
Chapter 406 Descendants of the Yellow Emperor, Phoenix Blood?

Chapter 406 Descendants of the Yellow Emperor, Phoenix Blood?

The old doctor didn't expect Tong Yan to make a sudden attack, and was caught off guard by Tong Yan's neck.

"Say, who the hell are you? How do you know I'm chasing something? What else do you know?"

Tong Yan grabbed the old doctor's neck, and his old face immediately turned purple.

"Okay... good man, spare... spare your life. I said... I said..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan let go of his hand, and immediately slapped the open door shut with a "bang".

After dealing with all this, he sat down on the bed directly, and then said coldly: "Tell me, you'd better not hide anything, otherwise, I will definitely prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow morning!"

The old doctor gasped for breath twice, and then said: "Little brother, I...I really have no ill intentions towards you. I am indeed a doctor here, but...but I am also from the Wu family."

"The Wu family? Is that the family in the forest you mentioned?"

The old doctor nodded and said: "That's right, the old house of my Wu family is located in Xitou Savage Forest of the town. Although there are not many people in the family living in it, we always go back to pay homage to each other during the holidays. Ancestor. Just two hours ago, I received a letter from my family. It said that a ray of essence of a spirit beast was captured in the forest. The Wu family in the town cheer up, if you encounter someone chasing you, stop them directly, and don't let them get close to Zu Lin. I just treated your injury and found that there is true energy flowing in your body, so I expected you Maybe it's because of that thing. That's why...that's why I remind you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "So, you are doing it for my own good? Then do you know that it belongs to me? Why do you keep the Wu family for yourself? No need to say more, hurry up Take me into the Savage Woods. I won't let it go until I get that thing."

Tong Yan was a little angry now, he gritted his teeth and chased all the way here, but was given the first footsteps by some Wu family.How can a mere family snatch what they fancy.If he doesn't take it back, how can he relieve the hatred in his heart.

Seeing that Tong Yan let him lead the way, the old doctor couldn't help but feel troubled.If he really led Tong Yan the way, he would be betraying his family.How could he do such a thing?
But now that Tong Yan was glaring directly at him, he dared not disobey.He faintly felt that the young man in front of him was not simple, maybe he was really a villain who killed people without batting an eyelid.

After thinking for a moment, he finally nodded and said: "Okay, but I can only send you to the woods. The rest is up to you, otherwise, I will not be able to live here in the future. My family The locals will definitely drive me away."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Let's talk about it after we go, if you dare to play tricks with me, I think you should understand what the consequences will be!" At this point, he stood up, and with a stroke of luck Infuriating, he slammed his palm on the hospital bed behind him.

There was only a "crack" sound, and the iron frame of the hospital bed was slapped in half by his palm.

Seeing this, the old doctor swallowed dryly unconsciously.

Under the guidance of the old doctor, Tong Yan followed him to a forest at the west end of the town within half an hour.

As soon as he arrived here, Tong Yan noticed something strange.It is now afternoon and the weather is fine.But it's really weird that the woods are full of black air.

The old doctor pointed to the forest in front of him, and then said, "This is the Savage Forest. Our family's old house is at the deepest part of the forest."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said, "Then why are you still standing there? Take me in!"

The old doctor let out a soft sigh, and immediately raised his legs and stepped into the forest.

Tong Yan was worried that the black air in the forest was poisonous, so he unconsciously held his breath.With his current cultivation base, it is completely fine to hold his breath for half an hour.I believe that half an hour is enough for him to find the black flood dragon that chased here.

The old doctor walked in front, and Tong Yan followed behind. The pace of the two could not be considered slow, but they were not fast either.Tong Yan didn't rush the old doctor away, because walking slowly made it easier for him to guard against unexpected hidden weapons or traps.

The further one walked, the thicker the black air in the woods became, and as a result, the visibility became lower and lower.

The old doctor walked a few more steps, and then asked inexplicably: "Little brother, don't you feel any physical discomfort?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine!"

Hearing this, the old doctor let out a sigh, and then asked again: "I don't know your name, little brother? Where are you from?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was about to say that his name was Tong Yan, but at this moment, he suddenly realized something.

"Tong Yan" is just his pseudonym, his real name is "Wu Ji".That's right, his surname is also Wu!
Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, then said, "My surname is Wu, and I'm from the north."

Hearing this, the old doctor couldn't help trembling all over his body, then turned around and said in shock: "Little brother, is your surname really Wu? The black gas in this forest is poisonous gas, and non-members of my clan are not allowed to enter. You have been here until now." It's okay, is it possible that you are of the same clan as us?"

Wu's surname is a common surname, and it ranks among the top ten among hundreds of surnames.The old doctor said Tong Yan was of the same clan as him, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?
But Tong Yan didn't say it directly, until now he was holding his breath.Whether he can really not be afraid of the poisonous gas in the forest, he himself has no idea.But he can't afford to try, only a fool would do it.

He thought for a while, then shook his head and smiled: "Impossible. Although I belong to the Wu family, there are too many people with the surname Wu in the world. As for me not being poisoned, it may be because of my deep cultivation or my good physique." reason."

Hearing this, the old doctor quickly explained: "Impossible, if you are not from my own clan, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will still be poisoned if you inhale the poisonous gas here. However, your complexion has not changed now, and your surname is Wu, so what? It’s not good, you are really from our same clan.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan pretended to be surprised and said, "Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Of course I didn't lie to you, little brother, if you are really a member of our clan, it's fine if I take you to see the patriarch, after all, you are recognizing your ancestors."

The spirit essence of the spirit beast has already fallen into the hands of the Wu family. It seems that we really have to meet the mysterious head of the Wu family.

Tong Yan thought of this, and immediately said: "Okay, then you can take me there. But do you really think that I am of the same clan as you?"

The old doctor laughed and said, "Don't worry, it can't be wrong! The Wu family here is the descendant of the Yellow Emperor, and our blood can't be wrong. When you meet the patriarch, just try it with Phoenix blood, and you'll know everything. "

Phoenix blood?This Wu family actually has Phoenix blood?Tong Yan is really looking forward to seeing this mysterious Wu family more and more.What will he encounter here?

(End of this chapter)

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