
Chapter 231 What do you mean by being desperate?

Chapter 231 What do you mean by being desperate?
This electric dragon that descended from the sky was as thick as a water tank and 30 meters long. It immediately attracted everyone's attention as soon as it appeared.No need to guess, this should be a robbery.

Tong Yan glanced at it, and immediately shouted loudly: "What are you doing in a daze? Run for your life!" He said this not only to Qing Ming and Jiang Xiaoyu, but also to those foolish and dazed ghosts.

No one knows how powerful the robbery thunder is, but if it is hit, the consequences will be disastrous.

As soon as Tong Yan's words came out, those dazed ghosts suddenly woke up, and immediately scattered and fled far away.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a sudden change occurred in Qing Ming's body.All I saw were blue scales rapidly growing out of his body, wrapping them tightly in the blink of an eye.

Before Tong Yan and Jiang Xiaoyu could react, Qing Ming, who was covered in scales, strode forward, and unexpectedly rushed towards the fierce thunderbolt.

He jumped up suddenly, just blocking the top of the cold jade coffin.At the same time, the electric dragon crashed down and hit him heavily.

All this happened so fast, it was so fast that people were caught off guard, so fast that people couldn't believe it.

What happened to Qing Ming?Why did he suddenly face Jie Lei?Could it be... Does he not want to live anymore?

After the tribulation thunder fell, the dark clouds in the sky not only did not disperse, but gathered again.Looking at the situation, it seems... It seems that there is a second tribulation thunder!

Tong Yan didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he hurried to Hanyu's coffin, wanting to see how Qing Ming was doing.

But when he saw Qing Ming, whose whole body was scorched black and his life and death were unknown, he couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart. "Brother Qing... Brother Qing, what's the matter with you? Why did you face Jie Lei, why did you do such a stupid thing. Brother Qing, wake up quickly. Brother Qing, you must not die... "

But no matter how he shouted, Qing Ming still closed his eyes tightly and said nothing.

Tong Yan was really anxious, he couldn't just watch Qing Ming die like this.Unexpectedly, there was another thunderbolt in the sky, and then the second electric dragon appeared.

This thunder calamity was prepared for Tai Sui in the cold jade coffin, but it was blocked by Qing Ming.It is precisely because of this that the sky will drop the second thunder.

Qingming's life and death are already uncertain, if he is struck by the thunderbolt again, he will surely die.

Tong Yan didn't dare to delay, he quickly hugged Qing Ming who was covered in black, and jumped aside desperately with all his strength.

At the same time, the second electric dragon slammed down ferociously, and only a loud "boom" was heard, and the ground trembled, and then everything became quiet.

Although Tong Yan fled to the side with Qing Ming, fragmentary lightning still swept them.The two of them fell to the ground together, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Looking at the cold jade coffin, it had already been shattered by the electric dragon, and the Tai Sui lying in it was nowhere to be seen.

Now only Jiang Xiaoyu was left standing there in a daze, she was a little at a loss, even a little dazed.

She doesn't understand many things now, she doesn't understand why Tong Yan wants to help this Tai Sui, she doesn't understand why Qing Ming is so foolishly willing to block the thunder for that Tai Sui, and she doesn't understand what she should do now.

She was stunned like this for several minutes, until Tong Yan's cough sounded, she suddenly came to her senses, and then ran towards Tong Yan's direction in a panic.

It has to be said that the power of this tribulation thunder is really beyond everyone's imagination.Just a few strands of lightning had burned Tong Yan's back to pieces.If it weren't for his physical body being very comparable to others, he might have died already.

At the moment when the lightning struck, he used his body to protect Qing Ming, and he really couldn't bear to see Qing Ming get hurt again.But is Qing Ming still alive at this moment?
"You... are you okay? Is the injury on your back serious?" Jiang Xiaoyu asked with concern just as he ran up to him.

Hearing this, Tong Yan replied softly: "I'm fine, he is the one who really has trouble! By the way, what about that Tai Sui? Has it survived the catastrophe?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "It's missing, maybe it was burned to ashes by the thunder."

When Tong Yan heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.The reason why he let Jiang Xiaoyu show mercy was actually because he heard Tai Sui's pleading voice.

At that time, he was still in a deep sleep when a childish voice suddenly sounded in his ear.The voice said that it was the spirit of Tai Sui, who had been sealed here by a demon for thousands of years.After finally seeing the light of day again, unexpectedly, the butcher's knife was ushered in again.It hopes that Tong Yan can save it, because the catastrophe is coming, it wants to fight for one time, if the sky wants to kill it, at least it will have no regrets.

It was for this reason that Tong Yan suddenly woke up and stopped Jiang Xiaoyu in time.

Unexpectedly, the Tai Sui Jing still failed to survive the catastrophe after all, it is embarrassing to think about it.

What makes Tong Yan even more helpless is that not only did the Tai Sui Jing fail to survive the catastrophe, but Qing Ming was also implicated.Fortunately, Tai Sui is dead, and Qing Ming's life and death are also uncertain. This is really losing his wife and losing his army.

He lowered his head to look at Qing Ming, whose body was scorched black and his eyes were tightly closed, and sighed softly, "Brother Qing, I really don't understand you more and more. When the thunder comes, you don't dodge it, why do you rush?" How about going up? Wake up and tell me, why are you doing this? Is it all God’s will?”

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at Tong Yan, who was in some pain, and hurriedly comforted him: "Brother Tong, now is not the time to talk about this. This elder brother has suffered such a serious injury, let's take him to see a doctor quickly. Maybe , is there any help?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded lightly and said: "You are right, you should take him to see a doctor earlier, and hope he can survive this disaster." He bent down, ignoring the pain on his back He hugged Qing Ming directly.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, a childish voice suddenly sounded.

"Big brother, thank you for saving me. I have already survived the catastrophe, so let me repay you!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan and Jiang Xiaoyu immediately turned to look in the direction of the voice.Immediately afterwards, a white and fat little boy emerged from the soil.

Tong Yan looked at him in a daze, and suddenly felt happy, and immediately asked, "You...are you that Tai Sui? Are you still alive?"

The little boy nodded slightly and said: "Yes, I am the Tai Sui who was saved by you. You gave me a chance to be reborn, and you are my great benefactor!"

Looking at him, Tong Yan finally smiled.With Tai Sui around, he will definitely be able to save Qing Ming.

But why did Qing Ming rush to Tianlei so desperately?What is he doing this for?Could it be that he also wants to cross the catastrophe, and he also wants to transform?

At the same time, in the Qilin Pavilion in the East China Sea, the Nangong Pavilion Master looked up at the starry sky, and then said with a mysterious smile: "Is the power of inheritance finally awakening? This time, there will be a good show. Hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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