
Chapter 404 Destruction of body and soul, a bit interesting!

Chapter 404 Destruction of body and soul, a bit interesting!
"Aw... roar..." Just as Tong Yan and the white crow landed on the ground, a deafening roar sounded in front of the hall.

When the two heard this, they immediately followed the sound, and after seeing it, they were shocked on the spot.

"Young Sect Master, this...what the hell is this thing? Such a huge monster, how could it suddenly appear here?"

Tong Yan frowned and didn't say anything, but his eyes were fixed on the huge monster not far away.

I saw that this object is 50 meters high, which is higher than the temple of the Tiger Dragon Sect.But because of the dim light, only a huge blood-red shadow could be seen.

If you want to see what this thing is, you can only get a little closer.

But Tong Yan was not in the mood to waste time on this big guy, and the four of the Tiger, Dragon and Five Immortals fell down from the freezing air.They must be found quickly, otherwise, it will be difficult to get rid of them after the cold air dissipates.

Tong Yan withdrew his gaze, and then said to the white crow: "No matter what this big guy is, the most urgent thing is to find those four old things that fell to the ground. Let's split up, find here, and directly smash their corpses into thousands of pieces, no need to show mercy!"

Hearing this, the white crow hurriedly responded: "Yes, this subordinate obeys!" As soon as the words fell, the two immediately searched in the forest on the back mountain.

After such a short time, Qing Ming, who was dealing with the Tiger, Dragon and Five Immortals, also turned into a human form and floated down.He was seriously injured, and the power of the five fourth-grade sword talismans was indeed strong enough.However, the injury is not a big deal, and he can recover after a period of recuperation, but the fourth-grade sword talisman is not something you can get if you want it.

Qing Ming accepted five fourth-grade sword talismans in one breath, and this time he made a fortune.

Just as the three of them were urgently looking for the Four Immortals of the Tiger and Dragon in the forest, the disciples of the Demon Sect in front of the hall had already started fighting with the giant monster.Jiang Xiaoyu controlled her flesh worm, intending to let the flesh worm penetrate into the body of this big monster, and then completely eliminate it from the inside.However, what was quite surprising was that her meat worms couldn't even bite through the skin of this big monster, let alone get inside.

Jiang Xiaoyu frowned, her eyes were full of shock.Although she was well-informed, she had never seen such a thick-skinned monster.

She was a little worried. If she couldn't take down this monster, she could only leave this place first and make plans later.

It just so happened that Blind Chen and Daoist Ma just arrived at this time, and they stared at the big guy with faint smiles on their faces.

"Brother, this should be the Vajra White Ape recovered by the famous Master Zhang Tianshi back then, right? I didn't expect that after so many years, this spirit beast is still so beastly. It seems that it hasn't recognized its master yet."

"It can't be wrong, it must be the spirit beast. I don't know if it suddenly went crazy today, and who can restrain it. In my opinion, we'd better leave first. If we don't make it together, the sky will rain down. This tiger and dragon I'm afraid Pai is going to die."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu turned to Blind Chen and asked, "Is this spirit beast really capable like this? Is there no one in the world who can subdue it?"

Blind Chen said with a slight smile: "Whether it can be subdued or not depends more on chance. It may not be possible to do it because of high cultivation. However, in the current situation, I am afraid that none of us can do it." Arrived. Rather than wasting time here with it, it is better to leave earlier."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoyu nodded and said: "What you said is very true, then let's take the disciples of the Demon Sect and leave first. When Tong Yan and the others kill those five old things, they should join us."

The three reached a consensus, and Blind Chen immediately shouted to the disciples of the Demon Sect: "Fellow Taoists of the Demon Sect, brother Tong Yan's revenge is also worthy of revenge. Let's leave immediately, brother Tong Yan will come to join us later. Get out!"

Everyone in the Demon Sect heard this, and there was no objection, this big guy is really too powerful, he is like an indestructible body of King Kong, if he continues to consume like this, none of them can even think about living.

In this way, Blind Chen and others took the disciples of the Demon Sect and fled Tianmen Mountain first, but the original disciples of the Tiger Dragon Sect on Tianmen did not dare to stay, and immediately scattered and fled.

Seeing that no one was fighting with him, the huge monster vented his anger on Dian.All of a sudden, the rubble was scattered everywhere, the house collapsed and the walls collapsed, and the good Tiger Dragon Pie was completely destroyed like this.

Besides, Tong Yan and the three of them, after a careful search, finally found the place where the four old things fell.At this time, the four people had passed out, and the consequences of falling from such a high altitude can be imagined.

Tong Yan stared at the four unconscious old things, then waved the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and rushed at them fiercely.

In less than 5 minutes, none of the four old things was spared, and even their souls were wiped out by Tong Yan.These guys have no kindness in their hearts, and they will not be able to become immortals in the future, and they will definitely harm the world.On the one hand, Tong Yan can be regarded as avenging the group attack that day, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as doing justice for the sky and eliminating harm for the people!

Although one of the tiger, dragon and five immortals escaped, he was expected to come back for revenge, so Tong Yan was not in a hurry to find him.As long as that old thing dares to come back to take revenge, Tong Yan can get rid of him when the time comes, and he will have a complete revenge.

"Little boy, here are a few sword charms of the Five Thieves of the Tiger and Dragon. I don't need them, so keep them for you."

When Tong Yan heard this, he was not polite, and directly reached out to take it.

He tried to inject his true energy to launch a fourth-grade sword talisman, but because of his poor cultivation, the sword talisman didn't respond at all.It seems that it can only be used when the cultivation base is greatly improved in the future.

He looked up at the dark cloud-covered sky, and couldn't help but smiled wryly.In fact, this black cloud is the strongest killer move he specially prepared for the tiger, dragon and five immortals today.At the same time, it is also one of the forbidden techniques of the treacherous door, called Wan Lei Zhan!

Since this method is listed as one of the forbidden techniques of the Sly Sect, it is naturally because of its great power and uncontrollable power.This ultimate move can attract thunder and fire from the sky. Once it is used, the radius of ten miles will be covered by thunder and fire, and there will be no more life.

Speaking of it, it is somewhat similar to the Nine Heavens God Thunder of the Tiger Dragon School, but the Nine Heavens God Thunder is still controllable, but this Ten Thousand Thunder Slash is even more dangerous, with basically zero controllability.And the most important thing is that when using Ten Thousand Lightning Slash, the caster will definitely die, which belongs to the technique of dying with the enemy.It is estimated that it will only be used if it is driven crazy.

But even so, Tong Yan still made preparations early.He was determined to kill the Tiger, Dragon and Five Immortals today, but the current situation is much better than he expected, which can be regarded as a surprise.

Although the lurking in Hulong Mountain was slightly different from the plan, it was still acceptable. It was meaningless to stay here, so the group planned to leave like this.

However, at this moment, there was a thunderclap in the sky, and immediately after that, a golden electric dragon descended from the sky, smashing towards the monster that was destroying the hall.

Seeing this, Tong Yan was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly smiled triumphantly and said, "It's kind of interesting, I didn't expect there to be a surprise! Let's go and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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