
Chapter 229 Show mercy, I will come tonight!

Chapter 229 Show mercy, I will come tonight!

The moment the cold jade coffin was opened, thick clouds suddenly covered the originally clear sky, and the entire mass grave was plunged into darkness.

I was really told by Jiang Xiaoyu, it is true that when the sky gets dark, the baby will appear.But the question is, is the humanoid meat ball in the cold jade coffin really a treasure?

I saw that the meat ball had limbs and a head, like pork without skin. The muscle texture on the body was very clear, and the belly was very big, which looked like a teddy bear. There is also no sex-distinguishing reproductive organs, just like a humanoid sarcoma.

It was doubly amazing to watch its chest rise and fall as if its heart was beating.

Qingming stared at the human-shaped meat ball in Hanyu's coffin for a while, and then asked Jiang Xiaoyu: "Miss Jiang, what is this thing? Is this the good medicine you mentioned?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu nodded lightly and said, "That's right, this is indeed a good medicine. It's just that I didn't expect that this guy was about to become a genius. It's a good thing we came early, otherwise in a few years, he would really be healed by it." Now that you’re an adult, it’s going to be hard to find it again!”

Qing Ming let out a soft sigh, and asked again: "But you haven't said yet, what is it? How did it look like this?"

Jiang Xiaoyu laughed and said: "You are still a person who walks the rivers and lakes, and you don't even know this thing? What do you think it looks like?"

Qing Ming frowned and said, "Like what? Like a human!"

"Wrong, to be precise, it should be like meat! But it is not meat, but a very rare and precious medicinal material. People call it meat Ganoderma lucidum, or Tai Sui!"

When Qing Ming heard this, his heart trembled, and he said in shock, "Tai Sui? Are you sure this thing is the famous Tai Sui?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu smirked and said, "Will I lie to you? It's a pity that you don't know the goods. You look like an old hat! Hehe..."

Qing Ming curled her lips, but she was very happy in her heart. With Tai Sui here, Tong Yan didn't have to worry about his injuries.

But what exactly is Tai Sui?

Taisui, also known as Ganoderma lucidum, is the medicine of immortality that Qin Shihuang was looking for in the ancient Han legend. Li Shizhen also recorded Ganoderma lucidum in "Compendium of Materia Medica", and included it in the "Zhi" category of the "Vegetables" department. Edible and used as medicine, it is regarded as "the top grade of this classic", and its effect is "long-term food, light body and not old, prolong life and immortality".

According to the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" records: "Ganoderma lucidum is non-toxic, nourishes the middle, nourishes essence, increases wisdom, cures knots in the chest, and makes light of body and youth after long-term use." "Shan Hai Jing" called it "Shirou", "Jurou", "Tai Sui", and "Feng". They were the health-preserving delicacies of ancient emperors.Tai Sui is very rare and is the top grade of all medicines.According to ancient records, Tai Sui is mild in nature, bitter, non-toxic, and has the value of nourishing the spleen and nourishing the lungs, nourishing the kidney and liver. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records, "The shape of meat is like meat. It is attached to a big stone, with a head and a tail, and it is a living thing. The red one is like coral, the white one is like fat, the black one is like varnish, the green one is like emerald feathers, and the yellow one Like purple gold, all bright holes penetrate like solid ice."

The Tai Sui in front of him is not only big enough, but also brown, he is simply the best among Tai Sui.It is estimated that just a small piece can heal Tong Yan's injury.But it looks like a child, and it still has a beating heart. If you really want to cut the flesh from its body, it is somewhat unbearable.

Jiang Xiaoyu didn't pay attention to these things, and saw that she reached out and pulled out a finger-sized knife from the thigh pocket in her skirt, and was about to strike.

Qingming took a look, and hurriedly asked: "Miss Jiang, what are you?"

Jiang Xiaoyu smiled slightly and said, "This Tai Sui is so big, how can we take it away if we don't cut it into several pieces?"

Hearing this, Qingming let out a sigh, and then said: "But if you really cut it open, wouldn't it be dead?"

Jiang Xiaoyu put his hands on his hips and said, "Brother, this Tai Sui is about to become fine, and he is strong in his life. How can he die so easily? Besides, even if it dies, as long as it is refined in time, the medicine will not be effective. How much is it lowered. All right, don’t talk nonsense. I’ll cut off a piece, and you can give it to your brother first!”

As soon as Qing Ming told Tong Yan to eat, he stopped stopping.

Unexpectedly, just as Jiang Xiaoyu was about to strike the knife, Tong Yan's voice suddenly sounded.

"Wait a minute, girl! You have to be forgiving and forgiving. Although this is only a Tai Sui, it already has a perception. It is just like a human being, it can suffer pain, and it also has emotions. Why do you want to kill it? "

As soon as these words came out, Qing Ming and Jiang Xiaoyu turned their heads to look at him at the same time.

"Little boy, are you awake? How do you feel?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I'm fine now, look, the wound on my body has healed, I believe it won't take two days to completely heal."

Hearing this, Qingming said with relief: "That's really great, I was still worried about you before. It seems that I worried too much. Hehe..."

Jiang Xiaoyu stared at Tong Yan and said in amazement, "Oh my God, your recovery speed is too fast, right? It's amazing! Are you still human?"

Tong Yan smiled awkwardly: "Of course I'm human. As for why my body recovers so quickly, it may be related to the exercises I practiced before. But no matter what, I still want to thank you for your help."

Jiang Xiaoyu said embarrassingly: "You have thanked me several times, so don't be so polite in the future. By the way, you don't let me touch this Tai Sui. Is there any other reason? You don't touch this thing, others I won’t let it go if I come across it. I found it with great difficulty, so it’s a pity to let it go like this!”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled mysteriously and said, "Didn't you see that the sky is full of thick clouds? I think good days are coming. Since we have met it, we are destined for it. Let it go, it will I will definitely repay you!"

"Repay me? How does it repay me?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "I don't know what you want this Tai Sui for, miss?"

Jiang Xiaoyu touched her pretty face, and said with a sweet smile, "Of course it's to keep your face forever and live forever!"

Tong Yan said with a chuckle: "It's not difficult to keep your face forever, but you can live forever. I'm afraid even if you eat the whole Tai Sui, it will be difficult for you to do it. Listen to me, spend tonight, I think you will be sure tomorrow morning." You will get unexpected benefits! How?"

Jiang Xiaoyu frowned and said, "Why am I a little confused? I can get benefits if I get through tonight? Is it possible that something big will happen tonight?"

Tong Yan looked up at the dark cloud-covered sky, and said meaningfully: "I think there is no mistake, they will definitely come tonight!"

they?What exactly do you mean?

(End of this chapter)

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