
Chapter 234 Aspiring to win, but the enemy's road is narrow?

Chapter 234 Aspiring to win, but the enemy's road is narrow?
Hearing this, the white crow sneered and said, "Fox spirit, you have such a big tone! Then let me show you how capable you are!" Having said that, he waved his hand, and put it in his sleeve. A dagger was immediately held in his hand.

Tan Yu looked at him, with a cruel smile on his face, it seemed that this battle was about to break out.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a person wearing black round sunglasses, a white coat, and holding an iron fan unexpectedly walked into the small alley.The iron fan was opened, and there were four big characters written on the fan, it was a clever plan!
The person who came was none other than that blind man Chen who had come here with Qing Ming before.It's just that he didn't expect that he would stay in Qingzhou and even appear here.

Chen Blind came forward with a smile on his face, then bowed respectfully and said: "Chen Yanwu, the late student, has met two seniors! Did I disturb your competition? It's okay, you take your time, I'll be there Just watch it here!"

Hearing this, Tan Yu glanced at him, and then said coldly: "What are you? What are you doing here? If you don't want to die, get out of here immediately!"

Blind Chen was not angry when he heard this, he said with a chuckle: "Senior Yaozun, there is no malice in being born here late. Why do you reject people thousands of miles away? You came here to find the young master of the Demon Sect Tong Yan? I know where he is, how about I help you find him?"

Upon hearing this, Tan Yu immediately frowned and asked, "You really know? Are you from the Demon Sect?"

Blind Chen shook his head and said, "I'm not a member of the Demon Sect. I'm just an undisciplined person. Wan Sheng only knows a little about divination. If you want to find someone, you only need to divination. If Senior Yaozun doesn't believe it, then Wansheng has no choice but to resign." After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Tan Yu immediately said, "As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, it's either rape or stealing. You can't be so kind, come here and tell me where Tong Yan is, right? Say, what exactly do you want?"

Hearing this, Blind Chen laughed without looking back: "The nine-tailed spirit fox is really smart. If so, then I'll just say it straight. I'm afraid you came here to look for Tong Yan, it's not just as simple as reminiscing about the past, right? Visions have been happening frequently recently, but you came here for the heaven and earth spirits born in the south?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tan Yu couldn't help being shocked.She really didn't expect that the man in front of her would be so powerful, and he could say every single word without missing a beat.Could it be... Could it be that this guy also knew that the Blood Dropping Bodhisattva was born?If that is the case, then he cannot be allowed to leave alive.

Thinking of this, Tan Yu sneered and said: "You are indeed not an ordinary person, but don't you know that disaster comes from your mouth? Give me a reason not to kill you, otherwise, I will wipe you out!"

Hearing this, Blind Chen turned around slowly, and said without changing his face: "Senior Yaozun, I know that the spirit fox clan has always had a special ability to sense the spiritual things of heaven and earth, especially the treasures from the south. It's not shallow. But these alone are not enough for you to get it. The reason why you are looking for Tong Yan is actually because you want him to help find the treasure in the south. Brother Tong Yan's intelligence and intelligence are naturally incomparable in later life. But right now The so-called specialization in art. Even if he is extremely smart, he doesn't know the method of divination and asking the sky, but this is my strong point. Meili Snow Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles. This method is like looking for a needle in a haystack. If there is a slight error, I am afraid that others will get there first. My purpose is very simple, I will help you find the Bodhi of Blood, and after you are done, you can share one of them with me. How about next?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu laughed secretly in his heart. This guy really knew about the Blood Dropping Bodhi, but what he said was not unreasonable.Everyone wants to get the Bodhi of Blood, without any means, it is really easy to be snatched by others.Since he is so swearing, he must have something to rely on, so why not join forces temporarily, and when he finds the Blood Dropping Bodhi, just kill him.

With an idea in mind, Tan Yu immediately smiled and said: "Okay, then I promise you. But if you dare to play tricks behind your back, I will make you disappear completely."

Blind Chen said with a chuckle: "Senior Yaozun, we each get what we need, how can I play tricks behind my back? Let's go, I will take you to find Tong Yan."

Hearing this, Tan Yu said, "Wait a minute, this guy heard what we said, if you don't get rid of him, I'm afraid there will be another side issue. After I get rid of him, it won't be too late for us to go find Tong Yan." A white light flashed, and the whole body was filled with a demonic aura.

Seeing this, the white crow hurriedly said: "We don't need to fight anymore, I am a member of the Demon Sect. Tong Yan is the young master of my Demon Sect! Since you are going to find him, I will go with you!"

Tan Yu was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked back: "You are from the Demon Sect? Why didn't you say it before?"

The white crow chuckled and said, "How do I know if you are an enemy or a friend? If you are a minion sent by those righteous monks, even if I die, I will never betray the Demon Sect."

Tan Yu smiled slightly and said: "You are still loyal, so you can follow us. Before you see Tong Yan, your life is still in my hands. It is best not to play tricks, otherwise, I will never I won't mind swallowing you alive." At this point, she deliberately stuck out her tongue and licked her lips.

Seeing this, the white crow snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Under the guidance of Chen Xiazi, Tan Yu and White Crow found Tong Yan and others in a small clinic in the suburbs of Qingzhou City.It seems that this guy's divination skills are really good, but his identity has always been a mystery.

On the simple hospital bed in the clinic, Qing Ming was already wrapped in thick bandages like a mummy, but he still closed his eyes tightly and never woke up.

Tong Yan stood at the end of the bed and looked at the unconscious Qing Ming, sighing uncontrollably.The doctor also said that although Qing Ming's epidermis was severely burned, his physical characteristics were obvious, and his life was not in danger.But he has been in a coma like this, which still makes people a little worried.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed into the clinic, and hugged Tong Yan tightly from behind.

"Sanggong, I finally found you. Where have you been for more than three years? People have been looking around for information about you, thinking that something happened to you? I found you this time, and I will never be separated from you again. Woooo..."

Although he only heard his voice, Tong Yan already knew who it was.

He gently pulled away the jade hand that was holding him tightly, and turned around and said happily: "Tan Yu? It really is you! How did you find this place?"

Tan Yu withdrew his hands and rubbed his eyes, and said aggrievedly: "I miss you so much, I heard that you brought the Demon Sect to deal with the Seven Killers, so I came after you. Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and I finally found is you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was about to comfort her, but Jiang Xiaoyu, who was sitting on the bedside, suddenly stood up.

She stared at Tan Yu, and immediately said fiercely: "Sao Fox, it really is you. This time, let me see where you are going to escape?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu immediately turned her head to look at Jiang Xiaoyu, then chuckled lightly and said, "Hey, isn't this my little teacher's wife? I haven't seen you for so many years, don't you come here all right?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan couldn't help being taken aback.Little teacher?Did they know each other before?
(End of this chapter)

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