
Chapter 239 Fairy in the lake, still have something to hide?

Chapter 239 Fairy in the lake, still have something to hide?
In a blink of an eye, dawn came.Although the four of them didn't sleep much at night, they were all in good spirits.After a brief wash, the four of them went downstairs together.

Tashi and his wife Baima were having breakfast at the moment. When they saw Tong Yan and they went downstairs, they were taken aback for a moment, and then greeted each other with smiles on their faces.

"Hey... friends, how did you sleep at night?"

Hearing this, Blind Chen chuckled lightly and said, "Well, I've never slept so comfortably before."

Tashi heard this, nodded with a smile and said, "It's good to be comfortable, it's good to be comfortable. Do you want to have breakfast together? Have a drink by the way?"

Tong Yan shook his head with a smile and said, "Let's keep your wine for yourself. We people don't understand wine, and people who drink too much and fall asleep will be unconscious. If we accidentally die at that time, that's terrible." I regret it too much. Brother Tashi, thank you very much for your hospitality yesterday, so I specially prepared a gift for you. See if you like it!" He said, he took out a cloth bag from his pocket and directly Handed it to Tashi.

Seeing this, Tashi smiled awkwardly, but still reached out to take it.

"Then I will thank you!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "Don't you open it and have a look? I prepared this specially for you."

Hearing this, Tashi let out a soft sound, and then opened the cloth bag.When he saw a small piece of green wood in the cloth bag, his expression changed, but then he returned to normal.

"Brother Tashi, do you like it? If you like it, I still have a whole tree in my room, and I can give it all to you. How about it?"

Tashi smiled unnaturally: "That's enough, I'll let you worry about it."

Tong Yan pulled over a chair, sat down unceremoniously, and then said with interest: "Brother Tashi, I actually admire people like you. No matter what you do, you can keep your face unchanged. But I don't get it, we're here to do your business and stay at your hotel. Why are you doing this to us? For money or for life?"

When Tashi heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously, but he still said stiffly: "My friend, why can't I understand your words? Am I not good to you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed loudly and said: "Okay, of course it's good! We almost sent us to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. If it's so good, I'm afraid we won't be able to enjoy it. Brother Tashi, Ming people don't speak dark words. This You know exactly what wood is. You also know what special condiments you put in the wine and food you gave us last night. To tell you the truth, we are all haters. You respect me One foot, I respect you ten feet. If you want to harm me, then I will pay back ten times. Brother Chen, please close the door. Some words, it is better not to spread!"

Hearing this, Blind Chen immediately responded: "Okay! I'll close the door right away!" Then, he raised his legs and walked directly to the door.He only heard a "bang", and the open door was directly closed tightly by him.

Tashi was quite calm, but his wife Baima showed a look of fear, and held Tashi's hand tightly, trembling slightly.

"Brother Tashi, you are a smart person. You can set us up so quietly, it is enough to show that you are thoughtful and calm. I admire people like you because we are very similar. But I It's different from you. I will never implicate my family for myself. I can't just watch my family die in front of me and remain indifferent. I think you should be able to, right? Tan Yu, send Baima Eldest sister is on her way, may she reach bliss as soon as possible!"

When Tan Yu heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he was about to step forward.

When Tashi saw it, his expression changed drastically. "! Don't hurt her, don't hurt her. What happened last night has nothing to do with her. I made all the mistakes. If you want to kill or cut, come to me!"

Hearing Tashi's own admission, Tong Yan immediately stopped Tan Yu with a wave.

"Brother Tashi, it is really not difficult to kill you, but we are not cruel people. Let me ask you a few questions, as long as you can tell the truth, not only will I spare you and your wife, but I will not kill you Report the attempt to the police. How about it? Interested?"

Tashi gritted his teeth, nodded immediately and said, "Ask, as long as I can tell you, I will tell you!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly, and then asked, "What is the rotten tree that killed us last night?"

"That's...that's the sacred tree in Manny Lake!"

"Lake Manny? Where is it?"

"In a hidden valley at the foot of Kawagebo Peak!"

Tong Yan frowned, and continued to ask: "Aside from this rotten wood, what else is there in Manny Lake?"

Tashi hesitated for a while, then hesitated and said: "There are... fish, shrimp, aquatic plants..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said: "Brother Tashi, you know what I'm asking, don't give me sloppy eyes, don't tell me the truth, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Tashi frowned, as if he had made a lot of determination, and finally replied: "There is a snake demon in Manny Lake, it claims to be the fairy of the lake, people worship her, and help her do some harmful deeds. If anyone doesn't listen, Shenmu Po will come to the door at night to search for souls. Shenmu Po came here last night, but I didn't expect that you would survive."

Hearing this, Tong Yan roughly understood everything.It was the snake demon who wanted people's souls, and Tashi was an accomplice. I don't know what kind of medicine he put in the highland barley wine that everyone drank last night, so that Tong Yan and the four of them fell into a deep sleep.But at this time, the minion of the snake demon, the Shenmupo in Tashi's mouth, came to search for the soul.If he hadn't been lucky enough to escape, he might have been taken to the so-called Manny Lake by the god wood woman at this moment.

Blind Chen held his chin and thought for a while, and then said: "So that means, it is the snake demon in the lake who is trying to kill us? But what's the use of people's souls?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu curled his lips and said, "Isn't this simple? Humans have the way, and monsters have the way. Since it wants people's souls, it is naturally to speed up the cultivation. There are many evil monsters who don't want to practice hard with peace of mind. Some special methods will be used to speed up the improvement of cultivation. For example, sucking people's blood essence, such as sucking people's yang energy, or sucking people's souls! I am afraid that this snake demon knows the cultivation method of sucking souls, so it will harm people everywhere."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu snorted coldly and said, "You speak as if you are some kind of monster. Didn't you also do the business of sucking human blood in your early years? It's just a chicken of the same species!"

When Tan Yu heard this, he immediately flew into a rage. "Bitch, if you dare to provoke me again, I will tear your mouth apart."

Tong Yan looked at it, and hurriedly stopped him: "Okay, don't make trouble anymore! That evil monster is making trouble here, and even trying to kill us. No way! I want to see, what is the origin of this snake demon who claims to be a fairy in the lake! But brother Tashi, do you have anything else to say?"

Tong Yan's last sentence obviously meant something else, could it be that Tashi is still hiding something?

(End of this chapter)

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