
Chapter 403 The cold air is overwhelming, and the four immortals are about to be destroyed!

Chapter 403 The cold air is overwhelming, and the four immortals want to be destroyed!
The astonishing move of the Dragon, Tiger and Five Immortals exceeded everyone's expectations.The pleadings of all these disciples not only failed to save their lives, but they unexpectedly begged for the murderous intent of the dragon and tiger five immortals.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but smile wryly.He really overestimated the Dragon and Tiger Five Immortals. These five old things were originally transformed from the eggs of pheasant spirits. When it comes to the root, they are actually descendants of demons.It is estimated that it is more difficult to count on the goodwill in their hearts than the blossoming of iron trees.

They only live chicly for themselves, and they don't care about other people's lives.Such villains still want to cultivate immortals, why don't they just drop a few thunderbolts and kill them directly?

Originally, Tong Yan wanted to wipe out the Dragon and Tiger Sect completely, but now he suddenly sympathized with these innocent disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect.Maybe they should be let go, maybe they poor people didn't deserve to die here.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately opened his mouth and asked, "Five thieves, dragon and tiger, what are you doing? Don't you even let the disciples of our sect go?"

One of the Dragon and Tiger Five Immortals immediately said harshly: "Tong Yan, you caused their deaths all by yourself. It is not us who really killed them, but you. You forced all of this, no wonder us!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing, "Blame me? What a high-sounding reason! You five old bastards are able to attack your own disciples, why do you need to quibble? If you want these disciples to be buried with you, how can there be such a thing in the world?" Waiting for something good? What do you idiots ask for? They won't let you go, so just kill them with me. Do justice for the heavens!"

As soon as this remark came out, the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect below immediately looked viciously at the Five Immortals of Dragon and Tiger flying in the sky with Yujian.As a result, the dragon, tiger and five immortals directly became the target of public criticism.Their demise is already inevitable.

Seeing this, the dragon, tiger and five immortals stopped talking nonsense, and immediately waved their hands, and the tens of thousands of lightsabers roared and shot downwards.

Tong Yan saw it, and hurriedly shouted: "The disciples of the Demon Sect obey the order and save people!" He gave the order, and more than 100 men in black around him immediately came to help.

With weapons in their hands, everyone swung the lightsabers in an attempt to stop them from falling from the sky, and the sound of "ding ding dong dong" could be heard incessantly.However, it is a pity that even with the help of everyone in the Demon Sect, the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect were still killed and injured, and only a few dozen people survived.

Not only that, but dozens of people were killed or injured by Mozong's disciples because of their help.Tong Yan saw all this in his eyes, although he was regretful, he had done his best, and it could be regarded as making up for the crime of blood staining the Dragon and Tiger Sect that day.

Now it's time to settle accounts with the Dragon, Tiger and Five Immortals. No matter what, Tong Yan is going to kill them here today.

The two sides stopped talking, and there was killing intent in their eyes.

Tong Yan stood up directly, holding the magic weapon in each hand, and then shouted loudly: "The five thieves of the dragon and the tiger, prepare to die!" With a flick, he rushed towards the Dragon and Tiger Five Immortals in an instant.

The dragon, tiger and five immortals had already held the fourth-grade sword talisman in their hands in advance. Seeing Tong Yan riding a dragon to kill him, the five fourth-grade sword talismans were activated together, and immediately turned into five red swords and shot straight at Tong Yan.

The power of the fourth-grade sword talisman is extraordinary, and Tong Yan dare not underestimate it. With a touch of the green dragon's body, he jumped into the air with a single vertical leap.Seeing that the body was about to fall, a white figure suddenly appeared in the black cloud.

In a flash, Bai Ying appeared directly at Tong Yan's feet.

Taking a closer look, the white shadow that appeared was not someone else, but the white crow of the Demon Sect.

The white crow has been lurking in the black clouds before, planning to launch a sneak attack on the dragon and tiger five immortals whenever there is a chance.But he was worried that Tong Yan would fall from the sky, so he showed his body immediately.

Tong Yan was carried forward by the white crow for a while, and then he jumped down again, but this time, he went straight towards the dragon, tiger and five immortals.

The dragon, tiger and five immortals hit the fourth-grade sword talisman, which naturally didn't hurt Tong Yan, but they all hit Qinglong.

And Qinglong seemed to be deliberately not dodging, and the two pairs of dragon claws slapped continuously, directly smashing against the fourth-grade sword talisman.

Tong Yan is now focused on getting close, because as long as he is close, he is sure to win.Although the Dragon and Tiger Five Immortals have high magical powers, they don't necessarily have to be as powerful as their physical bodies, or how superb their martial arts are.And Tong Yan is best at close combat, so at such a desperate moment, it is natural to use one's own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses, so as to win.

Tong Yan's movements were extremely swift and fierce, like a cheetah.The Dragon, Tiger and Five Immortals were not fools either. Seeing Tong Yan approaching him, they hurriedly backed away. At the same time, they clapped their palms continuously. The ten palm prints hit Tong Yan's body heavily like a hammer.

But Tong Yan has already made up his mind, even if he throws his life here today, he will definitely tear these five old beasts into pieces.

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, he clenched his teeth and said nothing.Seeing his body falling again, the white crow immediately flew over to help him stabilize his body.

But the problem is, how can you really catch up with these five old things if you go to catch up like this?

Tong Yan pondered for a while, and finally came up with a solution in his mind.He put the golden sword transformed from the black flood dragon in his hand to his mouth, and said a few words softly.Seeing the sapphire on the golden sword light up slightly, Tong Yan immediately threw the golden sword forcefully.

As soon as Jin Jian left his hand, it instantly turned into golden light, the speed was jaw-dropping.

Seeing the golden sword coming, the dragon, tiger and five immortals hurriedly took out Taoist talismans from their sleeves and struck out again and again.But the golden sword was sharp enough, and it could easily dodge before the Dao Talisman approached.

Within a few breaths, the golden sword flew behind the Dragon and Tiger Five Immortals with a "swish".Immediately afterwards, the piece of sapphire on the golden sword burst into blue light, and a gust of cold air immediately appeared, sweeping towards the dragon and tiger five immortals.

The Dragon, Tiger and Five Immortals couldn't dodge, so they tried to drive away the cold air with fire talismans, but they underestimated the severe cold air.This is the cold jade spirit that condenses the cold air of the underworld and was conceived for 5000 years. Such cold air can be resisted by mere fire.

The cold air swept over, and even the burning fireball was frozen in it, which shows the fierceness of the cold air.

But it is a little regrettable that, there are five dragons and tigers, but only four are frozen.Seeing that something was wrong, the remaining one didn't care about his brother, so he immediately controlled the flying sword and galloped away into the distance as if fleeing.

Tong Yan wanted to chase after him, but he was already seriously injured, and he didn't have the ability to fly with a sword.Although it is impossible to eliminate all five people, killing four people is enough to vent their anger.

The four of the Dragon, Tiger and Five Immortals were frozen and immediately fell downwards.Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly let the white crow carry him down.

Seeing that these four old beasts could be smashed into thousands of pieces, Tong Yan was very excited.

But at this moment, a huge monster appeared inexplicably.

What is this behemoth?

(End of this chapter)

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