
Chapter 244 Cracking the Ice Sculptures, Master Behind!

Chapter 244 Cracking the Ice Sculptures, Master Behind!
The strange man in ice armor came uninvited, which surprised Tong Yan.He looked the visitor up and down, and couldn't help frowning deeply.

I saw that the strange man in front of him was about two meters tall, with a huge body, and his ice armor was particularly eye-catching.The ice armor is not pure white, but slightly bluish in color. There is a tiger's head with its mouth open on the chest, but dragon scales are carved in other places, giving people a feeling that the head of a bull does not match the mouth of a horse.In addition, the ice armor wrapped him tightly, not an inch of skin was exposed, even the helmet was tightly covered, and even the most basic part of the eyes was not exposed.

His hands were empty, and he didn't hold a weapon, but he still gave people a sense of calm and prestige.

Tong Yan stared at him, then asked, "Who are you? Why did you appear in this ice cave?"

The ice armor monster didn't talk, but moved his neck slightly, and the sound of "Ka Ka" sounded immediately.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't help tightening the black dragon dagger in his hand.The ice-armored monster broke through the ice without saying a word, obviously the visitor was not kind.Now that Blind Chen and Jiang Xiaoyu are unconscious, if the ice-armored monster suddenly attacks, he must protect them.

The ice armor monster shook his neck for a while, and finally stopped, then slowly raised his hand, and waved it to Tong Yan.

When Tong Yan saw it, he was a little confused.What is the meaning of this ice armor monster?Are you going to take yourself somewhere?Or do you have other ideas?

Seeing that Tong Yan was motionless, the ice armor monster waved his palm in his direction again.

When Tong Yan saw this, he finally understood.

He has long seen that the ice-armored monster is not a friendly person, and the meaning of this wave of hands is now very obvious. It is to want him to get closer to him, and it can also be regarded as a provocation. People who compete in the ring usually wave their hands. Open your posture, and then signal to the other party that you can do it.

Now that the ice-armored monster is openly provoking, Tong Yan knows that this battle must be fought.But it doesn't matter, it's better than this guy making a sudden move.

Tong Yan inserted the flashlight into the crevice of the ice, stretched his arms and legs, and then pulled out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle from his waist.If you want to fight, you must do your best.It is probably impossible to count on the ice armor monster to be merciful.

Seeing that Tong Yan was ready, the ice armor monster bent his legs and rushed forward.

Seeing the ice armor monster rushing towards him, Tong quickly jumped to the side, avoiding the ice armor monster's hands, turned his body around, and smashed the ice armor monster straight at the shoulder.

Only a "bang" sound was heard, the Vajra Falling Demon Pestle hit the ice armor monster's shoulder, and happily smashed a large piece of ice away.But Tong Yan was shocked back several steps because of this, and one arm also felt slightly numb.This ice armor monster is really strong enough, but fortunately he has such a sharp weapon as the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, so he is not invincible.

The ice armor monster was hit on the shoulder, as if he had never heard of it, he turned around without saying a word and rushed towards Tong Yan again.

Seeing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly, stepped on the seven-star step, and immediately started fighting with the ice armor monster.

Although the ice-armored monster was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, with impressive strength, his speed was much slower than Tong Yan's.Tong Yan is best at hand-to-hand combat. To be able to kill so many Shura soldiers in the training ground, this close-to-hand combat ability is not a cover.

The two sides fought back and forth for a few minutes.With several loud bangs, one arm of the ice armor monster was knocked in two by Tong Yan.

What Tong Yan didn't expect was that there were ice cubes in the severed arm of the ice armor monster.In this way, he suddenly realized.This ice armor monster is not a person at all, but a statue carved out of ice.

Since it is a statue and can fight with people, there must be someone manipulating it behind it. It is estimated that the person manipulating the statue is secretly watching him at this moment.

To deal with such a mindless thing, Tong Yan is naturally handy. He easily avoided the heavy blow of the ice-armored monster, and dodged directly behind him. head.

With a loud bang, the weirdo's head moved immediately.At this moment, his huge body fell to the ground with a "plop".

To deal with the ice armor monster, Tong Yan did not put away the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, but smiled slightly: "Your Excellency, since you are here, why don't you show up to see it? Your ice sculpture has been solved by me, what else is there?" You might as well bring it out together!"

However, what was a little depressing was that his words didn't get the slightest response, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The reason why he said this was to deceive the people hiding nearby. It seemed that he was thinking too much, there was no one nearby.

Putting away the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, he went to Jiang Xiaoyu and Chen Blind to have a look.The two are still in a coma, and they don't know when they will wake up.

It doesn't make much sense to guard them here, it's better to find a way out first, and then take them out of here.

In addition, he also wanted to know what was going on with this ice-armored monster. It certainly wouldn't come here to cause trouble for no reason, let alone be so particular about a martial arts practitioner.

Perhaps, the person who made it is somewhere in this ice cave.

Thinking of this, he directly inserted the black flood dragon dagger beside Chen Xiazi and Jiang Xiaoyu, and said: "Black flood dragon, I entrust their safety to you. I will be back soon!"

After speaking, he turned around, picked up the flashlight, and walked out along the place where the ice armor monster came.

After going out, he discovered that there was a road behind the ice wall.This is quite surprising, perhaps the ice armor monster has been guarding here.As long as it finds someone approaching, it will automatically come to compete.

But whether this is the case, he is not sure, perhaps only after seeing the owner of the ice armor monster, everything will be clear.

This is a circular road, and there are ice walls on both sides of the road. Except for the thin ice wall of the ice cave where he was before, the ice walls in other places are estimated to be several meters thick. It is not difficult to cut through. Small.

He kept moving forward along this very smooth ice road, but he didn't expect the sound of "Tong Tong" footsteps to sound again in front of him.He didn't rush forward, but leaned against the ice wall and looked forward quietly with the light of the not-so-bright flashlight.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile wryly.Good guy, another ice armor monster appeared in front of him, exactly the same as the one he killed before, it seems that they were all made by the same person.

And in this way, Tong Yan was looking forward to meeting that mysterious person hiding behind the ice armor monster.It is definitely not an ordinary person who can practice in the belly of Kawagebo Peak.

What he didn't expect was that when he actually saw the mysterious person, he was completely dumbfounded...

"What the hell is this thing?"

PS: I agreed with everyone that there are 10 chapters, and I am still writing 3 chapters, and I will update them when I finish!

(End of this chapter)

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