
Chapter 233 Blood Bodhi, a litter of snakes and rats!

Chapter 233 Blood Bodhi, A Nest of Snakes and Rats!
The old door master looked the masked man up and down, and then asked with a smile: "This friend, you are so mysterious, don't you dare to show your true colors?"

Hearing this, the masked man laughed and said: "The master of the Guild Sect is an expert outside the world, so why bother to stick to the details? The reason why I use a mask to cover my face is naturally something hidden. Please forgive me!"

The old sect master chuckled and said: "It's okay, anyway, you and I won't have any friendship. Brother Jian Zun, I appreciate your kindness. But let me handle the relationship with Tong Yan by myself. I have some I'm tired, so I won't accompany you first." With that said, he turned around and was about to walk towards the inner hall.

Seeing this, Ji Wutian's face changed slightly, and he was about to speak, but the masked man preempted him.

"The master of the sly door is really a big shelf. The old man can come today because of the face of the head of the door. You are a declining sly door. I'm afraid you can't invite me if you want to. Since you don't dare It is inconvenient for the old man to say anything again against the Demon Sect, but it is a pity that those disciples of yours who died in vain can only suffer in vain in the underworld, and there is no one to avenge them!"

When the old door master heard this, he was furious and said: "Presumptuous! How can you allow an outsider to intervene in my tricky door? You are not welcome here, come here, see off!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Ji Wutian hurriedly stopped him and said, "You two brothers, what are you doing? Calm down, calm down! Bro, we are not only here to help you avenge, but there is another thing matter. You temporarily dispel the fury of Thunder, and allow me to say a few more words. How about it?"

Hearing this, the old sect master waved to the disciples of the tricky sect who rushed in, and those disciples immediately left the hall.

"Let's talk, Brother Jian Zun, you and I have always had a close friendship. I hope you don't make fun of me, otherwise, this friendship will really be broken." At this point, he put his hands behind his back, his face full of anger.

Ji Wutian laughed and said, "Brother Guidao, look at what you said, how could I make fun of you? In fact, there is another thing, which is a very good thing. If it weren't for you and my friendship, I wouldn't They traveled thousands of miles and came here to tell each other. Some people say that Bodhi on the Dropping Blood has been born!"

As soon as this remark came out, the old sect master couldn't help but his heart trembled, and then he frowned and asked: "Is this true? Did Blood Dropping Bodhi really come into the world? But why didn't my tricky sect receive any news?"

Ji Wutian smugly smiled and said: "Although Guimen has great powers, it doesn't mean that you can find out any news. Speaking of which, Brother Ghost Mian told me this news. Brother Ghost Mian will tell you the specific situation in detail! "

The ghost-masked man is wearing a mask, so I don't know what his expression is at the moment, but Ji Wutian has already spoken, so he can't avoid talking about it.

"Okay, then I'll tell him a few words. According to reliable sources, someone saw the Bodhi beast in the Meili Snow Mountain in Yunnan, and this beast was born with the Blood Dropping Bodhi. Since seeing this beast, the Blood Dropping Bodhi must have appeared in this world. It's just that The Bodhi Beast has always seen the head but never the tail. It is not an easy task to find the Bodhi of the Dropping Blood through it. You have always been famous for your resourcefulness, so we are here to join forces with you. But look It looks like you, the master of the gate, seem to have lost his fighting spirit, so let's find someone else for the matter of finding the blood-dropped Bodhi. Sect Leader, let's go!"

The old Sect Master of the Guile Sect was silent for a while, and then he said with a smile: "Brother Ghost Face, most of the disciples in the old man's Sect were killed or injured, so he is naturally in a bad mood. Please forgive me if I was rude just now. Although I don't care about revenge. I'm thinking about it, but I'm very interested in this drop of blood bodhi. Now that you have found this place, how can I let you go back disappointed? As long as I can find the drop of blood bodhi, even if it's a trek through mountains and rivers, I'm willing!"

The ghost-masked man and Ji Wutian looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

But what exactly is the Blood Dropping Bodhi they are talking about?

Dripping Blood Bodhi is the fruit of the nine-star Bodhi tree, a spiritual creature of heaven and earth.The nine-star bodhi tree blooms in 1000 years, bears fruit in 500 years, and the fruit will mature in another 500 years. The fruit it bears is the drop of blood bodhi.

According to legend, this drop of blood Bodhi, the whole body is blood red, just like a drop of blood, so it has the name of this drop of blood Bodhi.

It is recorded in ancient books that Bodhi Blood Dropping is a spiritual thing. People eat it and become immortals.If you can get this thing, you will be better than a god if you are not a god, and you can travel nine days without wings.

Of course, it is still unknown whether this drop of blood Bodhi really has such a magical effect, after all, it is something in legends, but practitioners and aspirants regard it as a peerless treasure, and all flock to it.

Now that the Blood Dropping Bodhisattva is born, it is the best time to get this spiritual thing.Because only during the year when the fruit is ripe, the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree will not move. After this year, the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree will not only run around, but also transform into something else, hiding in the mountains.If you want to find it again, I am afraid you will have to wait another 2000 years.

The three old bastards are bound to get the Bodhi of this drop of blood, but will people with crooked minds like them really get favored by heaven?Maybe, maybe not, but it's not going to be easy.

It's just because there is another person who also has his eyes on the Blood Dropping Bodhi, and this person is the sexy and charming nine-tailed demon fox Tan Yu.

In a small alley in Qingzhou City, a long-haired beauty in black leather jacket and leather pants stood opposite a young man with white hair and white eyebrows.

Both of them had serious faces, as if they were about to strike at any moment.

"Sister, what are you stopping me for? I didn't provoke you, did I?" The white-haired and white-browed man who spoke was none other than the white crow who had been lurking inside the Seven Kills Gate before.

And the woman in black standing in front of him was none other than Tan Yu, the nine-tailed demon fox.After more than three years of cultivation, not only did she heal from the injury she suffered in Gezao Mountain, but her cultivation base has also improved a little.

In the forest, she overheard a few orthodox monks passing by saying that Tong Yan, the young patriarch of the Demon Sect, was leading his men in a bloody battle against the Seven Killers in the Evil Dragon Valley, so she hurried over to help.But when she arrived at the Dragon Valley, there was no one in the valley.

In desperation, she decided to try her luck in Qingzhou City. After all, this is the closest city to the Evil Dragon Valley. Maybe she could meet one or two people from the Demon Sect, and then she would be able to ask the exact location of Tong Yan. up.

Facts have proved that her luck was indeed not bad, and she bumped into the white crow.

The white crow is a demon, of course Tan Yu could tell at a glance.The Evil Dragon Valley was so lively before, the nearby goblins must have heard of it.It was precisely because of this that she stopped him directly when she met the white crow.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, where are the people from the Demon Sect? If you don't tell the truth, I will eat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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