
Chapter 225 Asura's Wrath, Thousands of Ghosts Slay!

Chapter 225 Asura's Wrath, Thousands of Ghosts Slay!

Tong Yan's strength has dropped a lot since he didn't fuse with the Evil of Ten Thousand Ghosts.In addition, he was always passive, and his fighting spirit was exhausted.When a person is depressed and powerless, alertness is reduced and reactions are slowed down.And in this way, it just gave the Seven Fiends an opportunity to take advantage of.

It was like a sharp arrow's tail appeared behind his back, but he didn't notice it until he felt a sharp pain from his back, and he woke up suddenly, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Hearing a "puchi", the sharp tail of the Seven Evil Ghost Army directly penetrated Tong Yan's body, and blood splashed all over immediately.

Tong Yan looked at the tail piercing through his body and appeared in front of him, gritted his teeth, and slashed it off.

With the sound of "click", the black flood dragon dagger cut off the tip of the blood-stained tail, but the ghost army of the Seven Fiends screamed again and again because of this, and quickly retracted their tail.

Tong Yan turned the black dragon dagger into a bracelet and wrapped it around his wrist, immediately covered the bloody hole in his chest, and couldn't help but knelt on the ground with one knee.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his whole body was like a grass fluttering in the wind and rain, shaking in a whirl.

At the same time, the Qisha ghost army, who was furious because their tails were cut off, raised the Yanyue knife again, and chopped off Tong Yan's head with a sharp blow.

All this happened too fast, before Tong Yan could get up, bad luck came again.

Seeing the big knife coming down, there was a trace of determination in his eyes.Did God really want to kill him here?
At this critical moment, Tong Yan exerted all his strength and suddenly raised the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle above his head.Even if it is death, don't want him to bow his head!
Only the sound of "Dang" was heard, and the Yanyue Saber of the Qisha Ghost Army directly slashed on Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and then... followed by a scene that stunned everyone.

A blinding golden light suddenly burst out from the Vajra Demon Pestle, and the golden Shura named Zhan Tian got out of the Vajra Demon Pestle, and roared angrily, "Nie Yi, don't hurt my lord!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden light shot up to the sky, instantly covering the entire Qisha ghost army.

Ear-piercing screams, screams, and cries all resounded in the golden light for a while, and the ghost army of the seven evil spirits slowly turned into green smoke under the engulfing golden light, until they disappeared without a trace.

With just one move, the mighty Qisha ghost army was beaten to death. This golden body Shura is simply an existence against the sky.How strong is his strength? Could it be that he is really close to the gods?

After wiping out the ghost army of the seven evil spirits, the golden body Shura immediately turned into a beam of golden light and went straight back into the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle. It is unknown when he will be able to show his might again.

Tong Yan was stunned for a while, and finally showed a bitter smile.Although the Seven Evil Ghost Army was indeed wiped out, he knew that it had nothing to do with him.If this golden body Shura hadn't made a timely move, he might have died here already.

He thought he had broken through the first stage of the Demon Spirit Art, and with the help of the Black Flood Dragon Dagger, he was already considered a master.But in front of a real strong man, he might not even be as good as an ant.

Killing the head of the Seven Killing Sect is the credit of all ghosts, and getting rid of the monster in front of him is the extraordinary strength of the golden body Shura, and he is just a bystander, precisely because he stepped on the shoulders of giants, so Only then can he get these supreme honors that others cannot touch, but in fact, his real strength may not even touch the edge of a master.

Rengui has self-knowledge, Tong Yan knows how weak he is, but he foolishly overestimates himself, it's ridiculous to think about it.

With the demise of the Qisha ghost army, the old fellow of Corpse Soul Cult also fell into depression, but an old monster like him who has lived for thousands of years, why hasn't he seen a battle?

He hid in the dark, chuckled a few times, and then said maliciously: "Hmph... It's not easy to be a unicorn, you can escape this time, I see if you can meet each other every time." Turn evil into good luck. The good show is yet to come, sooner or later I will get your physical body and replace you. Let's wait and see!" After speaking, he turned around and walked away immediately.

Once the Seven Evil Ghost Army was eliminated, the orthodox monks who were watching from a distance rushed over to check shamelessly.

When they saw Tong Yan who was covered in blood and fell to the ground in pain, they didn't step forward to help him, but surrounded him instead.

"This...isn't this Tong Yan, a unicorn genius? I heard from the elders of the Shimen that he has joined the Demon Sect, but I didn't expect him to get rid of the monster just now. Fellow Daoists, how should we deal with him?"

"How to deal with it? Of course, get rid of him and then quickly. Since he has fallen into the evil way, he is the enemy of our righteous way. If we don't get rid of him today, I'm afraid we won't have this chance again in the future."

"That's right, I've heard people say that he not only joined the Demon Sect, but also seems to have become the Young Sect Master of the Demon Sect. As long as he is killed here, the Demon Sect will perish. Fellow Daoists, which one of you will do it? The merit is not always available."

"I'm here, I finally have a chance to become famous, you don't want it, I want it!"

Speaking of this, a middle-aged man in a tattered Taoist robe raised his sword and walked directly towards the dying Tong Yan, with murderous intent in his eyes.

But at this moment, Qing Ming, who was hiding in the crowd and watching everything quietly, rushed to Tong Yan, and said coldly: "He is my brother, whoever dares to hurt his life, I will cut his body to pieces." Wan Duan!"

When this statement came out, everyone was lost.

"What did you say? Is he your brother? Are you also a remnant of the Demon Sect?"

"Okay, there is a remnant of the Demon Sect among us, kill him together, and do justice for the heavens!"

Someone takes the lead, and naturally someone supports it.All of a sudden, everyone was chattering, and they were going to attack together.

Blind Chen looked left and right, coughed lightly, and then shouted loudly: "Everyone, calm down, calm down! Regardless of whether the two of them are real demons, after all, you have seen with your own eyes that this unicorn genius bravely eliminates demons." No matter how you say it, he has benefited the world after all, hasn’t he? It’s a bit magnanimous for us to make trouble like this. In my opinion, this man will spare their lives. Got it?"

"Blind Chen, don't pretend to be merciful here. Let me tell you, the demon sect has killed innocent people indiscriminately, and its crimes are heinous. Today, the young master of the demon sect has fallen into our hands. If we let the tiger go back to the mountain, the consequences will be disastrous. Fellow Daoists, at this time If you don’t kill, when will you wait? Let’s do it!”

Seeing the righteous monks slowly approaching, Qing Ming's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Unexpectedly, Tong Yan who fell on the ground suddenly burst out laughing.

"It's not that easy to kill me. Even if I die, I'll let you all be buried with me!" Having said this, he gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, his eyes were bloodshot and murderous.

One wave of ups and downs, another wave of ups and downs, can Tong Yan get through this calamity smoothly?The crime of killing is too heavy, and the devil's heart has been born. Can he find his original self?If you want to know what will happen next, let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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