roar in the room where the human pig was placed.

Immediately afterwards, a red monster crashed into the wall and jumped out of the hole in the wall.

Take a closer look, my God, isn't this red monster the same guy?What happened to her?With his brains sucked dry, can he still live?

(End of this chapter)

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