
Chapter 230 Desire to become a human, God Thunder descends into the world!

Chapter 230 Desire to become a human, God Thunder descends into the world!
Although Jiang Xiaoyu was very reluctant, she was not in a hurry, and finally reluctantly agreed to Tong Yan's request.

Tong Yan reached out and patted the human Tai Sui in the Hanyu coffin, and then sat cross-legged beside the Hanyu coffin.The only thing he can do now is to wait, to wait for the arrival of the thing that makes him look forward to and fear.But what is he waiting for?

Seeing Tong Yan sitting cross-legged, Qing Ming and Jiang Xiaoyu could only find a place to rest.

This is a mass grave, and the air is extremely cloudy. Although it is not winter that makes people feel cold, the wind blowing in this mass grave makes people feel chills on their backs and trembling all over.

Before I knew it, it was nine o'clock in the evening.There were dark clouds floating in the sky all the time, but the heavy rain never fell.

Tong Yan closed his eyes tightly, and he didn't know whether he was closing his eyes to rest his mind, or dozing off.

Jiang Xiaoyu gradually got a little impatient. No one wants to spend the night in a mass grave. It's not because of fear, but because of disgust. What's more, she is such a purely dressed and handsome young girl?But after all, she had already agreed to Tong Yan, and if she repented now, Tong Yan probably would not agree.It's really uncomfortable to be idle, she can only jump back and forth, and if she doesn't know it, she thinks she is a beautiful zombie.

In this way, another two hours passed, that is, eleven o'clock at night, and it officially entered midnight.

The originally quiet mass grave gradually became lively. In addition to the unflattering "laughing" sound that can be heard from time to time, you can also hear the sound of "noisy", "fighting" and "crying to kill" .

Where is the mass grave?Also known as Luan Grave Mound, it is a mound where no one manages and allows people to bury corpses.During wars, plagues, and natural disasters, due to the excessive number of deaths, they were buried hastily, so that bones were everywhere and overgrown with weeds, commonly known as mass graves.

There are all kinds of people whose bones are buried here, and the ghosts they turned into are naturally of all kinds.

Today there are "guests" in the mass grave, as the hosts here, these ghosts of course have to greet them warmly.

You see, all the ghosts with missing arms and legs, and wearing clothes from which generation they couldn't tell, immediately surrounded Tong Yan and the three of them.

Seeing these ghosts pointing at Tong Yan and the three of them, I didn't know they thought they were watching a monkey show.

Although Jiang Xiaoyu may look like a girl, she has a lot of guts.Now that the wind is blowing and the black air is permeating, she seems to be a normal person, not only continuing to jump around, but also humming a little song in her mouth.

Such a careful taste, hehe, amazing, what she hummed was actually Mu Kezhai, a big play in Peking Opera.

Although Peking Opera is the quintessence of the country, there are fewer and fewer people who love Peking Opera.Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaoyu could sing Peking Opera at such a young age. This is really a strange thing.

But Jiang Xiaoyu turned a blind eye to these ghosts who had clearly appeared on purpose. What do people think, what do these ghosts think?Why don't you give these ghosts face?At any rate, just put on a show, and say "Wah-wah" twice.

Fortunately, Qingming's consciousness was general, so he immediately got up, bowed to the surrounding ghosts, and then said with a smile: "Fathers and folks, I will wait for the three brothers and sisters to pass through Guibao and stay for one night. If there is any disturbance, please Please forgive me!"

As soon as he said this, the crowd of ghosts immediately whispered to each other, as if they were discussing, it seemed that they really regarded this place as their own home.

Just when these ghosts were chattering endlessly, Tong Yan, who was sitting cross-legged and closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and then shouted loudly: "The disaster is imminent, you ghosts, why don't you run for your life? Do you really want to end up in a frenzy?"

When the ghosts heard this, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that this short-haired boy had lost his mind.

Seeing that they were unmoved, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, the catastrophe is coming!" Having said that, he immediately got up and walked quickly to Qingming and Jiang Xiaoyu's room. Step forward, and solemnly said: "Let's get out of here quickly, the sky thunder is coming!"

"Tianlei? Boy, what do you mean by that? Why can't I understand?"

Seeing Qingming's blank face, Jiang Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and suddenly said in surprise: "You mean, someone is going to cross the catastrophe? Could it be that Tai Sui?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's right, it is it! Although this Tai Sui is close to a human being, if he wants to truly transform into a human form, he must withstand the baptism of the sky thunder. From the time it appeared, a vision has appeared in the sky I guessed that the catastrophe was coming, so I let you forgive me. If calculated according to the time, Zishi should be the moment when it will pass the catastrophe. You can see that the dark clouds in the sky have begun to change, which is the day when the catastrophe is about to come. trillion."

Jiang Xiaoyu and Qing Ming were stunned when they heard this.Although the theory of crossing the catastrophe has existed since ancient times, few people have witnessed it with their own eyes.Hearing what Tong Yan said now, both of them couldn't help but feel a little bit looking forward to it.

But what exactly is crossing robbery?
Crossing the catastrophe is actually going through the catastrophe.So what is a catastrophe?Heavenly Calamity is a Taoist term, simply put, it is a calamity (also refers to disasters and difficulties). When a person or a creature in the world does something that violates the laws of heaven, God will give him punishment or disaster.

Just like a cultivator going against the sky, trying to cultivate a real immortal with a mortal body, the heaven will bring a catastrophe.

The sound of spring thunder shook the sky, and life was bred in the destruction of thunder. The sound of thunder was hailed as a symbol of hope.According to Taoism, the process of becoming an immortal is itself a process that goes against the sky.Since it is going against the sky, then God will block the practitioners who go against the sky. This catastrophe generally refers to the sky thunder.Those who can survive the lightning strike are considered to have a small success.It is said that animals have more kalpas than humans, probably because humans are the highest form of living beings.

Of course Tai Sui is not a human being, and if it wants to become a human being, it is naturally against the way of heaven.If it can withstand this calamity, it will surely be able to cultivate further and become a human being.But if it fails, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as being dead, it's very likely that you will end up with annihilation of body and soul!
Tribulation thunder is somewhat different from ordinary sky thunder. Not only is it more powerful, but it is also basically unstoppable.According to legend, there is no end to the practice of cultivation. If you want to obtain the supreme cultivation base, you have to go through several thunderstorms, and it is more difficult and dangerous each time.Moreover, the quantity and quality of thunderstorms will increase exponentially.Presumably this is the real reason why there are many talents in China for thousands of years, but very few people who have truly attained the Tao and become immortals.

During the short time when the three of them were talking, the dark clouds in the sky had already accumulated thicker, and from time to time, several electric snakes could be seen shuttling through the clouds.

Suddenly, a loud "click" was heard, and the black cloud was split into two. Immediately afterwards, a thunderbolt that looked like a golden dragon descended from the crack of the black cloud at extremely high speed, with an incomparably powerful momentum.

At the same time, something unbelievable happened...

(End of this chapter)

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