
Chapter 241 Fighting with the demon girl, a sudden change!

Chapter 241 Fighting with the demon girl, a sudden change!
As soon as Tan Yu's voice fell, she immediately backed away.Tong Yan and the others did not dare to slack off, and immediately followed.

But just when the four of them retreated more than ten meters away, there was a sudden "wow" sound from the calm pool, and then, a green water column shot up into the sky, like a giant dragon, which made people chill.

As soon as the water column appeared, a delicate voice sounded.

"Yo, friends, you are here, do you still want to leave?" As soon as the words fell, the green water column suddenly broke away from the pool, turned into a water wall, and stopped everyone in front of them at an extremely fast speed.

After all, the four of them were a step too late. Although Tan Yu reminded them in time, if they wanted to leave, it would take some trouble.

After the water wall stopped Tong Yan and the others, a strange woman immediately appeared from the water wall.

I saw this woman with long green hair draped behind her back, a pretty face full of bewitching, willow-leaf curved eyebrows, a small cherry mouth, a straight nose, and a delicate face. She only wore a green tube top on her upper body, and her lower body was Wearing a green scaly skirt, the exposed jade feet are small and cute, and the bumpy figure is coveted.

She just sat sideways on the water wall, looking at everyone with a smile on her face.

Tan Yu stared at the woman in front of him, then cupped his fists respectfully and said, "Sister, we have no intention of setting foot here. Please forgive me if we bother you. Seeing that my sister is beautiful, she is a kind-hearted person. Why don't you just leave me alone?" Let us go!"

To make such a hot-tempered demon fox like Tan Yu talk softly, it can be seen that the woman in front of her is indeed very important.

She glanced at Tan Yu, then covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Hehe...Little fox, your little mouth is so sweet. If my sister is a man, I will definitely want you. It's a pity that my sister is a woman, and I hate it." You are such a sharp-tongued little fairy. It seems that my sister can't let you go, if you don't want to suffer, just suffer your death obediently!"

Hearing this, Tan Yu's expression was unavoidably ugly, and he immediately turned his head and whispered to Tong Yan beside him, "Sir, I'll stop her later, you guys leave first. Do you remember?"

Tong Yan's heart trembled when he heard this.It is said that a friend in adversity sees the truth, Tan Yu is with him, and every time he encounters a crisis, it is Tan Yu who rushes forward, as a man, he is inevitably a bit useless.

Although he knew that he was not as capable as Tan Yu, he could retreat without a fight, and he would never agree to such a thing.

Thinking of this, he immediately smiled at Tan Yu: "You are a girl, you have to be the first in everything. Stay behind obediently. Even if you want to stay, that person should not be you, but me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately took a step forward, then smiled slightly at the green-haired woman, "Miss, what a big fight, I don't know where it is from, can you tell me?"

The green-haired woman sized up Tong Yan, then smiled contemptuously and said, "Little boy, you can know my name if you want to know it? But I like your eyes very much. Why don't you dig them out and give them to me?" Me?"

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "If you want my eyes, I'm afraid you have to trouble yourself to do it yourself. I have a problem with myself, unless I give it to you willingly, otherwise, even if you kill me, you can't get it!"

"Hey, you're still a tough guy. I just like a man like you, why don't you stay and serve me, how about I give you longevity?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Longevity? What do I want to live for? I don't think it's better for you to kneel down and beg for mercy. How about I spare you?"

As soon as these words came out, the green-haired woman's eyes immediately revealed a vicious look. "Presumptuous, you dare to be rampant in front of me, you really deserve to die!" As soon as the death word fell, she slapped herself on the water wall, and several water arrows shot out from the water wall, straight towards Tong Yan's face.

Seeing this, Tong Yan swung his arm forward and shouted loudly: "Black dragon, transform into a shield!" As soon as the words fell, the bracelet on his wrist, which was transformed into a black dragon dagger, immediately turned into a black light. The shield stood in front of him.

The water arrow struck and hit the shield, and the sound of "ding ding dong dong" suddenly rang out incessantly.

The shield turned from the black dragon dagger did block the water arrow shot by the green-haired woman, but under the impact of the water arrow, Tong Yan retreated several steps before stabilizing his figure, and the arm holding the shield was even more so because of the impact of the water arrow. He was sore and numb from the continuous impact.

Seeing that Tong Yan was safe and sound, the green-haired woman showed a hint of surprise in her eyes, then she smiled and said, "You have a low-grade spiritual weapon, no wonder you dare to act presumptuously in front of me. But with this mere low-grade spiritual weapon, you think you can save your life Is it? Today, you are dead!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't respond, he strode forward, swung his shield and hit the green-haired woman.As the saying goes, coming and not going is indecent.Even if this green-haired woman is indeed extremely powerful, if she doesn't give it a go, who will win in the end?
Seeing Tong Yan rushing forward, the green-haired woman showed a disdainful smile, and then raised her jade hand, and a wall of water appeared directly in front of her.

Tong Yan looked at it and smashed out the shield.But what he didn't expect was that the wall of water was like a huge sponge, it hit it limply, and it directly removed all his strength.

At the same time, several tentacles appeared on the water wall, which entangled Tong Yan tightly.

As soon as Tong Yan noticed it, he was about to pull out, but the tentacles became tighter and tighter, not only making it difficult for him to move, even breathing became more and more difficult.

Seeing this, Tan Yu was so anxious that he couldn't care less, so he gave a coquettish shout and rushed forward.

Both Tan Yu and Tong Yan made their moves one after another, so Jiang Xiaoyu and Blind Chen naturally couldn't turn a blind eye.

I saw Jiang Xiaoyu took out a small bottle from her body, unplugged it, and immediately threw the powder inside into the air. Then, with a flick of her wrist, the bell hidden in her sleeve immediately jingled.Looking at the powder that she threw into the air, they all turned into flying insects, and they all rushed towards the green-haired woman in a swarm.

Looking at Blind Chen again, he took out a Taoist talisman from his pocket, and saw a small sword drawn on the Taoist talisman, which turned out to be the extremely powerful sword talisman.

He said the formula quickly in his mouth, and typed it directly with one finger.The sword talisman floated into the air, turned into a small golden sword in an instant, followed by everyone and shot at the green-haired woman.

Everyone joined hands to fight against the witch.The fierce battle begins here!
The green-haired woman saw the other three attacking her at the same time, a green light flashed in her eyes, she slapped herself off the wall of water, and flew straight into the air.

Tan Yu didn't chase after seeing it, and hurriedly turned his sharp claws into his hands, directly cutting off the tentacles wrapped around Tong Yan's body.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the green-haired woman was in the air, spinning rapidly.Immediately afterwards, something unbelievable happened.

(End of this chapter)

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