
Chapter 228 Gold needle worm, what is in the coffin?

Chapter 228 Gold needle worm, what is in the coffin?
Following Qing Ming's sudden effort to pull upwards, the spell engraved on the wooden coffin suddenly burst into a dazzling red light, and then...then there was a scream of pain in the coffin.

what happened?Didn't Jiang Xiaoyu say that this is a tomb of clothes?How can there be human voices in here?Could it be... Could it be that she is really lying?
Thinking of this, Qing Ming stopped angrily, and then shouted loudly: "Miss Jiang, what is in this coffin? You'd better tell the truth, otherwise, I can only say goodbye first." A little ground, and immediately jumped out of the grave.

Seeing Qingming's angry face, Jiang Xiaoyu said innocently: "Brother, I told you that there are medicinal materials in this coffin. If you don't believe me, I can't help it."

"Medical materials? Have you ever heard that medicinal materials can make human voices? In my opinion, there are either people in this coffin or zombies. I think you have helped us two brothers and treated each other sincerely. But you treat me as a Spearman, is it a bit deceptive?"

Jiang Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and immediately said displeasedly: "You haven't even seen the contents of the coffin, why do you insist that I'm lying to you? Just rely on the voice from the coffin? Okay , I’ll get the coffin out right away, and I’ll let you see what’s inside. Hmph…” As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately raised her legs and walked to the grave, untied a ribbon from her waist, and floated directly It fell on the wooden coffin.

She tied the two ends of the wooden coffin with ribbons one by one, tightened the ribbon, and lifted it up suddenly, but because of insufficient strength, the wooden coffin was only lifted more than 20 centimeters before falling down.

She was a little angry and aggrieved, so she sniffed and sobbed softly.

Although her cry was very small, Qing Ming still heard it.As an animal like a man, perhaps what fears the most is a woman's tears.

Qing Ming stretched out his hand and scratched his head, sighed softly, and finally decided to help Jiang Xiaoyu pull up the wooden coffin.A big man really can't afford to be as knowledgeable as a little girl, otherwise he really loses his manners.

He turned around and walked to the grave, looked at Jiang Xiaoyu who was wiping tears inside, and said helplessly: "Come up, I will help you get the coffin up. If there is something unclean in this coffin, I will turn around and just go."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu curled her lips and said, "Don't wrong people, you'll know later when you see it. Hmph..." As she spoke, she jumped out of the grave directly.

Qing Ming didn't say any more nonsense, and immediately entered the grave again.He stretched out his hand to grab the ribbon that Jiang Xiaoyu had wrapped before, tried it upwards, and found that there was no red light flashing on the wooden coffin, so he used all his might to lift the wooden coffin from the grave come out.

Although the wooden coffin was only about 1.5 meters long and half a meter wide, it was not light. When the wooden coffin was lifted out, Qing Ming was so tired that he was out of breath, and his clothes were drenched with sweat.

The wooden coffin is not only engraved with incantations on the coffin lid, but also engraved with Taoist incantations on several sides of it.In particular, there are wood carvings of dragons and tigers on the left and right long faces, which looks very strange.

It seems that this wooden coffin should be quite old, but it is well preserved in the tomb, and there are so many charms engraved on it. I am afraid that someone did not want the things inside to come out, so they deliberately placed this seal.

If you want to know what the sealed thing is, maybe you can only know it by opening it.

But the problem now is that this wooden coffin is very strong, and trying to pry it open without tools is somewhat wishful thinking.

But the little girl Jiang Xiaoyu obviously came prepared, she took out a cloth bag from her bosom, which was full of golden needles.She walked around the wooden coffin and inserted gold needles into several sides of the wooden coffin one by one.

In a short while, she inserted hundreds of golden needles as thin as hair, and looked at the wooden coffin like a big hedgehog, with dense golden needles on it.

After inserting the golden needle, Jiang Xiaoyu turned to Qingming and said with a smile: "Brother, look at it, I will open the wooden coffin, and see if there is really anything unclean inside."

Hearing this, Qing Ming gulped and said nothing.

I saw Jiang Xiaoyu standing in front of the wooden coffin, breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly squeezed a spell with both hands, and began to say a spell in an unknown language.And as she recited the incantation, the hundreds of golden needles she inserted on the wooden coffin suddenly turned into golden worms, and they opened their mouths and began to nibble on the wooden coffin.

The subtle sound of "creaking" was heard incessantly.

After about 10 minutes like this, the "creaking" sound gradually disappeared, and Jiang Xiaoyu also stopped reciting the sentence.Looking at those worms transformed by lily needles, they had already penetrated into the wooden coffin, and densely packed small holes appeared on the wooden coffin.

Qing Ming, who was watching from the side, was amazed. It was the first time he saw that lily needles could turn into bugs, which was somewhat similar to Cordyceps sinensis.

After Jiang Xiaoyu finished chanting the incantation, there was a hint of excitement in her eyes, and then she flew up and kicked directly on the coffin.Only a "bang" sound was heard, and the solid wooden coffin was torn apart by her kick, and the contents inside were also revealed.

Take a closer look, good guy, there is actually a smaller white jade sarcophagus inside this wooden coffin.No wonder it is so heavy, it turned out to be a coffin within a coffin.

The volume of this white jade sarcophagus is naturally smaller, and the carvings on it are no longer spells, but very exquisite patterns.And with the appearance of this white jade sarcophagus, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and the white chill immediately spread out.

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at the jade coffin, and said with a smile: "This is really a big deal, Hanyu Coffin, just this coffin is already a priceless treasure. It's a pity that I don't lack money, and I don't care about money, otherwise I would give it away." Take it away and sell it, enough for me to spend several lifetimes."

Qingming was blown by the cold air and couldn't help but sneezed. While rubbing his nose, he said curiously: "How could there be such a treasure in such a mass grave? And how did you know?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu said innocently: "I didn't say I knew it, I just knew that there is a good medicine here, but I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains. Come on, I'm afraid of the cold, you open this jade coffin."

At this point, even if you are not interested, you are still interested.

Qing Ming also really wanted to know what was in it. It took so much trouble, it must be something unusual.

He took a step forward, stretched out his hand to grab the edge of the protruding coffin lid, and then lifted it vigorously.With this lift, the cold air inside suddenly rushed out, he couldn't resist it, he grabbed the coffin lid and hurriedly backed away.Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoyu on the other side also left in time.

Only after the cold air dissipated, he and Jiang Xiaoyu stepped forward again.Looking intently into the coffin, both of them couldn't help being shocked!
Who would have thought that in this cold jade coffin... there was actually a big meat ball in the shape of a human...

What the hell is this? Is this the good medicine that Jiang Xiaoyu said?
(End of this chapter)

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