
Chapter 407 Wu family territory, trespassers die!

Chapter 407 Wu family territory, trespassers die!

The surname Wu originated from Chi You and the surname Jiang has a history of more than 5000 years. The second origin of the surname Wu comes from the Wuhui clan of Zhu Rong, which has a history of more than 4000 years. The third origin of the surname Wu is from the surname Yao. It has a history of more than 3000 years, and the fourth origin of the Wu surname comes from the Huangdi Ji surname, which has a history of more than 600 years.

The old doctor said that their Wu family was descended from the Yellow Emperor, so they must have come from the surname Ji.According to legend, at the end of the Shang Dynasty, Gugong Danfu, a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, led the tribe to settle down in Zhouyuan (now Qishan, Shaanxi) under Qishan Mountain.He has three sons: Tai Bo (also known as Tai Bo), Zhong Yong and Ji Li. Ji Li's son Ji Chang is very talented.In order to abdicate, Taibo and Zhong Yong took their family members far away to the southern Wuyue area and established the Wu Kingdom.

In the late Spring and Autumn Period, the state of Wu rose and was later destroyed by the state of Yue. The survivors of the state of Wu took the state as their surname.This Wu surname has a history of more than 600 years.Taibo had no sons. After his death, his younger brother Zhong Yong succeeded him as Wu Jun.After Zhong Yong took over as the monarch, he continued to develop the foundation laid by the Taibo.In the development history of the Wu surname, Zhongyong's status is second only to Taibo.Zhongyong passed down three generations to Zhouzhang.Zhou Zhang was named Zhou Zhang because he did not forget that he was a descendant of the Zhou people.When Zhou Zhang succeeded to the throne, King Wu of Zhou had destroyed the Shang Dynasty and established the Zhou Dynasty.King Wu of Zhou sealed off the feudal lords of the world and sent people to search for the descendants of Tai Bo and Zhong Yong.Since Zhou Zhang has become the king of Wu, Zhou Zhang was formally granted the title of Wu Guojun according to the place. Zhou Zhang's younger brother Zhong was sealed in Yu near Zhouyuan (in today's Pinglu, Shanxi Province) and established the State of Yu. Zhong was called Yu Zhong. .King Wu of Zhou named Tai Bo Uncle Wu.Taibo was called the ancestor of the Kai family by later generations of people surnamed Wu.Zhongyong, known as the ancestor of the Wu surname passed on from generation to generation.

According to this statement, the surname Wu is derived from the surname Ji.The Zhou Wen Wang Ji Chang and Zhou Wu Wang Ji Fa both surnamed Ji have various legends about the phoenix.The most widely circulated one was during the period of King Wen of Zhou. In the Fengxiang and Qishan areas of Shaanxi, there was a legend that "phoenixes gathered in Qishan and flew over Yong". Since then, the Zhou Dynasty has flourished.

Judging from these, it is not impossible for the Wu family to have Phoenix blood.If there is such a inheritance, this mysterious Wu family is probably not trivial.It's really not a small risk for Tong Yan to enter like this.

Tong Yan looked at the old doctor, then smiled slightly and said: "If it is true as you said, then I will really see and see today. If I can recognize my ancestors here, wouldn't it be a blessing? "

Hearing this, the old doctor laughed and said: "Yes, if you are really our Wu family, then all of this is God's will, and God asked you to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan. Let's go, it's getting late. Wait It will be dark in a while, and if you want to enter the old house at that time, I'm afraid it will take a little more work."

Tong Yan nodded, and then said with a little apology: "Old man, I'm really sorry that I attacked you before. Please forgive me!"

The old doctor laughed and said: "What is there to forgive? As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty! You don't have to worry too much, I have forgotten what happened just now. Haha..."

Tong Yan heard this, smiled and said nothing.

He actually has no idea in his heart now, his surname is Wu is absolutely true, but whether he belongs to the same line as the Wu family here, he is not sure.

If he wasn't in the same line as the Wu family here, it would be fine, and he wouldn't have many worries when we meet again. If it doesn't work, he will directly grab back the essence of the spirit beast.

I'm afraid that they are really of the same vein, how can he draw his sword against people of the same vein, and how can he fight fiercely?

Tong Yan doesn't have any ideas in mind now, so let's take it one step at a time.

After the old doctor learned that Tong Yan's surname was also Wu, his affection for him obviously increased greatly.I didn't care about him at first, but now it's better to remind him everywhere.

"Young man, don't wander around. There is not only poisonous gas in this forest, but also many traps. Just follow where I walk, so that you can avoid those deadly traps."

"Young man, don't touch the leaves on this tree. There are tiny spikes on the leaves. If you scratch the skin, your body will fester."


Tong Yan listened quietly, really dumbfounded.In this way, under the care of the old doctor all the way, Tong Yan and the others finally passed through the black air and came to a straight stone road.

There are many plane trees planted on both sides of the stone road. There is a saying that planting plane trees attracts phoenixes.It seems that the Wu family and Fenghuang really have a lot of connections.

At the very front of the stone road stood a stone tablet full of vicissitudes. Two lines of large characters were engraved on the stone tablet. Although it was carved in seal script, Tong Yan still recognized it. "Non-family members are not allowed to enter, and outsiders who trespass will die!"

Tong Yan stared at it, and couldn't help but smile wryly.What age is this, and they still do this.However, this also highlights the mystery of the Wu family.

Seeing Tong Yan looking at the stele, the old doctor immediately smiled and said, "This stele has always been standing here. In fact, there are not many people who can see the stele, because it is very difficult for outsiders to get here without the guidance of their own people. That's fine, It's getting late, let's go to the old house quickly."

Tong Yan nodded, and then walked along the stone road side by side with the old doctor.

As he was walking, a golden light suddenly shot in front of him.Tong Yan looked up, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Jin Guang's speed was extremely fast, and he came to Tong Yan in the blink of an eye.

He stretched his hand forward, and the golden light immediately circled around his wrist, and then turned into a golden bracelet.

This golden light is not a bystander, it is the black flood dragon that Tong Yan released before to chase after the spirit beast's essence.In fact, without the old doctor's guidance, Tong Yan could have come here according to his induction ability with Hei Jiaolong.

However, it will not be as smooth as it is now. I guess even if we get here, we will have to go through the traps in the forest.

The old doctor stared at the golden bracelet on Tong Yan's wrist, and said in surprise, "Young man, your bracelet is precious. But why didn't I see it before?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I'll let it track down the essence of the spirit beast first. Now that I'm here, it will naturally come back to find me. It seems that the essence of the spirit beast has indeed been obtained by your people." .. but I don't know if they'll return it to me."

Hearing this, the old doctor laughed and said, "If you are really a member of our clan, everything is easy to discuss. But if you are not, then it is another matter. But, there is no absolute thing. Maybe the ancestors showed mercy, and they will The essence of the spirit beast has been returned to you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "I hope so!"

The old doctor hummed lightly, and continued to walk forward with Tong Yan.

However, what Tong Yan didn't expect was that after entering the old house of the Wu family, something incredible happened.what is it then?

(End of this chapter)

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