
Chapter 226 Mysterious girl, can also repel insects?

Chapter 226 Mysterious girl, can also repel insects?
Seeing that Tong Yan got up, Qing Ming hurriedly supported his arm and said, "Little Tong, are you okay? Is there anything wrong? Brother Qing came late, and you suffered such a serious injury. It's all my fault , I'm sorry for you!"

Tong Yan turned his head to look at Qing Ming, and the killing intent in his eyes eased a little. "Brother Qing, I'm fine. Have you forgotten that my heart is on the right? Although I was seriously injured, it wasn't fatal. It's enough to deal with these beasts in front of me!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't expect that our two brothers hadn't seen each other for more than three years. We just met again today, and we will fight side by side. Let's kill them, and let's catch up on the old days!" Having said this, he immediately Clenched fists, ready to fight.

Tong Yan put the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his waist, stretched out his hand, and the black dragon dagger immediately turned into a sharp blade, and he held it in his hand.

After finally getting rid of the Qisha ghost army, he didn't expect to have another bloody battle with these so-called orthodox monks. No one knew the hatred in Tong Yan's heart, but he had no choice but to continue killing.

Although these orthodox monks were numerous and clamoring non-stop, none of them dared to act first when they saw the combination of Tong Yan and Qing Ming.

The reason is simple, whoever strikes first may be the first to die.Such a mindless thing, like these righteous monks who cherish their lives, will definitely not do it.

The two sides remained in a stalemate for more than ten minutes, the blood on Tong Yan's body was almost dry, and the battle still did not happen.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and only the sound of "buzzing" was heard from far to near.Looking up, my good guy, there are tens of thousands of black spots coming like a rain of swords, which shocked everyone present into a cold sweat.

The black dot was getting closer and closer, and only then did everyone see it clearly.It turned out that these black dots were not side objects, but black meat worms with transparent wings and spikes all over their bodies.

The black flesh worms attacked overwhelmingly, and the righteous monks present dared not stay.I don't know who screamed, "Run away! These insects eat people!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone ran away in fright, except Tong Yan and Qing Ming who stood there motionless.

Qing Ming also thought about running away, but Tong Yan grabbed his arm, and then accompanied him to welcome the arrival of these evil insects.

Seeing that the evil insect was close at hand, a crisp bell sounded suddenly.

When the flying insects heard the bell, as if they had heard an order, they immediately turned around, bypassed Tong Yan and Qing Ming, and continued to chase the righteous monks who were fleeing in all directions.

Seeing the flying insects leave, a beautiful figure quietly walked out of the forest.

When I looked closely, it turned out to be a beautiful girl in a long yellow dress.I saw that the girl was about 1.6 meters [-] tall, slender, with two ponytails, her face was flushed, her eyes were not particularly big, but she smiled very charmingly, and her two shallow dimples were very cute. This attire looks like a little sister next door.

With her hands behind her back, she just jumped up and down in front of Tong Yan and Qing Ming.

Tong Yan stared at her, then asked, "Little sister, are you raising those bugs?"

The girl in the yellow skirt nodded and smiled and said, "Yes! How about it, isn't it very powerful? In fact, they are very obedient, and they will only become fierce when they encounter bad people."

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a soft sigh, then bowed slightly and said, "Thank you, Miss, for saving my life. I will remember this kindness in my heart. I don't know the name of the girl, can you tell me? I can repay you in the future!"

The girl in the yellow skirt laughed and said, "Heroes never leave their names when they save lives, but since you asked, I'll tell you, my name is Jiang Xiaoyu. You can call can call me Yugege!"

Gege?This is the name of the princess in the Qing Dynasty, but modern people often name their daughters Gege, which means that children are regarded as the little princesses of the family.

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "Thank you Yugege, I don't know where you live? How can I find you in the future?"

Jiang Xiaoyu smiled cutely and said, "Why are you looking for me? Let me follow you. Seeing that you have suffered such a serious injury, I will take you to heal it."

Tong Yan and Qing Ming were both taken aback when they heard this.Today I really met a good person. First he helped resolve the crisis, and now he said he helped heal the wound.It seems that there are still many good people in this world.

Tong Yan wanted to refuse, after all, he was too embarrassed to bother, but Qing Ming agreed without hesitation.

"Alright, my brother's injury is indeed not serious, so I'll have to thank you, Miss Jiang."

Jiang Xiaoyu smiled sweetly: "No trouble, no trouble at all! Let's go, I'll take you there!" As she spoke, she lifted her legs and walked directly out of the valley.

Tong Yan and Qing Ming looked at each other, and immediately raised their legs to follow.

Not long after he left, Tong Yan's sleepiness hit him.After several battles in a row, and now that he has suffered such a serious injury, he is indeed tired.

Looking at the pale Tong Yan, Qing Ming couldn't help sighing, and then carried him on his back.

Although he and Tong Yan are not related by blood, he already regards Tong Yan as his own younger brother.After reuniting after a long absence, he cherishes this rare family affection even more.He has already lost everything, his favorite, and his warm home. Now he only has Tong Yan as his younger brother. If there are any troubles with him, he will really be alone.

He didn't know what Tong Yan had experienced in the past three years, but he could imagine that for a person whose meridians had been cut off, it must have taken unimaginable pain and perseverance to become what he is now.Now their brothers are finally reunited, so from this moment on, he is willing to share everything for Tong Yan, and only hopes that he can live his life in peace.

After leaving the Evil Dragon Valley, the three of them headed west all the way, and unknowingly came to a mass grave.

Qingming raised his eyes and looked, full of puzzlement, said: "Girl, what did you bring us here for? Don't you want to find a place to heal my brother's wounds?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu smiled slightly and said, "It's the mass grave in front of us. No one would come here. It's the best place to heal your wounds. Why? Are you afraid?"

Hearing this, Qingming said awkwardly: "I'm afraid it's not, but I don't think this place will be quieter than other places. But it doesn't matter, since you have chosen the place here, then here it is!"

Jiang Xiaoyu smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't look down on this place, it's a geomantic treasure. There are many good things."

Qing Ming was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked: "Good thing? What good thing?"

Jiang Xiaoyu pretended to be mysterious and said: "I won't tell you yet, you will know when it gets dark! Hehe..."

What kind of good things did she say?The next chapter is revealed!

(End of this chapter)

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