
Chapter 240 This Is Love, What's Under the Pool?

Chapter 240 This Is Love, What's Under the Pool?
Hearing this, Tashi couldn't help but change his face, and then said with a dry smile: "Friend, I... I've said it all? What else do you want to ask?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "What you said just now has always put yourself in a weak and victim position. But in fact, I'm afraid it's not the case. What I want to say is that you should have your own goals, right? Deqin recently There were no sensational murders, which means that the snake demon has not harmed anyone for a long time. If I am not wrong, is there some kind of special connection between you and the snake demon? For example, you You want to get something from it, so you are willing to sacrifice your life for it. Or, you have other intentions, so you are eyeing us. Brother Tashi, it is not wise to continue to hide it. I advise you to think about it clear."

All of a sudden, Tashi fell silent.He lowered his head and said nothing, as if there was something unspeakable.

But at this moment, Baima, who had never spoken a word, would actually speak.

"Several distinguished guests, don't blame him. The reason why he is willing to sacrifice his life to the devil is fact, to save me."

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan and the others were taken aback.

Blind Chen fanned himself with an iron fan, and said confusedly, "Miss Baima, don't you know how to speak Chinese? Oh, I see, you've always been pretending. Your acting skills are awesome!"

Tong Yan looked at Baima, sighed softly, and said, "He wanted to harm us because he wanted to save your life, right? But you are clearly at the end of your life, so why bother to stay in the world? You are like this, Is it a long-term solution? In the end, I’m afraid it can only harm others and myself!”

Baima smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, I am indeed selfish. But I really don't want to leave him alone, and he won't be willing to let me go either? Tashi, I really should go. I don't want you to leave me alone. I hurt others because of me, and I don’t want you to torture yourself like this anymore. I will always remember how kind you are to me. If there is an afterlife, I will be your wife again. But now, I have to leave. Good Alive, as we were when we first met, I love to hear you sing and I love to see you dance. Finally, sing me one more song so I won't be alone on my way to the bliss of the West. OK ?"

Hearing this, Tashi's body trembled slightly, and then he covered his face and burst into tears.

Baima hugged him gently from behind, leaning her head on his shoulder, tears slipped from the corners of Baima's eyes, leaving a faint trace on her pale face.

Tashi turned around, hugged his wife tightly, and said with great reluctance: "Bai Ma, don't leave, okay? I can't live alone without you. There is something that you may not know yet. Our son died in the earthquake a few years ago. He became a volunteer and saved many people. Although he left us forever, I am proud of him and for him Proud. I was afraid that you were worried and sad, so I kept it from you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept it from you, I should have told you earlier. You are my only relative now, if even you leave me , What is the point of my life? Please, stay, stay, okay?"

Baima gently stroked Tashi's back and said softly: "Fool, I will not leave, I will always be by your side. As long as you miss me, I will appear, because I have already lived Into your heart. Right?"

Finally, Baima left.She bid farewell to her dearest person, bid farewell to the world that made her miss.

Tashi cried and sang folk songs. Although they couldn't understand Tongyan, the singing made them sad and moved.

In fact, from the first time Tong Yan saw Baima, he knew she was dead, but for some reason, her soul still stayed in her body.

Thinking about it now, I guess this is the "reward" from the fairy in the lake.To get such a "reward", Tashi must start with the guests who live in his hotel.

Tashi said that he would turn himself in.He helped that evil monster kill several people, and he deserves the punishment he deserves.Although he was doing it for his beloved, and although he regretted everything in his heart, nothing could be changed. Perhaps the only thing he could do was to give justice to those who died, so that the families of those victims could find the truth hidden by him. Corpse in the snow mountain.

But things are not over yet.The real culprit is still at large.

Now that they ran into this kind of thing, Tong Yan and the others couldn't ignore it.Anyway, they were going up the mountain too, and they happened to kill that evil evildoer along the way.

According to the direction pointed by Tashi, a group of four packed their bags and set off on foot.

From a distance, you can see the majestic and towering snow-capped mountains. Just a glance will give people a sense of shock and awe.It just stood at the end of the sky, like a general in white armor, guarding the border.The slowly flowing clouds, like a silver cloak, added a bit of heroism to this majestic Snow Mountain General.

The beauty of snow mountains cannot be described in a few words. Everyone has different snow mountains in their eyes. I only hope that this beauty will last forever and stay in the world forever.

The four of them were very human, and after more than two hours, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.Here they saw the long-known glacier, like a dragon with silver scales and jade armor, extending from the high peaks to the bottom of the mountain, and rushing straight to the river.

Such a spectacle cannot be seen anywhere.Now that it's here, it's natural to appreciate it.

According to Tashi, the so-called lake should be in this area at the foot of the mountain. After a quick taste of the beauty of the glacier, the four of them started to move on.

The purpose of this trip was originally just to get the Blood Dropping Bodhi. As for exterminating demons and demons, it was naturally a matter of passing by.

Tong Yan and Jiang Xiaoyu focused their attention on Xunxun Lake, while Tan Yu and Chen Xiazi were reconfirming the specific location of the Blood Dropping Bodhi.

The group of four searched carefully for more than an hour. Although the exact location of Dripping Blood Bodhi could not be determined, a pool of about [-] square meters appeared in front of the four of them.

I saw the cold air above the pool, the water in the pool was dark green, and it was bottomless.What is quite strange is that the temperature here is already several degrees below zero, but the water in this pool has not frozen at all, and even ice balls cannot be seen.

Tong Yan stared at the pool, and then asked Tan Yu, "Is there any evil spirit?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu bent down, reached out to pick up a little water, put it under his nose and smelled it.

Unexpectedly, just after smelling it for a while, her complexion suddenly changed, and she shouted in shock: "No, there's a big guy in here, let's run away!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan and the others were shocked.What would be the existence that Tan Yu, the nine-tailed demon fox, would be afraid of?

(End of this chapter)

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