
Chapter 208 Qingming Appears, Mysterious Old Monk!

Chapter 208 Qingming Appears, Mysterious Old Monk!

The thousand-faced scholar turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something again.

"By the way, Young Sect Master, Xue'er's day of retreat is getting closer and closer. After the matter here is over, are you going to visit her?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded lightly and said: "Well, I have to go and see, she has been in retreat for a few months, right? Let's go to her place of retreat after finishing the matter here Take her out. In addition, continue to send people around to find out about Qing Ming and Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. No matter where they are, we must find them."

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar responded, "Don't worry, young master, auspicious people have their own auras, and Qingming and the nine-tailed demon fox will definitely be fine. Then the subordinates will go to see the nine-hole and eighteen-rudder people first." , I will come to you tomorrow."

"Okay, be careful all the way!"

The thousand-faced scholar didn't say anything, turned around and walked out of the room.

Tong Yan sat down on the bed, thought for a while, then picked up the lunch that Qianmian Scholar bought for him, and ate absent-mindedly.


Located in the northern Jiangsu area, there is a small mountain called Miliu.This mountain is adjacent to the Grand Canal. Although the altitude is not high, it has beautiful scenery and beautiful mountains and clear waters. From a distance, it is surrounded by mist, just like a fairyland on earth.

On the hillside of the Miliu Mountain, there is a thousand-year-old temple.Surrounded by red walls and roofed with red tiles, several towering trees stand against the wall, and cicadas chirp on the trees, making them feel relaxed and comfortable.

This ancient temple is called Jinshen Temple. According to legend, there was a golden Zen master in this temple.

Just a year ago, an unexpected visitor came to the Golden Body Temple.The man was dying when he arrived, and the abbot was merciful, so he tried every means to save his life. Although he was revived, the man was depressed and kept silent all day long.

Today, the presiding officer took him to practice meditation and worship Buddha as usual, hoping to enlighten him and help him get rid of his demons.

After the morning class, all the monks left the Daxiong Hall one after another, only this person knelt down on his knees, still looking devoutly at the Buddha statue in front of him.

I saw this person's long cyan hair tied casually behind his head, fair skin and handsome appearance, but his expression was indifferent, and he seemed a little listless.Take a closer look, isn't this person exactly Qingming, who is he?
But why did he appear in this ancient temple in the mountains?After leaving Qilin Pavilion, what has he experienced in the past two years?

It turned out that he killed innocent people in the Qilin Pavilion that day, and after being kicked out by the owner of the Qilin Pavilion, he devoted himself to investigating the masked man who persecuted him.However, the masked man hardly left any clues, so how can he find out if he wants to investigate?
So he decided to find Tong Yan first, and then make plans later.When he was in Qilin Pavilion, he knew the news of Tong Yan's joining the Demon Sect, but after the Battle of Zhengmo, he had no news at all.

Since Tong Yan is already a member of Mozong, the only way to find him is from Mozong.It's a pity that after the demon sect experienced the battle between righteousness and demons, the disciples in the sect disappeared without a trace like evaporated from the world.As a result, it became impossible to find Tong Yan.

During those days, Qingming got drunk all day long, and when people drank too much, it was easy to think of all kinds of bitter memories.He thought of Nangong Jin'er who was seriously injured by him, his brother Tong Yan whose life and death were uncertain, and so many innocent people who died tragically at his hands, and under the impact of these painful past events, he gradually lost his way. He becomes demoralized and vulnerable.

But at this moment, he was targeted by a snake demon with hundreds of years of Taoism. He is a descendant of Qinglong, and snake demons and the like all hope that one day they can be promoted to dragons. If they can swallow Qingming, their cultivation base will be natural It is possible to make great progress, and perhaps it is not impossible to become a flood dragon in one fell swoop.

So the snake demon made a move, and the dazed Qingming really almost died in its hands. In the end, if he couldn't let go of the fetters in his heart, maybe Qingming had already lost his soul to the netherworld.He tried his best, and finally escaped from the mouth of the snake demon. He stumbled and ran all the way until he passed out next to the Golden Body Temple on Miliu Mountain.

It was the host who saved him and enlightened him attentively, but the pain in his heart cannot be alleviated with a few words of enlightenment.To this day, he has not been able to get rid of his guilt.

"Sigh...Little benefactor, you're in a daze again. Go out and wander around, it's not a solution to live like this all the time!"

At some point, the abbot of the Golden Body Temple came up behind him.This old monk is more than seventy years old, with a kind face, long eyebrows and long beard, he can tell at a glance that he is an eminent monk.

Hearing this, Qing Ming hesitated for a while, but still stood up slowly according to the words.He bowed respectfully to the old monk, then walked towards the courtyard without saying a word.

The old monk looked at him, and suddenly asked: "Little benefactor, I know you are not an ordinary person. Since you have no interest in living here, why don't you go to the north and south of the river?" The poor monk received a biography from a lay disciple in the temple a few days ago. I believe that the Demon Sect is going to compete with the Seven Killing Sect. The orthodox monks are gathering to eradicate these two evil sects together. You have the ability to join them, and you can also do justice for the heavens and atone for your own sins. Why? Wouldn't it be fun to do it?"

Qing Ming ignored it at first, but when he heard the name of the Demon Sect, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly asked: "Master, you said that the Demon Sect is going to compete with the Seven Kills Sect? Both the Demon Sect and the Seven Kills Sect are crooked. How could they kill each other?"

Hearing this, the old monk chuckled and said: "It seems that your heart is not calm, that's good, otherwise it will be a waste of all your skills. The letter said that the Mozong has a new young master, it is that The Young Sect Master has enmity with the Seven Kills Gate, that's why they are at war with the Seven Kills Gate!"

Enmity with Qishamen?Could it be... Could it be that the young suzerain is Tong Yan?Thinking of this, Qing Ming suddenly recovered, and asked again: "Master, do you know where they are going to attack?"

The old monk shook his head and said: "The poor monk doesn't know either. If you are interested, go down the mountain and ask around. I think someone will know!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately knelt down on his knees and said, "There is no repayment for saving your life. Please accept my three respects, Master!" As he spoke, he kowtowed heavily to the old monk three times.

The old monk didn't stop him, but kept smiling and watching him.

"Little benefactor, on the occasion of parting, the poor monk sent you a message, *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** The sky is high enough for the birds to fly, so go, have a good trip!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded heavily, got up and went down the mountain.

I never thought that after he passed by, the old monk suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "Master Nangong Pavilion, the poor monk can only help you here. The rest is up to the child himself! Hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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