
Chapter 215 The sly door strikes, the dark sky!

Chapter 215 The sly door strikes, the dark sky!
" report to the Young Sect Master that in the battle with the Seven Killers, our Demon Sect lost more than a hundred people and killed more than [-] enemies. Their bones have been disposed of with corpse powder. As for their ghosts, what should they do now?" They've all gone to hell."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "The dead disciples of the Demon Sect are all heroes of our Demon Sect. Without their risking their lives, I'm afraid this battle would not have been won so easily. Remember to burn them more in the future." Some paper money."

"Yes, my subordinates have remembered. By the way, there is one more thing. A dozen or so members of the Qisha Sect rushed out of our encirclement, and they are nowhere to be seen now. Do you want to send people to look around and wipe out the roots?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "If you run away, just run away, let's spare them for now."

Hearing this, the disciple who sent the letter immediately responded: "Yes, that subordinate will leave first!" After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and suddenly asked, "Wait a minute, are there any special people among those who died in the Demon Sect? For example, those who can manipulate ghosts, or whose bodies are as hard as zombies?"

The disciple who sent the letter thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I didn't notice anyone manipulating ghosts, but there were a few with stiff bodies, but they were all melted away."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, then nodded with a smile.After watching the messenger disciple leave, he immediately fell into deep thought.

In this battle, he almost put all his attention on Huang Tianhu, the head of the Seven Kills Sect.As a result, those evil thieves who refined evil spirits were forgotten by him.

Although the Seven Kills Gate has been completely eradicated now, those soul descendants who are proficient in the art of refining ghosts don't know whether they are dead or alive.If you have already died in the battle just now, there is no need to worry.But if they are still alive, they will leave troubles.

Apart from these thieves, he also did not see Zhao Yu, one of the four heroes of the Sly Sect this time.I don't know if Zhao Yu is okay, I can only hope that he is safe and sound.

On the other hand, this time, the Sly Gate can be said to be the best.The eight disciples of the old sect master were all sent out, and there were as many as a thousand of them.Not only that, but even the ghost servants inside the door have also sent a lot.It can be seen from this that the old sect master still refuses to let Tong Yan go, even though his meridian has been cut off, he will end his grievances.

Among these people, the Eighth Hall Master Chen Yongli looked indifferent.The last time he secretly helped Tong Yan rescue Qing Ming, he was almost discovered by the old sect master.If he hadn't forced the Great Elder's ghost out of his body at the last moment and killed him in one fell swoop, he would have been torn to pieces by the old sect master at this moment.

Today, he is wearing a black sportswear, and still has a wine gourd hanging from his waist.This wine gourd was re-refined by him, the previous one had been destroyed by Tong Yan.

At this time, there is also a ghost in the newly refined wine gourd, and this ghost is none other than Tong Hu.

Why did Tong Hu appear in Chen Yongli's wine gourd?

It turned out that when Tong Yan's soul went to Yincao to rescue Qingming, Tong Hu returned to the Guimen alone.The reason why he wanted to return to the Tricky Gate was to help Tong Yan observe every move of the Tricky Gate in secret.

But unfortunately, he was accidentally discovered by Guishuai.That ghost handsome is also a ghost spirit, he once promised Tong Yan to help him seize power, but later he hid away with the ghost servants in the trick door.This time, he ran into Tong Hu, Tong Yan's most loyal subordinate, and was going to take him to the old sect master to receive the reward.

Tong Hu fought with Guishuai for dozens of rounds, but was gradually defeated.In desperation, he could only flee.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, he was rescued by the Eighth Hall Master Chen Yongli who arrived in time. Since then, he has lived in Chen Yongli's wine gourd.In a flash, it has been three years.

"Eighth hall master, do you think my young master has really become the young master of the Demon Sect? Are you going to deal with him this time?"

Hearing Tong Hu's voice from the wine gourd, Chen Yongli immediately nodded and replied: "It is absolutely true, there is nothing wrong with the sly sect coming out this time. But you don't have to worry too much, the younger brother has always been clever, I guess he I have already thought of a countermeasure!"

"Yes, although my young master's legs are paralyzed, no one can match his strategy. It's not that easy for the old sect master to harm him."

Hearing this, Chen Yongli smiled slightly and said, "I haven't seen him for three years, and I don't know how he is doing now. You should miss him more than me, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Hu sighed softly and said: "The young master has saved my life. He exploded his meridians again on Gezao Mountain. He must have suffered a lot. As a slave, I can't help him solve his problems. I'm really sorry for him." ah."

At this moment, the annoying Fourth Hall Master quickly stepped forward, Chen Yongli noticed it, and hurriedly reached out and tapped the wine gourd lightly.

"Eighth Junior Brother, we will reach the Evil Dragon Valley in half an hour. Our senior brothers have already discussed that you and your disciples will be the vanguard. This is a good opportunity to make a name for yourself, you must not let it down Our high hopes."

Hearing this, Chen Yongli chuckled lightly and said, "Thank you brothers for remembering me, but I have always been indifferent to fame and fortune. This pioneering thing, I think..."

"Eighth junior brother, since such a good thing has fallen on your head, don't refuse any more. Otherwise, wouldn't you be looking down on our senior brothers? Besides, the crime of not fighting in front of the battle, no matter who it is, I'm afraid I can't explain it to Master, can I?"

When Chen Yongli heard this, he sneered in his heart.The disciples of the Demon Sect have always been bloodthirsty, and whoever takes the lead will die first.What these guys are thinking, a fool can guess, it is nothing more than using him as a shield, and calling it famous, which is really ridiculous.

But now it's not something that Chen Yongxiang can change by refusing. Several of them have already moved out of the old sect master, so they want to use the old sect master to force him.

Chen Yongli was silent for a while, and finally nodded and smiled and said: "It's okay, thanks to the respect of all senior brothers, the younger brother will be the pioneer for the time being. Even if I die, I will not lose the prestige of my sly sect!"

Hearing this, the fourth hall master clapped his hands and applauded: "Okay, okay, you are indeed the eighth junior brother. He understands righteousness and is courageous. If so, then brother will be waiting to celebrate for you! Hehe..." After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around Pidianpidian ran to the back of the team.

Chen Yongli glared fiercely at the Fourth Hall Master who ran away, but he had already made plans in his heart.The atmosphere in the tricky sect is no longer what it used to be. The brothers and sisters are suspicious of each other, and the old sect master is domineering and tyrannical. If he continues to stay in such a sect, there will definitely not be any good results.Today happened to be an opportunity, if possible, it would be better to follow Tong Yan and join the Demon Sect. Although he was notorious, at least he could live an easy life.

Thinking of this, Chen Yongli finally made up his mind.

Before I knew it, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.It stands to reason that the sky should already be bright at this time, but what people didn't expect was that the sky of the entire Evil Dragon Valley seemed to be covered by a big hand. It was dark and gloomy, which made people feel uneasy.

Could it be that the Seven Evil Ghost Army has already been refined?But what exactly is the Seven Evil Ghost Army?Is it really just an army made up of ghosts?I'm afraid it's not that simple!Stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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