
Chapter 216 Unscrupulous, dire warning!

Chapter 216 Unscrupulous, dire warning!
The old nest of the Seven Killing Gate was completely burned down by a fire, except for a few large pillars that did not fall down, and only ruins remained.

However, what is unknown is that at this moment, under the Seven Kills Gate, an inhumane ghost refining technique is being carried out.

A black stove as tall as a person was emitting green smoke "cuckling".This stove is full of weirdness, and it looks unusual at first glance.

Although it looks very similar to the alchemy furnace that is very common in Taoist temples, it is slightly different from the alchemy furnace.For example, it is buckled upside down, and the ignition point is on the top instead of the bottom.There are very strange patterns engraved on the entire stove, some are like French seals, and some are like children's graffiti.The most eye-catching thing is a big "mouth" located in the central part of the stove. This "mouth" is integrated with the stove, and the fangs are carved out, which is very frightening.

I saw the old man in a huge cloak with disheveled hair squatting in front of the stove, throwing the black ball beside him into the "mouth" of the stove from time to time.

Take a closer look, the black ball is very much like a child's bouncy ball, but there is only a thin layer of membrane on the outside.Looking inside slowly through the film, I saw that the inside was filled with black air, as if filled with thick smoke.But what people didn't expect was that the black air was like a living thing, sometimes turning into a human shape, sometimes turning into a giant face, isn't it just an evil ghost?

Being able to pack evil spirits into such a small ball, it seems that this old man really has some tricks.

But in fact, he is the master of Corpse Soul Cult, that is, the junior that Gui Jianchou said.

After a while, he had thrown all the black balls into the furnace.But it seemed a little dissatisfied, so he turned and shouted outside the door: "Is there only so much?"

As soon as he said this, the door was opened immediately, and then a middle-aged man in a tunic suit came in.

"Master, there are more than 1000 of these, isn't it enough?"

Hearing this, the old man said angrily: "Who knew that this evil creature would have such a big appetite, so many evil spirits would not be able to fill its stomach. Go and collect evil spirits for me, the more the better!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately said in embarrassment: "Master, I have collected everything that can be collected. By the way, the people from the Guimen are coming soon. It is estimated that there will be another big battle later. But after they finish fighting, I will collect them all." I'm afraid it won't help if the evil spirits collect them?"

Hearing this, the old man became furious and said, "Then hand over all the evil spirits you refined, and today I must refine them into an army of seven evil spirits!"

The middle-aged man frowned, and softly comforted him: "Master, the disciples have spent decades refining the ghosts, and they just dedicated it like this. Isn't our decades of hard work all in vain? Or...or just forget it! It’s not too late to refine it when you have a chance in the future, right?”

"What? Listen to your words, are you unwilling? Let me tell you, everything you have learned is taught to you by me. If you don't want me to turn you all into ghosts, just follow my instructions obediently. Understand?"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, and finally agreed: "Yes, I obey! Master, please wait a moment!" Then he turned and walked out of the room.

After a while, several people in Chinese tunic suits walked into the room.Seeing the distressed faces on their faces, it seems that they really don't want to give up their hard work in vain.However, they could only obey obediently, because disciples like them knew better than anyone how powerful this old thing was.

They took out several black balls from their bodies one by one and handed them to the old man. After taking them, the old man threw them into the big "mouth" on the stove without looking at them.

But even so, he was still not satisfied.

"No more? Are there any more?"

"Master, it's really gone. If there are any, I'll leave them to you!"

"Okay, since there are no more, then it's useless for me to keep you. Let you help me cultivate the Seven Evil Ghost Army!" As soon as the words fell, the expressions of these middle-aged people changed drastically, and they turned around and wanted to escape the room.

But before they reached the door, their bodies seemed to be frozen, motionless.

After looking carefully, it turned out that the old man stretched out a hand, and a black vortex rapidly expanded in his palm.

He only heard a few screams of "ahhh", the souls of these middle-aged people... were sucked out by him just like that...

Holding the soul in his hand, the old man laughed strangely a few times, and then threw it directly into the big "mouth" of the stove.

After these souls entered, the big "mouth" on the stove finally closed with satisfaction.

"Haha... Enough is finally enough, the Ghost Army of the Seven Fiends is finally coming to the world! Haha..."


At this moment, Tong Yan was looking up at the gray sky, for some reason, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.He had read the weather forecast before, and it was sunny these few days.But why is the sky filled with blackness and darkness at this moment?Could it be... Could it be that someone is using a law that defies the sky?
If this is the case, it is definitely not a wise move to stay in the Evil Dragon Valley. Maybe there will be a big somersault here today.

Thinking of this, he will give orders and lead everyone to leave this place.

But at this moment, the messenger disciple suddenly ran over quickly.

"Report! Young Sect Master, people from the Sly Sect have already entered the Evil Dragon Valley. My Demon Sect disciples have surrounded them, and I ask the Young Sect Master to decide whether to attack!"

Tong Yan frowned and said: "The Tricky Gate is finally here. How can I easily miss this rare opportunity? Give me an order, don't attack for now, wait for them all to come in, and then surround and destroy them!"

Hearing this, the messenger disciple immediately responded loudly: "Yes, this subordinate obeys orders!" After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

The corners of Tong Yan's mouth curled up slightly, and then he chuckled and said, "Master, master, you've eaten your cunning elite. I see how you, a polished commander, can fight against me!" Laughter immediately sounded.

"Young master, our family has been waiting for you for so long, why don't you come to our house?"

When Tong Yan heard this, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.No need to guess, it must be the bug master.

"It turned out to be you, senior! Speaking of which, this junior was able to break through the Seven Killing Gates, thanks to senior for his help. I should have gone to thank you a long time ago, but now the people from the sly sect have come again. I really have no skills at all, Seniors, please forgive me a lot!"

Master Chong walked up to Tong Yan with a smile, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said, "Look at what you said, why are you being so polite with our family? We are all on our own, right?"

Although Tong Yan was unwilling in his heart, he could only nod and smile and said, "That's right, one of my own. Uh... I'll go to the front to have a look first, and I'll definitely thank you, senior, after I've dealt with the people who came from the trick door. Excuse me first!"

Hearing this, the insect master immediately said with a straight face: "Wait a minute! What's the rush? We haven't finished talking yet."

Hearing this, Tong Yan had no choice but to stop, turned around and asked with a smile, "Senior, it's okay to say something if you have something to say!"

The insect master looked up at the sky, and then said seriously to Tong Yan: "I want to tell you, if you don't want to die, get out of here quickly. If I'm not wrong, something terrible is about to appear!"

scary thing?Could it be the Seven Evil Ghost Army?

(End of this chapter)

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