
Chapter 236 Blood basin suffering world, swear to attain Bodhi!

Chapter 236 Blood basin suffering world, swear to attain Bodhi!

Tong Yan stared angrily, with a murderous look all over his body.He was really angry. The death of his parents and sister left scars that could not be erased in his heart, which he kept carefully hidden.Unexpectedly, this person surnamed Chen would tear it apart again today.

Blind Chen looked at Tong Yan's fierce face, and unconsciously swallowed dryly in fright. "Young... young suzerain, you... don't get excited. I said... I'll tell you everything. Let go of me first, okay?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and pushed him against the wall.

Blind Chen took a few breaths, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, and said solemnly: "Young Master, I really didn't lie to you. Your parents and sister are indeed suffering in the underworld. I can swear, I really didn't lie to you, if I tell half a lie, the sky will be struck by lightning, and I will die!"

Looking at the appearance of Blind Chen, it really doesn't look like he is lying, but Tong Yan doesn't understand, his parents were murdered and died, why would he still suffer in the underworld?Isn't that too bullying?
"Say, where are my parents and sister now in Hades? Have they been sent to the [-]th floor of hell?"

Blind Chen shook his head and said, "That's not true, they're not in the eighteenth level of hell, but...but they're in the world of suffering!"

The name of the blood basin bitter world, the place name of Yincao Hades, is not clearly recorded in ancient books, only know that this place is close to Naihe Bad Water and City of Death, and it belongs to a particularly mysterious place under the jurisdiction of Hades.

Since it is mysterious, it is naturally inconvenient for the Underworld to announce it to the outside world, and it is precisely because of the mystery that the place must be of great importance.

Tong Yan frowned, he couldn't figure out why his parents and younger sister were sent to the world of suffering.What crime would honest people like them commit?Why did Hades treat them so cruelly?

Could it be... Could it be that the fact that he led the army of the dead city to defeat the army of Fengdu has been exposed?Or did someone intentionally kill his family?
Whatever the reason, he had to figure it out.No matter what dangers he may encounter, he will make another foray into the underworld.

But just as Blind Chen said, his meridian is indeed cut off, so that he can't get out of his body, and the most important thing is that the disaster of all spirits has been severely injured by himself, so I don't know if it will be willing to do it again. help.Rather than pinning hope on others, it is better to rely on oneself, and as long as he can get a drop of blood Bodhi, his meridians will be healed, and his cultivation level may also be greatly improved. When the time comes to rescue his parents and sister, maybe he will be able to recover. There is a chance.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan finally made up his mind.Dropping Blood Bodhi, he must!

He took a deep breath, the killing intent in his eyes slowly dimmed, and then said to Blind Chen: "Master Chen, I offended you just now, please forgive me. You are right, I really have no other choice. This trip is really a must. Since it is a spiritual object of heaven and earth, it is naturally available to those who are destined. Perhaps, we are the real destined people!"

When Blind Chen heard this, he laughed loudly and said, "Brother Tong Yan is wise, wise! Then when do you think we will leave?"

Tan Yu on the side interjected: "Of course, the sooner the better, sooner rather than later! What do you think, my lord?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan turned his head to look at Qing Ming who was on the hospital bed, and sighed softly: "Then let's go at night, I have to settle down with Brother Qing, and I have to explain the affairs of the sect. The future of this trip is dangerous , or should be fully prepared."

Blind Chen nodded and said: "Brother Tong Yan's words are very true, then I will take my leave first, and I also have to prepare some things in case of emergencies."

Upon hearing this, Tan Yu immediately smiled slightly and said, "Master Chen, I have nothing to do anyway, so I'll go with you. What do you think?"

Blind Chen is not stupid. He knows that Tan Yu is staring at him. If he refuses, it will definitely not work, so he can only agree: "Of course, it is possible to be accompanied by the senior Yaozun. It is a wish for Wansheng. Brother Tong Yan, where are we? Confluence? Do you need to bring some people with you?"

Tong Yan looked at Jiang Xiaoyu and White Crow, and then asked, "Miss Jiang, are you interested in going together?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tan Yu immediately retorted: "No, how can we let her go with such a good thing? Besides, she is cruel and merciless, who knows if she will secretly harm us after seeing the Blood Dropping Bodhi. In my opinion, the three of us are enough!"

The reason why Tong Yan wanted Jiang Xiaoyu to go with him was because he liked Jiang Xiaoyu's technique of repelling insects.There must be a lot of people eyeing the Blood Dropping Bodhi this time. Although Tan Yu is powerful, he doesn't know how capable this Master Chen is.In addition, the injuries on my body have not completely healed, and one more person is also safer.

Jiang Xiaoyu snorted coldly and said, "Who do you think is willing to go? I'm not interested in the Bodhi of Blood Dropping. But Sao Fox, I still have to settle accounts with you. If you want to leave, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"Okay! Then let's compete first, take your life, and I will go hunting for treasure soon!"

Tong Yan looked at it, and hurriedly stopped him: "You two, now is not the time to settle old scores. Listen to me, it is not so easy to get the Bodhisattva of Blood. We can only have a chance if we work together. Tan Yu, just listen to me this time." Mine. Miss Jiang, welcome to join me!"

Seeing that Tong Yan said that, Tan Yu couldn't say anything more, so he could only reluctantly agree.And of course Jiang Xiaoyu also hopes to go together, after all, who wouldn't want to get such a heaven and earth spirit like the Blood Dropping Bodhi?

Blind Chen looked at it, and said with a smile: "This is the best, and everything will be happy at home! Hehe...Brother Tong Yan, there is one more thing, how do we go about this time? It will take a day or two. How about flying?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and replied, "Okay, you can arrange everything! By the way, you haven't told me where the Blood Dropping Bodhi was born?"

Blind Chen smiled slightly and said, "It's the Meixue Mountain, which is known as the sacred mountain!"

Tong Yan let out a sigh and said nothing more.

Next, Chen Xiazi and Tan Yu left the clinic first, and Tong Yan and the others rushed to the city hospital with Qing Ming.

At this time, the scholar with thousands of faces was recuperating in the city hospital, and Qing Ming was with him when he went. In addition, Tong Yan asked White Crow to take good care of the scholar with thousands of faces and Qing Ming.After everything was arranged properly, he and Jiang Xiaoyu left the hospital.

Now there is one last thing left, and that is to say goodbye to Gao Qian.Unfortunately, Gao Qian was not at home, and calling her cell phone did not work.

"Maybe he's on duty?" Tong Yan comforted himself like this.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he saw Gao Qian again, things had already changed, and he wanted to speak and cry first...

(End of this chapter)

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