
Chapter 227 Digging Graves to Find Objects, Strange Wooden Coffins!

Chapter 227 Digging Graves to Find Objects, Strange Wooden Coffins!
Qing Ming felt a little uneasy, but thinking that this little girl surnamed Jiang had saved his and Tong Yan's lives, logically speaking, she should not harm them, so she dispelled her worries.

The mass grave in front of me is actually not as bad as I imagined. Although there are overgrown weeds and locust trees and willows, there are graves, and some of them have stone tablets in front of them.

According to a rough estimate, this mass grave is at least three or four acres of land, and it is conceivable that there are so many dead souls buried here.Almost every few steps, you can see the exposed bones. If it is not daytime at this moment, it is really scary.

Jiang Xiaoyu walked ahead, and specifically asked Qingming not to step on the bone, otherwise, the owner of the bone might come to chat with him for tea at night when he is happy.

Qing Ming has the blood of the Qinglong in his body, and he has lived in the sly sect for many years. The ghosts are probably the ones he deals with the most on weekdays.Jiang Xiaoyu's words can't frighten him, but it is said that the dead are the most important, and he himself will pay special attention to these things, and it is also a merit to let the dead rest in peace as much as possible.

Not long after walking in the mass grave, Jiang Xiaoyu suddenly stopped in front of a huge tombstone.

Qingming went in without knowing, and hurried to the front with Tong Yan on his back.

"Miss Jiang, why don't you leave? Is this the place? But there is not even a little shelter here, what if it rains at night?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Don't worry, there is a good place. You put him down first, and I will tell you later."

Qing Ming let out a soft sigh, and then gently put Tong Yan on the ground.

Jiang Xiaoyu glanced at Qingming, then pointed to the bag behind the tombstone and said, "Thank you for your effort, please help to open this grave!"

"What? Open up this tomb? Isn't that appropriate? What are you doing with an old tomb? Is there any valuable treasure in this grave? No, even if there is a treasure, it's such a shameful thing I won't do it either. Miss Jiang, I respect you because you helped us before. But if you have evil intentions, then let's leave it alone!"

Qing Ming was really a little angry, and he clearly said that he would take Tong Yan to find a place to heal his wounds, even if the location was this mass grave, it would be too wicked to ask him to dig the grave.

Seeing that Qing Ming refused, Jiang Xiaoyu immediately explained: "Brother, why do you always think of people as bad? Although this dirt bag is a grave in your eyes, in fact there is no burial here at all, it's just a grave. It’s just a tomb of clothes. The reason why I let you open it is indeed for the contents inside. But the contents inside are not valuable treasures at all, but medicinal materials. As long as you boil the medicinal materials into a medicinal soup for your brother to drink, His injury will heal within half a day. If you think it's dirty, then you can rest by the side. I'll do it myself, okay?"

Speaking of which, this girl really rolled up her sleeves and was about to pick up the grave herself.

Qingming saw it, and hurriedly stopped him: "You really didn't lie to me? If there is really no corpse inside, I can pick it up. You look so fair and clean, let me do this kind of rough work!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Success, then I will thank you, please!"

Qing Ming didn't say anything else, picked up the half earthen pot beside the grave to use as a shovel, and immediately dug up the grave vigorously.

He started digging the grave, but Jiang Xiaoyu walked up to Tong Yan.She bent down and stared at Tong Yan for a while, then said with a slight smile: "Brother, your brother is not an ordinary person at first glance, looking at his face, he must be the star who came down from the sky that day, right?"

While digging the grave, Qingming responded, "My brother is a well-known unicorn talent. If the stars really descended to earth, he must be Wenquxing. However, he is both civil and military now. Wenquxing and Qishaxing are probably even more powerful. Appropriate. Hehe..."

Jiang Xiaoyu smiled slightly and said: "Brother, you really know how to joke. How can someone be born with two stars. You should hold on tight, his face is getting paler. He must have left a lot of blood before, so don't make up for it. , can you wake up or not? "

When Qing Ming heard this, he immediately became anxious, and the speed of digging the grave was obviously increased a lot.In less than 5 minutes, he had dug out a big hole, and he could no longer dig the bottom because a stone slab like a coffin lid blocked the way down.

"Miss Jiang, hurry up and take a look, why is there a stone slab in this grave?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu regained her spirits immediately, and hurried to the side of the grave, and began to check inside.

"That's right, I did not guess wrong. There is indeed the treasure I want inside! Brother, you are very strong, try to move this stone slab away. What we are looking for is under this stone slab!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming took a deep breath, immediately inserted his hand into one side of the stone slab, pressed it hard, and then exerted force suddenly.He only heard the sound of "噗", and the stone slab was pushed away by him immediately.

He didn't continue to exert force, but turned to the other side of the stone slab, and reached into the soil next to the slate again.This time, he could fully grasp the slate.

"Miss Jiang, get out of the way, I'll take this slab out."

Jiang Xiaoyu nodded with a smile, and immediately ran aside.

Qingming moved his neck a little bit, then exerted his strength instantly, and shouted loudly: "Open it!" As soon as the words were opened, he heard a "hoo", and the huge thick stone slab was thrown out of the grave directly by him. And what was under the slab was immediately revealed.

Under the stone slab was a red wooden coffin, with spells engraved on the coffin, as if something was sealed inside.

Qingming stared at it, then immediately raised his head and asked Jiang Xiaoyu: "This wooden coffin is weird, are you sure there won't be any bones or zombies inside?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu said noncommittally: "Of course, if you don't believe me, open the coffin and have a look!"

Qing Ming always has a feeling of being tricked, but the matter has come to this point, even if he is cheated, he can only continue.

This wooden coffin was not as large as the previous stone slabs, but the coffin lid and the coffin body were driven in with long nails to form a seamless one. It was really difficult to lift the coffin lid alone.

The most important thing is that Qing Ming doesn't even have a dagger now, so it's really hard for him to rely on these hands alone.

Jiang Xiaoyu saw that Qingming had been busy for a long time but failed to open the coffin lid, so he immediately reminded: "Brother, you can move this coffin out first. Such coffins are usually equipped with mechanisms, and it may be difficult to open with brute force. "

Hearing this, Qing Ming said helplessly, "Then if you didn't say it earlier, it would have cost me a long time."

Jiang Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue, and immediately moved away.

Qing Ming ignored her, grabbed the edges and corners of the coffin with both hands, and pulled it upwards with all her strength.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened...

(End of this chapter)

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