
Chapter 408 Enter the underground and eat you!

Chapter 408 Enter the underground and eat you!
Walking along the stone road, I didn't expect the terrain to become lower and lower. Not only that, but also tall stone figurines appeared on both sides of the road. These stone figurines stood with swords in their hands and smiled Non-smile, giving people a very weird feeling.

Looking at the armor carved on these stone figurines, I am afraid that they are not short in age, perhaps in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

According to this point, the Wu family's old house may have a history of more than 2000 years.

The more profound the family background, the more amazing the inheritance, and the Wu family is becoming more and more unpredictable.

Continue to walk forward, and there is a deserted village in front of you.Leaves fell all over the village, houses collapsed, and it didn't look like there were still people living there.The size of the village is small, with no more than twenty or thirty houses, which is a bit inconsistent with a big family that has been passed down for more than 2000 years.

Tong Yan stared at it for a while, and finally set his sights on the only old house in the village that did not collapse.

This old house is not like an ordinary house for people to live in. The door is made of stone and is tightly closed.There are also two stone sculptures of unknown beasts at the door of the house.The stone sculpture looks a bit like a lioness, but also a bit like a tiger. What is even more surprising is that the two stone sculptures only have two feet, and the lower body is a bit like a snake's tail, but it is very thick and short, hanging like that. on the ground.

Tong Yan has never seen such a strange beast before, and it is estimated that it is a divine beast imagined by the Wu family himself, and is used to guard the gate here.

The old doctor was walking towards the only house that didn't collapse at the moment, completely ignoring the astonishment in Tong Yan's eyes.

When he reached the door of the house, he stopped, then turned to Tong Yan and said: "This is the entrance of the old house, you wait for me here first, and I will inform you first. Otherwise, the old man The ancestors and patriarchs will definitely blame me."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, then there will be Lao Lao."

The old doctor smiled slightly, then turned around and pushed open the stone door of the room, and walked in directly with his legs raised.

Tong Yan originally wanted to see what was in this room, but he didn't expect that, after looking at it, he saw a big and fierce face.

After taking a closer look, he suddenly realized that emotion is a huge stone statue behind this door.What is carved in the stone statue is a huge head with a pair of horns resembling bull horns growing on the head, and its face is more terrifying than the evil spirits in hell.

The old doctor bypassed the stone statue and disappeared without a trace, and the stone door closed automatically.

This Wu family is full of weirdness everywhere, and Tong Yan's heart feels a little creepy unconsciously.Now he even has the idea of ​​leaving here directly, because he doesn't know whether he can handle what he will encounter next.

But they have already arrived here, it would be a bit cowardly to leave like this.No matter what, he must meet the patriarch of the Wu family.Wait, the old doctor said just now that he was worried that the patriarch and the ancestors would blame him. Could it be that the patriarch and the ancestors he was talking about were not the same person?
Could this ancestor be an old monster who lived for more than 2000 years?

Tong Yan continued to think wildly, and he didn't know why so many weird thoughts popped up in his mind.

As time passed, more and more thoughts came to his mind.

This room is not big, and there is such a huge stone head statue inside, could it be... Could it be that the old house of the Wu family is not above the ground, but under the ground?

Tong Yan looked around again, and combined with the stone figurines he had seen before.A bolder idea appeared in his mind.

The Wu family may all live in the ancient tombs. Those stone figurines are usually seen at the door or inside the large ancient tombs. Not only that, the terrain here is very low, and the houses collapsed seriously. It cannot be blown by the wind. As a result, it was more like the house above was shattered due to the vibration of the ground.

If this is the case, then the two stone beasts in front of the old house and the huge head stone statue in this house are likely to be tomb-suppressing beasts.But then again, why would an extremely large family live in an ancient tomb?

Maybe he guessed wrong, this place should be just an underground palace.But whether it is an underground palace or an ancient tomb, I am afraid that we can only know after going in and looking at it.

Just as he was thinking wildly for a while, the old doctor had reopened the stone door and poked his head out from the inside.With a smile on his face, he couldn't wait to say: "Young man, the patriarch agrees to see you. Come, come in with me!"

I don't know why, seeing the old doctor's smile now, Tong Yan always feels a little sneer.Maybe it was his own illusion, he comforted himself like this.

"Okay, thank you, old man!"

As he spoke, he raised his legs and stepped forward, directly walking in through the half-opened stone door.

As soon as he entered the old house, Tong Yan felt uncomfortable, a little chilly and a little stuffy.In short, it is uncomfortable.

He followed the old doctor around to the back of the stone head statue, only to find that there was a smaller stone door at the back of the head of the stone statue.Although the light here is very weak, Tong Yan has already opened his spiritual eyes and can still see clearly.

On the stone gate are engraved Fuxi's gossip diagrams, and simple four-image pictures are specially carved in the four directions.Don't underestimate the picture on the stone gate, it's a sealing formation!
I'm afraid this old house of the Wu family is easy to get in and difficult to get out, Tong Yan frowned deeply when he saw this.

The old doctor pressed Shimen with one hand, squeezed a very strange formula with the other hand, and then slammed on the back of the hand holding Shimen.

With his slap, there was a "chuckle" friction sound on the stone door, and then it opened slowly.

Sure enough, as Tong Yan had speculated, there was a downward step behind the stone gate, and the mysterious Wu family really lived underground.

This time the old doctor did not continue to lead the way, but stepped aside and said: "Young man, you go ahead. I have to close the door."

Hearing this, Tong Yan made a soft sound, and immediately walked in without any scruples.At this point, he didn't want to think about anything else.How can you catch tiger cubs if you don't enter the tiger's lair? Even if the Wu family's old house is the Nine Nether Hell, he will have to break through it today.

He walked down the steps a few steps, and there was a "bang" sound of the stone door closing behind him.

Taking a deep breath, instead of slowing down, Tong Yan sped up his pace.The stone gates are all closed, and there is no possibility of turning back now, so I might as well meet the mysterious head of the Wu family earlier.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he accelerated, his feet suddenly became empty, and then he fell down uncontrollably.

At the same time, a slightly familiar voice sounded in his mind, "I seem to smell the smell of a living person, let me eat you! Chatter..."

(End of this chapter)

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