
Chapter 237 Snow Mountain Legend

Chapter 237 Snow Mountain Legend
In the eyes of many people, Meili Snow Mountain is a sacred mountain.

In fact, it is not too surprising that Bodhi on Blood was born in such a big snow mountain known as Medicine Mountain and Divine Mountain.

After several hours of flying and trekking, Tong Yan and his party of four finally arrived at a nearby county town smoothly.It's past nine o'clock in the evening.It is not wise to climb the snow-capped mountains rashly, but don't underestimate the power of nature. It is easier to swallow a person than crush an ant.Under the white snow, I don't know how many ignorant and reckless people were buried.

The four found a hotel in the county town and stayed there.

In this county, the main residents are compatriots of other ethnic groups. Of course, there are also Han people, but here they seem to be almost the same as ethnic minorities.

Because they were going to climb the snow mountain, Tong Yan and the others prepared a lot of equipment to keep out the cold.Because looking for the Blood Dropping Bodhi is definitely not something that can be found in a day or two. You have to prepare food, supplies, and sleeping at night.Otherwise, it would be too late to look for food after reaching the snow mountain.

It is now close to November, the lowest temperature here has reached minus four or five degrees, and the highest temperature is only about ten degrees.But in the hotel it is very warm and has a feeling of being at home.

The owner of the hotel is a couple from another ethnic group. They are very hospitable. They are both in their 40s. Their children work in other places. They run this small hotel with less than ten rooms in their hometown.

The business of the small hotel was not as good as expected, but it was enough for them to live comfortably.

The boss's full name is Tashi Dorji, which is convenient to call him. Everyone calls him Tashi.Tashi means "auspicious", and it is also catchy when called.

Tashi's wife is called Baima, and because she doesn't speak Chinese very well, Tashi basically greets Tong Yan and the others when they come.

After putting down the things, the warm and hospitable Tashi invited Tong Yan and the others to have dinner together. In fact, eating at this hour can no longer be called dinner, it should be more appropriate to call it supper.

Tong Yan and the others were busy on their way, and indeed they didn't eat, and now that the hospitality was hard to turn down, they readily accepted it.

There are all kinds of delicious and attractive special dishes on the dining table, such as tsampa, green tree noodles, butter tea, roasted leg of lamb, roasted lamb chops, and yak meat, etc., which make people drool.

Tashi also specially prepared a jug of highland barley wine, which he brewed himself, and specifically stated that it is a treasure, which cannot be bought at ordinary times.

He poured a bowl for Tong Yan and the others, and handed them to them one by one.Tong Yan still knows a thing or two about the customs here.For example, people here believe that the ring finger is a finger for worshiping the gods. During festivals, celebrations, and when entertaining guests to drink, the guests should first use the ring finger to dip a little wine and flick it to the sky for three consecutive times after receiving the wine glass and bowl toasted by others. Showing offerings to the Three Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha is also a thank you to the toasters.

Eminent monks, old people, and people who don't know how to drink can return the wine glass to the master after playing, and the master will not force it.Those who know how to drink will pick up the wine glass and drink by themselves after worshiping the Three Treasures.

Tong Yan made an example, Blind Chen and the others were quick learners, they also dipped their ring fingers in the wine and flicked it into the air three times.After that, I tasted the treasure that Tashi said.

I have to say that the highland barley wine brewed by Tashi is really delicious, with a mellow fragrance, sweet and refreshing, and the four of them enjoyed drinking it.While eating and drinking, everyone listened to Tashi tell the legend about Meili Snow Mountain.

Tashi said that the real Meili Snow Mountain is not the [-]th Prince Edward Peak where Kawagebo is located, but a small mountain range in the north of Prince Edward Snow Mountain.That small mountain range is the real Meili Snow Mountain, but because a survey team arrived here many years ago, in the communication with the locals, they mistakenly recorded the Prince Snow Mountain where Kawagebo is located as Meili Snow Mountain, and did not Marked as such after drawing.

After talking about this, Tashi also specially reminded Tong Yan and the others, telling them not to try to climb Kawagebo Peak. Kawagebo is a god, and anyone who wants to ride on the head of a god should not want to live.

Tan Yu and Jiang Xiaoyu naturally scoffed at these words, but Tong Yan took them to heart.The legend has naturally been circulated for a long time, it may be true, or it may be false.And there are some things, it is better to believe what is true than to believe what is not, otherwise when the bad luck really comes, it will be too late to regret.

Before they knew it, it was already eleven o'clock at night, and everyone was full of wine and food, so after thanking Tashi, they all returned to their rooms, intending to fall asleep.

After a simple wash, Tong Yan fell on the bed without even taking off his clothes.

He was a little tired, maybe not because of how much he walked and how much he carried, but he just felt tired, maybe this is the so-called heart tired.

Turn off the light, close your eyes, and after a while, he fell asleep.

The night was quiet, except for the occasional whistling wind outside the window, everything around fell into a deathly silence.

I don't know how long it took, Tong Yan suddenly felt someone pulling his hand, and his body sat up unconsciously because of being pulled.

He opened his eyes in a daze, trying to see who was pulling him.But upon seeing this, he couldn't help but his heart trembled, and his spine felt a chill.

It never occurred to him that the person pulling him turned out to be an old lady with a green face, wrinkled face and disheveled hair.And this old lady was still smiling at herself with a smirk, that smile was chilling, and it made people's hearts shudder.

Tong Yan wanted to withdraw his hand, but he didn't have any strength in his whole body, and he felt light and light.

Suddenly, he realized something, and turned his head sharply.But after just taking a look, he was completely stunned, behind him... actually fell asleep another self...

What the hell is going on here?Who is this old lady?Where is she going to take Tong Yan?
(End of this chapter)

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