
Chapter 204 Human pigs become demons, looking forward to reunion!

Chapter 204 Human pigs become demons, looking forward to reunion!
As soon as the roar sounded, everyone's eyes immediately followed the sound.But when they saw the true face of the red monster, everyone was shocked on the spot.

Tong Yan read a lot of ancient books when he was in Guizhoumen, so he recognized the red monster in front of him at a glance, it was the human pig.

It's just that he didn't expect that such inhuman and inhuman torture would still be used in modern times.But he can be sure that this woman who was made into a human pig is dead, and the reason why she was able to break through the wall and come in front of everyone is because of one word, that is hate!
It was this monstrous hatred that turned her from a human into a demon in an instant, and once a human became a demon, there was no possibility of turning back.

Human pig's limbs have indeed been cut off, without eyes, nose, tongue and ears, and perhaps all she has left is her teeth.So after becoming a demon, her teeth not only became longer, but also sharp as swords.

And just when Tong Yan focused his attention on Ren Zhi, a wisp of black air escaped from the body of the old ghost who had been split in half.As soon as the black air appeared, they wanted to flee from this place.

Unfortunately, it was discovered by Tong Yan.Tong Yan slashed out again, and the black air disappeared instantly under the blade.

That black energy is nothing but the ghost of that old ghost. For a bastard as devoid of humanity as he is, it is not enough to appease one's indignation, nor is it enough to relieve one's hatred, but this may be the only thing Tong Yan can do for this What people have done.

Worried that this man would hurt Gao Qian, after finishing off Guilao, Tong Yan immediately stepped forward, hugged Gao Qian directly, and retreated to the door.

After the human pig rushed out of the room, no limbs could keep upright.She sniffed with her nose, which had only two holes left, and immediately locked on to Mr. Qian who was hiding in the corner and was trembling with fear.

This President Qian had sucked her brains dry before, so after she became a demon, she still remembered the smell of President Qian.Now is the time to get revenge and complain.

I saw this man curled up, and immediately rolled towards Mr. Qian like a bowling ball.

When Mr. Qian saw the hog approaching him, he screamed in fright, broke out in cold sweat, kicked and kicked.But he is already in the corner, where can he retreat?There may be nothing else waiting for him except death.

However, no one stepped forward to help. Since the human pig was the only one who had his eyes on him, it naturally meant that he had committed an unforgivable crime to this human pig.

As the saying goes, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil.

After the man got close to Mr. Qian, he opened his mouth wide and bit on Mr. Qian's thigh.As soon as Mr. Qian was bitten on his thigh, he immediately let out a horrific howl.

"Ah... ah... help... help..."

While howling loudly, he pushed and beat the pig hard, hoping to survive.But it's a pity, after becoming a demon, the human pig is extremely powerful, how could he be able to get rid of by a villain?In just a few seconds, that human pig actually...bitten off one of Mr. Qian's thighs alive.

The thigh was bitten off, and the blood instantly stained a large area of ​​the ground red.And Mr. Qian also passed out directly because of the severe pain.

This was just the beginning, the next scene made Gao Qian bury her head in Tong Yan's arms, not daring to look at it.

After the human pig bit off one of Mr. Qian's thighs, he bit off his other leg. Then, she bit off Mr. Qian's two arms alive.It wasn't until the end that the human pig bit off Mr. Qian's neck.

The whole process was bloody and horrible. Although President Qian was not quartered by five horses, it was almost the same as being quartered by five horses.He was treated like this. Although it seemed cruel, no one showed any mercy.

This is his retribution, all of this is his own fault, he tried in vain to prolong his life by sucking human brains, which was doomed from the very beginning that he would be punished today.

After killing Mr. Qian to death, the human pig immediately raised his head and roared.Maybe she was venting the hatred in her heart, maybe she was thanking God for turning her into a demon to avenge her.

Tong Yan stared at her, sighed softly and said, "After suffering so much, I finally got my revenge. It's time to get on the road with peace of mind. Brother Xu, give him a ride!"

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar nodded, then took out a fire talisman from his pocket, and hit Ren Zhi directly.As soon as the fire talisman touched the human pig, it immediately ignited a raging flame.

Human pig was in the flames, without struggling or moving, but quietly waiting for himself to be burned to ashes.

Now the middle-aged man and the seven-swordsman who has lost his mind are left in the room, Tong Yan looked at them, and then said coldly: "Get rid of them all, not one left!"

The thousand-faced scholar heard this, without saying a word, he immediately moved his body, and within 5 minutes, everything was settled.

Tong Yan didn't stop, and immediately left here with Gao Qian in his arms.Gao Qian's injury is serious and must be treated as soon as possible, so Tong Yan has to go first.

The remaining mess will naturally be handed over to the thousand-faced scholar.Gao Qian had sent a text message before, and believed that the police would arrive soon.The true face of this underground casino can naturally be made public.

At the same time, in a dark room of the Seven Kills Gate, a person wearing a huge cloak was curled up on a huge piece of ice.Because his head is hanging down deeply, I don't know what he looks like.

But judging from his exposed white hair, this person should be an old man.But why did he sit on the ice when he was so good?This is really incomprehensible.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and then a middle-aged man in a black tunic came in from outside.

He stopped less than ten steps away from the white-haired old man, then saluted respectfully, and said, "Master, this disciple just received the news that the second senior brother is dead!"

Hearing this, the white-haired old man immediately said in a vicissitudes of life: "Is it true? The second child's cultivation base is not weak, and he specializes in refining corpses. His body is no longer capable of being injured by ordinary swords. Could it be that an expert Why?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately replied: "Master, the second senior brother was indeed killed, and his soul flew away. Someone saw the thousand-faced scholar of the Demon Sect and a young man enter the casino of the second senior brother. It is estimated that this matter has something to do with the demon." Zong can't escape the relationship."

The white-haired old man said softly: "Since it is related to the Demon Sect, there is nothing strange about it. It seems that the Qilin talent is still alive. Some people said that they saw him in the battle between Zheng and Demon three years ago. Maybe he has already joined the Demon Sect, and now that he is looking for the second child, he must have found out something. No problem, even if he has the backing of the Demon Sect, it will not be a problem. It is not so easy to bring down the Seven Killers. Let me know Sect Master, tell him that the Demon Sect will come to cause trouble recently, let him prepare in advance."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man hurriedly responded: "Yes, this disciple will inform the sect master right away. If there is nothing else, then this disciple will leave first!" After saying that, he turned around and left the room directly.

After the middle-aged man left, the white-haired old man suddenly let out a cold laugh.

"Old man, I haven't seen you for more than 1000 years. I am really looking forward to meeting you again, but don't let me down. Hehe..."

Old boy?Who is this white-haired old man referring to?Who is he?
(End of this chapter)

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