
Chapter 242 The spirit of the snow-capped mountain, you can't be ashamed to escape!

Chapter 242 The spirit of the snow-capped mountain, you can't be ashamed to escape!

Following her turn, the temperature in the air dropped extremely rapidly, and small ice beads like particles appeared in the air immediately.

At the same time, the flying insects controlled by Jiang Xiaoyu have also approached her.But before they touched the green-haired woman's body, they burst apart under the extremely cold temperature, turned into dust, and scattered down.

Looking at the sword talisman played by Blind Chen, although he is not afraid of the severe cold, he is already at the end of his strength under the obstruction of the small ice beads.The green-haired woman just slapped it down with a palm, and it shattered into powder with a "bang".

Jiang Xiaoyu was very angry when she saw all her bugs died tragically, but she didn't know what to do for a while.

Blind Chen gritted his teeth even more angrily because his sword talisman was destroyed, his mouth was full of vicious curse words.

But what can this change?The green-haired woman was floating in the air, looking down like a god, her powerful aura made people dare not look directly at it.

With the help of Tan Yu, Tong Yan finally broke free.But now, what should they do?
Tong Yan raised his head and looked at the sky, his brows were furrowed.

It seems that Tan Yu's previous concerns were correct. She had long noticed that the green-haired woman was invincible, but even so, the result was still the same. From the moment they came here, they were destined to be unable to escape.

The green-haired woman looked at the four people below, then raised her head and laughed loudly: "Just because of you ants, you dare to be my enemy. I really don't know how to live or die! As the spirit of the snow mountain, I have been here for thousands of years .Only being worshiped by others, no one dares to go against my will. You have offended me, so you must die!"

Spirit of Snow Mountain?This banshee turned out to be the spirit of the Snow Mountain, no wonder it was so powerful.If it is true as the legend says, this Kawagebo Peak is a great general.Then isn't this spirit of the snow mountain a subordinate of a god general? If so, then she is not a god, and I am afraid she is close to a god.

Facing such an existence, it is almost impossible to win.He wanted Tong Yan to bow his head, but he couldn't!
Tong Yan took a deep breath, immediately raised his head and replied loudly: "Demon girl, you keep saying that you are the spirit of the snow mountain, and you still enjoy the worship of the world, but do you think you are worthy of the deeds you have done? How many times have you killed? Creature, you know it in your heart. You are going to kill us again today, aren't you afraid of being punished by God? Can you really be lawless in front of Kawagebo God?"

Hearing this, the Spirit of the Snow Mountain froze for a moment, and then said fiercely: "Boy, you are blasphemy, why should I kill you? Don't use Kawagebo to pressure me, let me tell you, he has already gone to the Western world .Here, I am the master, I am the only god!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said: "God? I think you are blasphemy. Kawagebo Peak is one of the eight sacred mountains in Buddhism. You kill people for no reason. Do you really think you can hide it? Let me tell you , even if you die today, I will make your crimes known to the world. I want everyone in the world to know. As the spirit of the snow-capped mountains, instead of protecting the people of one side, you are going against the sky, continuing your life and killing people. Creatures. I think no matter which point, it is enough to keep you from being reborn forever. Come on, do it! I can die with you, a spirit of the snow-capped mountain, and my life is worth it!" At this point, he directly cast the King Kong demon With the pestle drawn out, death must be dignified.

But what I didn't expect was that when the spirit of the snow mountain saw the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand, he trembled unconsciously, and then asked in a surprised voice: "You... who are you? How do you know the Buddhist method? device?"

Buddhist artifact?It seems that the spirit of the snow mountain still has something to fear. I am afraid that the Buddha is the most revered existence in her heart.

Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and then responded loudly: "I'm not someone, I'm just an ordinary disciple of Buddhism. If you want to kill, then kill it! In this way, I can also ascend to the bliss and ascend to the Buddhist realm early! "

The spirit of the snow mountain was completely stunned, and the previous arrogance disappeared without a trace.

Tong Yan saw these things in his eyes, and snorted coldly: "Since you have changed your mind, let's leave it alone, and I hope you will take care of yourself!" Having said this, he hurriedly winked at the other three people, and walked quickly go to the distance.

But at this moment, the Spirit of the Snow Mountain suddenly said, "You all came here for the Blood Dropping Bodhi, right? There have been two groups of people going up the mountain before, so you'd better be careful. Otherwise, I will forgive you." Without you, you will not be able to leave alive!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't pay much attention to it, but left the place quickly.

The spirit of the snow mountain looks like a spirit, but in fact it is no different from a monster. Since it is a monster, it is capricious. One second it may be pleasant to you, but the next second it may make your head fall to the ground.Of course, this is not absolute, but the earlier you leave, the sooner you will be safe. After all, you can't afford to take such a risk.

However, the last words of the Spirit of the Snow Mountain reminded Tong Yan and the others that there were indeed quite a few people who came to look for the Blood Dropping Bodhi.Although these people don't know their identities, they are bound to become Tong Yan's biggest threat to their treasure hunt this time.

In addition, the pool where the spirit of the snow mountain is located should be the Manni Lake that Tashi said, and the spirit of the snow mountain should be the so-called snake demon.

Not being able to do justice for the sky did not make Tong Yan and the four of them feel frustrated, after all, they had tried their best.With such a cultivation level as the Spirit of the Snow Mountain, I am afraid that no one can compete with it except for the gods.

Some things do not necessarily have a result, as long as you do your best, you can have a clear conscience.

Since they heard that someone had gone up the mountain, Tong Yan and the others could only go up the mountain first even if they couldn't determine the exact location of the Blood Dropping Bodhi.

However, it is really not as simple as imagined to climb Kawagebo Peak, which is more than 6000 meters above sea level.

So far, no mountaineering team has reached the top of Kawagebo Peak.Perhaps, as Tashi said, Kawagebo Peak is a god, how can people trample the gods under their feet?

Of course, the legend may not be credible. There are also mountaineering teams who tried to climb the Kawagebo Peak, but unfortunately the end was so miserable that no one survived.Since then, Kawagebo Peak has become one of the few "virgin peaks" in the world. Everyone wants to conquer it, but in the end, it all ends without a problem!

Even if the mountain climbing is dangerous and unpredictable, since Tong Yan and the others have made up their minds, they can only go forward bravely.There is no turning back when you open the bow, so you have to bite the bullet.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that they had only climbed a few hundred meters just now, and an accident happened unexpectedly...

(End of this chapter)

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