
Chapter 245 Finally meeting an expert, incredible!

Chapter 245 Finally meeting an expert, incredible!

Although the ice armor monster looks like a bluff, its ability is similar to that of the Shura soldiers that Tong Yan used to kill every day in the training ground. It is not difficult to kill it, it just takes a little effort.

He stared at the ice-armored monster pacing back and forth in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and finally raised his legs to meet him.

This ice armor monster was more virtuous than the one just now. When he saw the comer, he didn't do anything directly, but moved his neck in a pretentious manner, and then stretched out his hand to provoke.

Tong Yan was too lazy to waste time with it, so he strode forward and hit its head with a pestle.When the pestle fell, the ice armor monster was stunned for a moment, and then fell to the ground with a "plop".

The head is the lifeblood of this ice armor monster, as long as the head is smashed, they are not much different from ice cubes.

Tong Yan stepped on the fallen ice armor monster and continued to stride forward.

After walking away for a long time, the third ice armor monster appeared again, and Tong Yan easily dealt with it as usual.Then came the fourth, the fifth...

He smashed the heads of eighteen ice-armored monsters into pieces before he came to a huge ice door.

This ice door is not high, only about three meters, and only more than two meters wide.However, the patterns carved on the ice door are very exquisite, obviously from the hands of craftsmen.

He raised his leg and walked to the door, intending to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, he pushed forward.

He only heard the sound of "噗", and the ice door was pushed open by him, and then, a long corridor forward appeared in his sight.

He took a flashlight and looked inside, but unexpectedly, the light of the flashlight seemed to be swallowed up, and it could only illuminate about five meters at most.

It seems that someone deliberately tampered with it. Otherwise, why would the flashlight, which can usually illuminate hundreds of meters away, fail innocently?
Tong Yan was no stranger to this kind of situation. It was normal for such a hidden place to have some tricks, even if it was a bit of a trap, it made sense.

He didn't think much of it, and continued walking forward with a flashlight in his hand.Unexpectedly, the moment he stepped into the corridor, the ice door behind him would automatically close.

Well, here we go again.It seems that many underground palaces have such a design, with only one purpose, that is to prevent trespassers from leaving alive.

Tong Yan can be regarded as someone who has seen big scenes, so he will definitely not pay attention to such a mechanism.

Without stopping, he walked forward for a while, and suddenly there were some messy footsteps in front of him.

He looked forward to take a picture, and it turned out that there were a dozen ice-armored monsters strolling back and forth.

He was also drunk. The ice armor monster obviously didn't have much fighting power, and he had built so many of them. It was estimated that the maker would only make this kind of thing.If this is the case, then it is not considered a master.

He can deal with one ice armor monster, and the dozen or so ice armor monsters are also easy to deal with.

He moved his arm and rushed forward.Seeing this, these ice-armored monsters had their heads smashed by Tong Yan before they could make preparations.

Seeing more than a dozen ice-armored monsters falling neatly on the ground, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing.

But at this moment, a beast roar of "howling" suddenly sounded from the dark place ahead, and immediately after that, a white shadow rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Tong Yan took a flashlight to shine a light, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.Finally, there is something fun to do, and he can exercise his muscles and bones well.

I saw the white figure coming out of the darkness, it was a snow-white leopard, it seemed to be a living thing, and it wasn't covered by ice or snow.

White leopards actually exist, but a snow-white leopard has never been heard of.

The white leopard was so fast that it was almost in front of Tong Yan in the blink of an eye.Seeing this, Tong Yan didn't dare to hesitate, he hurriedly touched the ground, and quickly backed away.

The white leopard rushed to nothing, and immediately jumped up again, waving its claws and grabbing Tong Yan's face again.

But before it got close, Tong Yan swung the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and smashed it hard.

Hearing only a scream of "嗤", the white leopard was beaten badly by the vajra subduing magic pestle on the spot, and dared not go forward again.

Tong Yan looked at the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand, and said with a sneer, "Nie Zhan, aren't you crazy? Come on? If you take another step forward, I'll kill you! Get lost!"

As soon as the scrolling words came out, the white leopard trembled, turned around and ran into the darkness.

What Tong Yan didn't expect was that just as the white leopard had retreated, a sharp laughter suddenly sounded.

"Hey... It seems that there are guests coming, so hurry up and invite them!"

As soon as the words fell, there were only two "pops", and the originally dark space suddenly brightened.

Tong Yan looked in the direction of the sound, and saw another door a dozen steps ahead, but the ice door had already been opened, and it seemed that the voice just now came from the ice room inside the ice door.No need to guess, the owner of that voice should be the creator of these ice armor monsters.

Tong Yan wanted to see this strange man from the very beginning, so he was not polite, and walked directly into the ice room with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand.

In fact, there is not much difference between the ice room and the outside. If there is a difference, it may be that there is an extra bed of ice.

And at this moment, sitting on the bed of ice is a monster that looks like a human but not human, and it is not known what it is.

Don't look at this guy sitting, but you can roughly estimate his height, which is about one meter. His body is very thin, but he has a big human-like head, and in this big head On the face, a pair of white eyes are even more outrageously large. Those who don't know it think it is wearing a pair of myopia glasses.

His appearance is very similar to the alien in the movie, but what kind of alien this thing is, I guess you can only know it if you have actually seen it.

Tong Yan looked him up and down, and then asked, "Friend, may I ask, are you a human or a demon?"

Hearing this, the weirdo immediately laughed. "This guest, am I not obvious enough? Of course I... Of course I am human!"

When Tong Yan heard this, he almost fell over, man?Can people grow up to be like him?But even if he was a real human being, how did he live here?You can't eat ice cubes every day, can you?
"Friend, have you lived here all this time? Have you reached the state of bigu?"

The strange man shook his head and smiled, "I don't have such great abilities. I just accidentally swallowed the essence of a demon, and my body changed drastically, so I hid alone in the snow mountain. But you guessed it right, I did You can live without eating. But living like this is actually no different from dying.”

Accidentally swallowed the essence of the demon?God, this guy is too bad.Humans and monsters have different paths, how can the essence of demons be eaten by humans?Instead of exploding and dying, he gained immortality, which is indeed a bit unbelievable.

But what Tong Yan didn't know was that the inconceivable thing was far more than that, the guy in front of him was like a god!

(End of this chapter)

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