
Chapter 209 The rain is about to come, so rampant!

Chapter 209 The rain is about to come, so rampant!
In the blink of an eye, the agreed day arrived as scheduled.

Gao Qian changed into her work clothes, bid farewell to Tong Yan, who was pretending to be asleep, and rushed to work.Breakfast has been prepared, although not rich, but warm enough.

Hearing the closing sound of the door, Tong Yan slowly opened his eyes.

Today is very critical for him.If everything goes his way, the vengeance of his parents and sister can be avenged.

He had waited too long for this day, and the scene of the death of his parents and sister was still vivid in his mind.He will never forget the blood-stained, fearful and helpless family members. They struggled and shouted hard in the broken car. How much they wanted to climb out of the car, how much they wanted to continue to live, but...however they But he couldn't move, and could only quietly wait for death to come.

His most beloved sister was still so young, she hadn't had a good look at the world, and she hadn't fully felt the warmth of the world, so she passed away completely.

He watched his close relatives die one by one in front of his eyes. How can such bloody enmity fade away with time?

Although so many years have passed, the hatred in his heart has not weakened in the slightest. He wants revenge, and he must let those cold-blooded and ruthless executioners get their due retribution.He wants to tear them into pieces one by one, he wants to use their flesh and blood to pay homage to their dead relatives, and he wants to prevent them from being reborn forever!
Tong Yan gritted his teeth fiercely, the flames of revenge made him murderous.

"Seven Kills, it's time for me to pay in blood. You must pay the due price for the sins of the past. You beasts, none of you will live!"

He clenched his fists hard, and after a while, he calmed down a little.

After hastily eating the breakfast carefully prepared by Gao Qian, Tong Yan specially put on a red coat. He is destined to bleed tonight, and red must be the brightest color.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, the scholar with thousands of faces came to Gao Qian's home.As soon as he saw Tong Yan, he immediately said: "Young Sect Master, the people from the Nine Caves and Eighteen Helms have already ambushed around the Seven Kills Gate as planned. As soon as the time comes, no one from the Seven Kills Gate will be able to survive." .”

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with satisfaction, "Very well, it's time to meet them. Let's go!"

The thousand-faced scholar nodded, then opened the door, the two walked out one after another, and then went straight to the Seven Killing Gate.

In fact, not many people know where the Seven Kills Gate is at all, except for the Seven Kills Gate's own people, probably only the Guile Gate and the Demon Sect know.

Why they would know, the reason is very simple, both the Sly Sect and the Demon Sect have secret operations in the Seven Kills Sect, but the Seven Kills Sect has never been known.

In the northwest of Qingshi, there is a valley called Evil Dragon Valley.Wild beasts have always been entrenched in the Dragon Valley, and they are notoriously fierce. Even the most powerful hunters dare not set foot in it easily, because most of them won't come out alive after entering.

Are the beasts in Evil Dragon Valley really so powerful? In fact, some people deliberately rendered them more.The reason is simple, because the lair of the Seven Killing Gate is located in the Dragon Valley.If people often enter the Evil Dragon Valley, the secret of the Seven Kills Gate will spread like wildfire. How can righteous monks let them go easily?
Tong Yan and Qianmian Scholar left Gao Qian's residence, drove a black off-road vehicle, and drove directly to Evil Dragon Valley.It was not until there was no way to go that I parked and switched to walking.

The reason why Tong Yan arrived here first was to guard against the Seven Killing Sect, and secondly, to remind the disciples of the Demon Sect.These disciples of nine caves and eighteen rudders always only recognize their rudder masters and cave masters, and never pay attention to the people in the main altar below the suzerain.Although Tong Yan had walked through holes and rudders before, he still had some doubts in his heart.

Now that the battle is imminent, if these guys do not fight and retreat wantonly, the difficulty of winning this battle can be imagined.In order to avoid accidents, Tong Yan's trip is very important.

According to Tong Yan's previous deployment, the nine holes and eighteen rudders each guarded the side of the Seven Kills Gate, which happened to surround the Seven Kills Gate heavily.

But there is a disadvantage in this way, what is the disadvantage?If the Seven Kills Sect gathers the elites in the sect and only rushes towards one side, it will be easy for them to rush out of the encirclement.In order to prevent this, it is imperative to deploy in advance.

After half an hour of sprinting in the forest, Tong Yan and Qian Mian Scholar first arrived at the Chihuo Cave camp guarding the southeast.

The Red Fire Cave is the first of the nine caves and eighteen rudders of the Mozong, and it is also the most powerful subordinate organization of the Mozong.It ranks first in the nine-hole eighteen rudders, and it can be said to be the leader of the nine-hole eighteen rudders in terms of numbers and combat power.

And precisely because of their strength, the people in Chihuodong have always been arrogant, and never take the other eight holes and eighteen sub-helms people seriously.In the past, when Xiong Qingcang was around, he could barely control it, but now Tong Yan took over, and the order was changed to negotiation.

The reason why they were able to come was actually only possible under Tong Yan's hard work.

Tong Yan and Qianmian Scholar walked forward all the way, and they didn't see a single secret post along the way. It was only when they arrived at the front of the camp that they realized that these guys were all asleep.

The most worried thing still happened, and Tong Yan couldn't help feeling a little angry.

The thousand-faced scholar looked at the Chihuodong disciples who were sleeping soundly around the bonfire in front of him, and immediately slapped out a palm, hitting the big tree beside him directly.

There was only a sound of "click", and the big tree as thick as a bucket was slapped in two by him on the spot.

The ear-shattering sound instantly woke up the sleeping people, seeing them get up in a panic one by one, Tong Yan couldn't help shaking his head.

"Who is it? His mother's big night disturbs people's dreams, are you courting death?"

A big bald man in a leather jacket cursed while picking up the machete beside him.The others also stood up and followed the sound with angry faces.

The thousand-faced scholar looked at them, snorted coldly and said: "Presumptuous, how courageous. The young master is here, why don't you hurry up and salute?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone became honest at once, and no one dared to say anything more.

At this moment, a man in his 30s came out of the tent. As he walked out, he fastened his buttons and said, "What are you doing with your teeth and claws? I don't know if I'm sleeping? It disturbed my dream. Your skins!"

Tong Yan raised his eyes to look at this person, and said with a chuckle: "Cave Master Liu, I'm really sorry, I'm here on patrol next night, please forgive me for disturbing you so much!"

Cave Master Liu heard this, turned his head and saw that it was Tong Yan who came, he was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed loudly and said, "So it's Brother Tong, look, you come to my place, send someone to notify you in advance Ah. Please forgive me for not welcoming you!"

This Cave Master Liu was the former Deputy Cave Master. It turned out that the leaders of the Nine Caves and Eighteen Helms had all died in the main altar.It's just that I didn't expect that the newly appointed cave master was even more arrogant.When they saw Tong Yan, not only were they not polite, they even called them brothers. It can be seen that in their hearts, they didn't take Tong Yan seriously at all.

Tong Yan was not angry either, and said with a faint smile: "The Chihuo Cave has always been the elite of the Demon Sect, and they are exhausted, so they should take a good rest. I just didn't want to disturb your dreams, so I came here quietly. Cave Master Liu, let's enter Let's talk about it!" He said as he walked to the front of the tent.

But what he didn't expect was that he only took a look into the tent, and he suddenly felt murderous.He knew that Chihuodong was arrogant and domineering, but he didn't expect it to be so bold, it was an unforgivable crime.

What did Tong Yan see in the tent?What exactly made him want to kill?Let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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